With 2 mates, we tried several spec/race for scout :
1. Saracen full bow
- 50 bow, 42 shield, 35 stealth, 20 thrust
Pros : You can OS a caster with bow, dmg are stable.
Cons : When your slam is purged, just pray or run.
2. Briton full weapon (Slash)
- 50 slash, 42 shield, 35 stealth, 20 bow
Pros : Your ennemies are surprised to see you rush them. You really deal dmg, and the slash weapon styles are useful (and nice against leather)
Cons : Bow dmg are low, no rapid fire, but still is dmg dealing before you begin the fight
3. Saracen full weapon (Thrust)
- Same spec than 2. but replace slash with thrust
Pros : As saracen, you have high dex, so best attributes for thrust. Level 50 thrust weapon still has a 9 seconds stun on evade
Cons : You Don't really need that 9 seconds stun as you have slam, and after that, you Don't have the versatile aspect of the slash styles. Also Thrust is not as efficient against leather, or reinforced armor
4. Briton hybrid (the way I went to at the end)
- 35 bow, 42 slam, 41 slash, 36 stealth
Pros : You deal decent dmg with bow, have rapid fire 1, and you deal decent dmg with slash
Cons : Didnt notice a problem with this spec that would make me think the other ones are better.
Have fun at the release!!