Bring back Master of Swimming, water should slow you down A LOT in normal situation.
It's a magic world so let's not make it painful as it would be for real but
* Speed record in water (8.88km/h = 50m in 20.26s) is roughly a quarter of the speed of speed record field sprinting (37.58 km/h = 100m in 9.58s).
* DAoC is full of superhuman able to swim with armors and shit, let's double it so water doesn't hinder to 75% but only to 50% hindering.
* Some swim faster than others, bring back the RA so MoS diminishes the hindering even more
Default: water 50% hindering
MoSw I [cost 1] -10% (water 40% hindering),
MoSw II [cost 1] -20% (water 30% hindering)
MoSw III [cost 2] -30% (water 20% hindering)
In the end, water, this way would still slow everyone by 20% minimum if MoSw III but going to MoSw III would only cost 4 points.
Now, it would be an opportunity to introduce a new skill to give to a class which had less appeal per realm: the mermaid song I, II, III, IV removing respectively 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% from the water hindering.
I would give that to classes which cannot climb walls, are not stealthers and don't already have neither the best speed nor the average one.
Maybe give a bit of appeal to the warden of hibernia, to the paladin of albion and to the warrior of midgard?
As always, phrase your opinion like a grown-up, argument both in favor or against without yelling at each other or calling you names, you are not 8 years olds afaik.
It's a magic world so let's not make it painful as it would be for real but
* Speed record in water (8.88km/h = 50m in 20.26s) is roughly a quarter of the speed of speed record field sprinting (37.58 km/h = 100m in 9.58s).
* DAoC is full of superhuman able to swim with armors and shit, let's double it so water doesn't hinder to 75% but only to 50% hindering.
* Some swim faster than others, bring back the RA so MoS diminishes the hindering even more
Default: water 50% hindering
MoSw I [cost 1] -10% (water 40% hindering),
MoSw II [cost 1] -20% (water 30% hindering)
MoSw III [cost 2] -30% (water 20% hindering)
In the end, water, this way would still slow everyone by 20% minimum if MoSw III but going to MoSw III would only cost 4 points.
Now, it would be an opportunity to introduce a new skill to give to a class which had less appeal per realm: the mermaid song I, II, III, IV removing respectively 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% from the water hindering.
I would give that to classes which cannot climb walls, are not stealthers and don't already have neither the best speed nor the average one.
Maybe give a bit of appeal to the warden of hibernia, to the paladin of albion and to the warrior of midgard?
As always, phrase your opinion like a grown-up, argument both in favor or against without yelling at each other or calling you names, you are not 8 years olds afaik.