Realm Task: Invasion of a Realm
How it Works:
Why it Works:
Invasion of a Realm is similar to the Flag Domination task in some respects, as well as the original task by the same name.
This new task being suggested will allow for many playstyles to flourish, as well as make RvR more accessible for newer players.
The Task is simple to understand and execute, while offering enough possibilities for all types of players.
How it Works:
- There will only be one realm task.
- The task will be in only one Frontier at a time. It will rotate between each Frontier.
- Holding keeps and towers in the task frontier will award contribution points over time to a realm.
- Killing enemy players in the task frontier will award contribution points to a realm.
- The realm that earns the most contribution points will earn an RP Bonus at the end.
- Holding a keep generates 10 contribution poinst per minute. Towers generate 3 contribution points per minute.
- Guards will be much weaker and spawn less often.
- Capturing keeps and towers does not award contribution points, rather the points are earned over time.
- Have an underpopulation contribution point bonus.
Why it Works:
- Making keeps and towers more easily capturable will allow for smaller groups to retake them.
- You don't earn contribution points by capturing keeps and towers, so zerg/blitzkreig tactics won't be the only strategy.
- Since you have to hold keeps and towers in order to earn contribution points, there will be reason to defend them.
- The RP Bonus will be awarded to the winning realm at the end of the task by earning the most contribution points.
- There will be smaller RP Bonuses distributed to the losing realms.
- There will be 7 Keeps and 20 Towers to fight over, so many groups of all sizes will roam in all directions across the task frontier.
Invasion of a Realm is similar to the Flag Domination task in some respects, as well as the original task by the same name.
This new task being suggested will allow for many playstyles to flourish, as well as make RvR more accessible for newer players.
The Task is simple to understand and execute, while offering enough possibilities for all types of players.