Put portal pad timer back in!

Started 28 Feb 2019
by Raunz
in Suggestions
Server population is just way too big for instant port, we need timer again to port enemy frontier.

Maybe people would actually not suicide in task zones then.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 9:35 AM by Sepplord
are you the new defias, just with less effort?

reasons would be a good start if you actually want to have a discussion, instead of just ranting
Thu 28 Feb 2019 12:53 PM by Luluko
absolutly not then I quit
Thu 28 Feb 2019 1:22 PM by dante`afk
I agree, port timer should be there.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 1:27 PM by Bradekes
Are they supposed to add portal pads at ever TP location? How does this even make sense. They also have stated they will not put teleport ceremony on their servers, pretty much a flat no from the Devs which I agree with.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 5:42 PM by Ardri
Raunz wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:33 AM
Server population is just way too big for instant port, we need timer again to port enemy frontier.

Maybe people would actually not suicide in task zones then.

Server population is very good for instant port, we do not need timer to port to enemy frontier.

Very low effort response, just like your posts.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 5:48 PM by defiasbandit
Sepplord wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 9:35 AM
are you the new defias, just with less effort?

reasons would be a good start if you actually want to have a discussion, instead of just ranting

Highest praise I have ever received.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 5:49 PM by defiasbandit
Well you could change the teleporting from flags to keeps your realm owns in the task frontier. You could put a timer on teleporting to those keeps. I prefer no timer.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 6:00 PM by Isavyr
There are three frontier zones with each realm--three to have action spread out within. Having people instantly teleport to the very last zone is hardly a concern. It would help if you would explain why its an issue for you, because likely there are many other solutions you hadn't considered.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 7:14 PM by chryso
Isavyr wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 6:00 PM
There are three frontier zones with each realm--three to have action spread out within. Having people instantly teleport to the very last zone is hardly a concern. It would help if you would explain why its an issue for you, because likely there are many other solutions you hadn't considered.

Thu 28 Feb 2019 7:48 PM by joshisanonymous
I think the fact that they temporarily implemented a 3 minute timer for leaving the PK after dying is an indication that even the devs think that people might be getting back into the action maybe a little too quickly. Personally, I found the timer really annoying, but mostly because you had to run off the PK to figure out how much longer you had. A better solution might have been to implement the portal ceremony but on a short timer, like 5 minutes. Unless you have really bad timing, you'll basically never have to wait the 5 minutes to get back into the action, which isn't very long anyway, and you'll often be waiting less than the 3 minutes that they tried to implement before. A 15 minute portal ceremony is very long, but something like 5 minutes should seem like no more than a speed bump that makes dying a bit more meaningful. I mean, sometimes you kill someone/die to someone and you're literally fighting each other again 1 minute later. That's the sort of thing GW2 did for WvW and it led to situations where you could achieve map objectives better by not killing your enemies sometimes. DAoC isn't quite the same because you're more often looking for RPs, but still...
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:00 PM by Isavyr
joshisanonymous wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 7:48 PM
I think the fact that they temporarily implemented a 3 minute timer for leaving the PK after dying is an indication that even the devs think that people might be getting back into the action maybe a little too quickly.

The devs were very specific about this--they didn't like that people were just throwing themselves against another force in order to defeat a relic force. This timer is ONLY in effect when relics are in transit.

So, no, it, has nothing to do with general RvR, which is what this thread is supposedly about--but who knows, maybe the OP was just trolling.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:06 PM by joshisanonymous
Isavyr wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:00 PM
joshisanonymous wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 7:48 PM
I think the fact that they temporarily implemented a 3 minute timer for leaving the PK after dying is an indication that even the devs think that people might be getting back into the action maybe a little too quickly.

The devs were very specific about this--they didn't like that people were just throwing themselves against another force in order to defeat a relic force. This timer is ONLY in effect when relics are in transit.

So, no, it, has nothing to do with general RvR, which is what this thread is supposedly about--but who knows, maybe the OP was just trolling.

Good to know. That doesn't negate the rest of my argument, though.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:18 PM by Isavyr
joshisanonymous wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:06 PM
Good to know. That doesn't negate the rest of my argument, though.

Nobody has explained why this is a problem, so it's useless to talk about solutions. Outline a problem first.

The only thing mentioned was that you may fight the same enemy over and over--yeah, if they're camping their PK, which isn't supposed to be a defensible position for the attacker, so what the hell is the problem? DAOC already has huge territories that naturally disadvantage attackers as they get farther from their portal keep, as they cannot resupply men as quickly. The system already works.

How does putting a timer, and denying people their fun, serve a purpose?
Thu 28 Feb 2019 10:57 PM by joshisanonymous
Isavyr wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:18 PM
Nobody has explained why this is a problem, so it's useless to talk about solutions. Outline a problem first.

The only thing mentioned was that you may fight the same enemy over and over--yeah, if they're camping their PK, which isn't supposed to be a defensible position for the attacker, so what the hell is the problem? DAOC already has huge territories that naturally disadvantage attackers as they get farther from their portal keep, as they cannot resupply men as quickly. The system already works.

How does putting a timer, and denying people their fun, serve a purpose?

