Hey guys,
im about to hit 50 and since I have no experience with the version of DAoC played on Phoenix, I am curious what a good 50 Spec would be.
Since I focus on RvR I tend to a Mentalism spec, but would this be good for farming/ group play aswell (no PoM)?
Light should be more of a Assist-Train spec and would benefit from good Charming in PvE?
If anyone has suggestions that would be gladly appreciated!
im about to hit 50 and since I have no experience with the version of DAoC played on Phoenix, I am curious what a good 50 Spec would be.
Since I focus on RvR I tend to a Mentalism spec, but would this be good for farming/ group play aswell (no PoM)?
Light should be more of a Assist-Train spec and would benefit from good Charming in PvE?
If anyone has suggestions that would be gladly appreciated!