Why should they get more CC, they allready got enough CC, the bad thing is they do not use theire potential...
Never saw melee setups of albs, which i think they could be pretty strong (a full tank with DET+Mezz dempening buff should be mighty). Sorc has Mezz dempening (other realms not, unique) Cleric has healproc buff (unique), i dont know why you complain, shure we could talk about the speed issue you need. usualy sorc and ministrel are needet which are 2 great CC classes, with pets, rupts etc .... CC is not only stun, mezz and root/snare CC= means crowed controll which i also count the ability to interrupt, keep targets busy.
I am playing on hib, we often run into the issue to not deliver enough dmg, we usualy run a minimum of 2 druids 1 bard, 1 tank + sometimes a warden and 3 caster -> with the issue 3 caster arent sometimtes enough to fokus enough dmg to kill a target. We did run into a lot of issues, we have CC yes but without the heat debuff + basline DD combination we lack of dmg, we have heal, cc and good resilence but no real dmg throughput. we often win by exhausting the enemy
Most issues on ALB= They ignore the bard which is a key char to hibernia groups. First target for ALB = allways BARD. But there is a myth inside the hibernian realm, we belive that albs need a brainbug to run properly, they often play chaotic. There are only a few core groups that do well.
Sorc also has 400radius on mezz.
As far as i remember Fire-Wizards should be pretty strong, but i dont know why they are not played??? EARTH wizzard, has root and snare + heat debuff+nearsight, combine it with a fire mage = the WOW effect! count sorcerer and ministral for keeping enemy supporter busy and use EARTH Wizzard + 2Firewizzards to assist = imagine the damage of 3-4 bolts when they hit = insta kill on soft targets.
2clecrics,friar, sorc, ministrel, 1 earth wizzard(44 earth 31 fire for decent dmg with baseline fire dd)+ 2 fire wizzards
(also the AOE dmg potential isnt bad) i rembered on live there was a firewizzard that did deal AOE damage as much as a bomb, shure he was high RR. (with debuff my char received criticals of 800dmg+on cap resistance)
i mean dont complain you have 2 classes which can
nearsight, cabalist and earth wizzard
! 2300 range
which counters every other spell, its like a counterspell and 65% means a 1500m mezz only works on close range of around 600-700.
just my thoughts about the issue