As so often in my DAoC life I came online with my character and wanted to do some RvR. Since I favor the Savage as a main character for years, I have logged this on Phoenix. I was aware from the start that this class on Phoenix is not playable solo, for various reasons such as: no speed, no Hastenerpots or horses. Nevertheless, I went off and was killed every run of duos and groups without a chance to have a chance. Since I do not want to play a SB or Skald now, I can not do a solo RvR. Since I just want to concentrate on one class to increase the RR. As you know, not everything was good at Classic times, so Broadsword did the right thing and implemented horses. Thus, EVERY CLASS IN THE GAME has the opportunity to solo in the RvR without being able to be killed immediately on sight. For my part, the following now remains: I am forced to play a class I do not want to play because I want to stay at the Savage OR to play another game as long as my friends are not online. Unfortunately, there are only these options. Each solo player will be limited to the classes (Skald, SB, Hunter, Infi, Scout, Minstrel, Ranger, Nightshade). I have been playing since 2002 and the best thing that could happen to solo players was horses that can run away from a majority. Now I'm just waiting for the comments of the 8 players, Zerg players and Smallys to hate the horses because you can not run the solos any more, because there is no other reason not to install the horses