Unless some unforeseen issues arise, the instance will be opened for testing later today on Saturday. While in this testing phase the bosses will not give credit / feather but the completion counts as normal. We expect the testing phase to complete either today or tomorrow.
We will announce ingame when it opens, you will have access to it via the instance teleporter, same quest requirements as darkspire. It's possible that we will ask a group or two to test it even before that / while not accessible via the teleporter.
Please note that this is the first actual test of the instance, so far all mobs have only been tested for plausibility without really doing a full kill to adjust the time to kill, that as well as the ability strength is what will be adjusted during the test, depending on feedback some mobs may also have to be reworked ability wise.
It's also likely that we will encounter an issue or two that might require code changes and hence a restart.
As soon as the new instance opens, even for testing, these changes apply and will remain permanently while inside any instance:
- pets receive 5x more melee damage from mobs
- immunity ignoring stuns (e.g. amber, air pets, sm pet, druid pet) have no effect against raid trash mobs
- theurgists have a pet cap of 3
- animinsts have a fnf pet cap of 3
- the range of all spawn spells and the radius to count players will be at least 3000
A day or two later darkspire will get a "version increase", the leader board will only show timings of the current version.
New Mechanic: Taunting
The instance uses some mechanics that need predictable tank switching. For now we chose to implement this by literally using the /taunt command, it works on all instance mobs that show <Tauntable> under their name. Using /taunt on such a mob instantly sets you at the top of the aggro list and makes the mob attack you.
New Instance: Map
Here is an overview where to find the bosses.
We will announce ingame when it opens, you will have access to it via the instance teleporter, same quest requirements as darkspire. It's possible that we will ask a group or two to test it even before that / while not accessible via the teleporter.
Please note that this is the first actual test of the instance, so far all mobs have only been tested for plausibility without really doing a full kill to adjust the time to kill, that as well as the ability strength is what will be adjusted during the test, depending on feedback some mobs may also have to be reworked ability wise.
It's also likely that we will encounter an issue or two that might require code changes and hence a restart.
As soon as the new instance opens, even for testing, these changes apply and will remain permanently while inside any instance:
- pets receive 5x more melee damage from mobs
- immunity ignoring stuns (e.g. amber, air pets, sm pet, druid pet) have no effect against raid trash mobs
- theurgists have a pet cap of 3
- animinsts have a fnf pet cap of 3
- the range of all spawn spells and the radius to count players will be at least 3000
A day or two later darkspire will get a "version increase", the leader board will only show timings of the current version.
New Mechanic: Taunting
The instance uses some mechanics that need predictable tank switching. For now we chose to implement this by literally using the /taunt command, it works on all instance mobs that show <Tauntable> under their name. Using /taunt on such a mob instantly sets you at the top of the aggro list and makes the mob attack you.
New Instance: Map
Here is an overview where to find the bosses.