Please make all items that can be purchased with Feathers also be purchasable with Bounty Points. Similar to the way the Reskin vendor does this. It would be great if players could gear up in RvR and this would get us one step closer.
Also please consider increasing the amount of Gold that drops in RvR. Templating is expensive, RvR is the end game and it should be self sustaining. I had to buy a house to sell my ROGs, which took all of my money (someone loaned me 500g), and luckily my items sold so I can now afford to AC my gear.
Also please consider increasing the amount of Gold that drops in RvR. Templating is expensive, RvR is the end game and it should be self sustaining. I had to buy a house to sell my ROGs, which took all of my money (someone loaned me 500g), and luckily my items sold so I can now afford to AC my gear.