With the current class balancing in place, the light tank role is basically set to peel duty. This server gives casters higher armor factor and hitpoints innately which heavily favors pull groups as light tanks have a nerfed version of the charge mechanic. I understand why casters were given this buff as they needed survivability. However, with these changes in place, it puts Midgard at a large disadvantage in the RvR scene as it heavily relies on melee over the other realms specifically light tanks.
I personally feel there are a couple of ways of resolving this issue to create a better balance between the realms. Other suggestions are welcome however the issue stated above does exist and does need to be addressed.
Option 1: Give charge its immunity factor back. This will basically stop light tanks from being rooted/snared out of every encounter almost immediately. Obviously, if such a change was made it would need to be re-evaluated to ensure it is not overpowered and rendering casters useless.
Option 2: Remove the AF and HP buff on casters so that they cant simply be chain healed through 3 light tanks beating on them. This solution may be problematic with the high archer damage now already taking casters out with 2 arrows. I do feel if this was done archer damage would have to be reduced significantly.
Option 3: Dramatically lower root/snare times as well as set an immunity to melee snare so it cant be chained on a target over and over. Alternatively, we could make Determination affect all roots/snares as well as set an immunity timer to said cc.
Before people start flaming this post please hear me out. I love this game as much as everyone else on this server. I am a melee-oriented player that simply cannot play a caster. I do not wish to be overpowered in any shape or form. I would like fair gameplay for all that makes archers, assassins, casters, healers, tanks, and light tanks all viable in RvR. I think that we can all agree when one side or class or archetype has a large advantage people flock to it which causes imbalance especially in a game such as DAOC.
It would be wonderful to see some support on this from the community and the phoenix team as I feel if this issue is left unresolved people who are melee-oriented will simply leave the game or be forced to play a class they don't enjoy just so they can play a game they love.
I personally feel there are a couple of ways of resolving this issue to create a better balance between the realms. Other suggestions are welcome however the issue stated above does exist and does need to be addressed.
Option 1: Give charge its immunity factor back. This will basically stop light tanks from being rooted/snared out of every encounter almost immediately. Obviously, if such a change was made it would need to be re-evaluated to ensure it is not overpowered and rendering casters useless.
Option 2: Remove the AF and HP buff on casters so that they cant simply be chain healed through 3 light tanks beating on them. This solution may be problematic with the high archer damage now already taking casters out with 2 arrows. I do feel if this was done archer damage would have to be reduced significantly.
Option 3: Dramatically lower root/snare times as well as set an immunity to melee snare so it cant be chained on a target over and over. Alternatively, we could make Determination affect all roots/snares as well as set an immunity timer to said cc.
Before people start flaming this post please hear me out. I love this game as much as everyone else on this server. I am a melee-oriented player that simply cannot play a caster. I do not wish to be overpowered in any shape or form. I would like fair gameplay for all that makes archers, assassins, casters, healers, tanks, and light tanks all viable in RvR. I think that we can all agree when one side or class or archetype has a large advantage people flock to it which causes imbalance especially in a game such as DAOC.
It would be wonderful to see some support on this from the community and the phoenix team as I feel if this issue is left unresolved people who are melee-oriented will simply leave the game or be forced to play a class they don't enjoy just so they can play a game they love.