So had a thought on how to promote people playing and RvRing without waiting around for a full optimal 8man setup and that is to give a RP bonus that's directly opposite the exp bonus you currently have set in game. It's simple a solo player who kills someone would gain the most RPs possible with say a 40% increase as a bonus for each player added 5% is subtracted. Duo 35%, trio 30%, 4 man 25%, 5-20%, 6-15%, 7-10% and an 8man runs as RPs currently are. Biggest thing that other Freeshards and even live suffers from is that this is an aging game with a population that follows. Most of us have families and kids and can't dedicate hours to competitively 8man nightly and because of that ZERG warefare happens which is not a bad thing. But if you don't have time to 8man and there is no zerg at 10pm PST what do you do? There really is a community of people who LOVE to solo/small man or run minimal groups with close friends, give an incentive to do so. It's won't take away from anything and if anything will add to the RP pool that is out and about on a nightly basis. Go look through any freeshard forum and you will see the "I quit because I never RvRed due to lacking optimal classes" "We just sat around waiting for people to fill a group" etc.. RP bonus could be the kick in the pants that people need to attempt to RvR on their own terms....