You again left out part of my argument where I had an example of another game that allowed people to get instantly back into the action and it led to people just ignoring enemies at times.

But on a very basic level, and speaking just for myself, PvP is fun for a short bit when there's no risk involved, and when you get back into the action instantly, then there's no risk involved. This is really a question of where to set the risk level. I understand why they've made it so easy to quickly get back into the action, especially in light of what happened with Uthgard where they were dead set on making it really difficult to get back into the action (i.e., had a really high risk level). This is why I suggested something more akin to a speed bump than an all-out implementation of 1.65-style teleport ceremonies. I mean, if slowing people down to any degree whatsoever (because remember, I'm talking about 2.5 minutes on average) can really be boiled down to nothing more than "denying people their fun," then why have a 3 minute timer during relic raids even? Why does it take me over a minute to cast my pets and wait for my power to regenerate? Why don't we have i50? Why isn't this a FPS? RPGs are pretty much built on the idea that things-taking-time = feelings-of-immersion-and-accomplishment.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 11:24 PM by Isavyr
joshisanonymous wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 10:57 PM
I mean, if slowing people down to any degree whatsoever (because remember, I'm talking about 2.5 minutes on average) can really be boiled down to nothing more than "denying people their fun," then why have a 3 minute timer during relic raids even? Why does it take me over a minute to cast my pets and wait for my power to regenerate? Why don't we have i50? Why isn't this a FPS? RPGs are pretty much built on the idea that things-taking-time = feelings-of-immersion-and-accomplishment.

I didn't intentionally leave out anything; I tried to reduce your argument to its basic ideas.

I'm not sure this discussion will really go anywhere if you're convinced that you need to sit idle in order to feel accomplished about your character, or your time--or maybe you're just being hyperbolic, in which case the result is the same; the conversation isn't going anywhere. I'll just point out that most games don't do this, as players object to it strongly. If you don't see the problem with it, then maybe you can trust the evidence--the fact that many companies don't do it.

GW2, WoW, battlefield, overwatch.. every popular game allows you to respawn readily at your home base, and the distance to the goal is what needs tuning and adjusting throughout the match in order to balance the gameplay--no game makes you wait minutes to play. And why should they? You can have both--instantly play in the PvP environment, and still balanced in terms of claiming/capturing objectives.
Fri 1 Mar 2019 12:42 AM by cuuchulain79
Isavyr wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:18 PM
How does putting a timer, and denying people their fun, serve a purpose?

I would argue that not having a timer denies players fun. Seriously, it's fun to get a kill in RvR and know that your enemy has to deal with a certain amount of consequences. I think the original 15 minute portal ceremony, along with binding a 2 minute horse ride away, was pretty severe; but I think Uthgards 3 minute ceremony is about right.

As much as I think timed portals have a place in "regular" rvr...I think Phoenix has done a great job coming up with their own take on what DAoC can be...and along side the large scale chaotic fights...I find the insta ports fitting. I think they go right along with the general mojo of easy leveling, and easy to find RvR action. It still feels weird in some ways to have no penalty or inconvenience at all to dying...but I think Phoenix would feel even weirder with a timed porter...
Fri 1 Mar 2019 5:46 AM by Raunz
None else feel like they playing daoc themed Call of Duty with the concentrated action and insta port back to action?
Fri 1 Mar 2019 7:27 AM by jhaerik
Same I'd just quit.

Mostly people that RvR would other than 8 mans.
Thu 7 Mar 2019 7:30 PM by joshisanonymous
Isavyr wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 11:24 PM
I didn't intentionally leave out anything; I tried to reduce your argument to its basic ideas.

I'm not sure this discussion will really go anywhere if you're convinced that you need to sit idle in order to feel accomplished about your character, or your time--or maybe you're just being hyperbolic, in which case the result is the same; the conversation isn't going anywhere. I'll just point out that most games don't do this, as players object to it strongly. If you don't see the problem with it, then maybe you can trust the evidence--the fact that many companies don't do it.

GW2, WoW, battlefield, overwatch.. every popular game allows you to respawn readily at your home base, and the distance to the goal is what needs tuning and adjusting throughout the match in order to balance the gameplay--no game makes you wait minutes to play. And why should they? You can have both--instantly play in the PvP environment, and still balanced in terms of claiming/capturing objectives.

Sure you didn't. You just naturally misrepresent people's points every time you post. Totally unintentional. And then you just unintentionally do this passive-aggressive thing where you get the last word by declaring that "the conversation isn't going anywhere" while still trying to add in your two cents as the final word. If that's really all you have to add, then just don't say anything else. It's pretty simple, and you wouldn't end up sounding so condescending.

(I'm well aware that my post here contributes nothing to the conversation, by the way, I just have the feeling that you're gonna get really annoyed with having to choose between getting the last word and appearing petty by responding to a content-less post after you've already declared that the conversation is over.)
Thu 7 Mar 2019 7:33 PM by Caemma
Adding a timesink (portal pads) is a possible solution, but there could be others that wouldn't add more downtime/afktime.
For example finding a way to split the rvr population among all 12 rvr zones (yes there are twelve!), instead of concentrate all on (pretty much) couple zones.
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