I'm just curious why there are not unlimited skill and realm respecs? Does it actually hurt the game play in some way? There are some classes that you basically have to roll multiple characters for or have a whole stash of respec stones to actually enjoy multiple types of game play. Wizard for instance, ICE being ideal for PvE / helping people level, but useless for RvR, or that is to say, not nearly as fun for most people as Earth. Theurgist wind spec is really fun for running around solo, but doesn't fit the "interrupter" role for 8 mans. Just about all classes could be made more enjoyable I think if we could swap specs on the fly. Hech I would even advocate for some type of /savespec and /loadspec command where you could just instantly spec to whatever you wanted, sort of like.... please don't flame me.... WoW.
Anyhow, I think this might be an interesting thing to vote for, the only downside I can think of is making respec stones useless but people are giving them away anyhow these days.
Anyhow, I think this might be an interesting thing to vote for, the only downside I can think of is making respec stones useless but people are giving them away anyhow these days.