Since computers and servers are much better than back in the days , the excuse-coding should be fixed and made into a real nearest enemy-command.
I mean: when u press the assigned command-key, the client gets the right ( as logic definition is : closest to the own character model )
That makes the game much easier to handle in most pvp and pvm actions and much more reliable and a better game experience in my opinion without needing to guess the right enemy by spamming the command button until the player gets it right...
If u have problems understanding what i mean, feel free to ask me via pm.
Greets Sotor
I mean: when u press the assigned command-key, the client gets the right ( as logic definition is : closest to the own character model )
That makes the game much easier to handle in most pvp and pvm actions and much more reliable and a better game experience in my opinion without needing to guess the right enemy by spamming the command button until the player gets it right...
If u have problems understanding what i mean, feel free to ask me via pm.
Greets Sotor