Plan on playing Hibernia at launch and wondering what people think the best rvr duo is. We were thinking champion+something else but are open to all options whether it be stealth or visi.
Ceen wrote: Bard + any dps will do the trick, in the beginning bard + ench is probably best due to zerginess. If there are proper 2vs2 then bard + champ but I would roll bard + ench.
Its eazy to play, bard + menta might be a bit more fancy but in the end its debuff nuke dead while menta is still trying to get a kill ^^ KISS principle
With ench speed you will get zerged over and over and over again.
Patron wrote: ↑Fri 11 Jan 2019 6:44 PMNo i don´t
I stay with my words: Ench Menta is best duo in rvr, even bard ench can work too ofc
And btw... fair fights are rare, mostly menta and ench are formidable to add fights or kill lvler
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