I need a clarification about how the new HP buff from the most recent patch is actually done.
Is it a flat HP increase for everyone?
Or is it a HP increase by increasing the modifier of con to hp?
If it is the increase of the con to hp modifier, does this only affect the 75 con the necro pet gets from items?
Because if this is this is the case, which seems most likely from the thread about future patches this is a substantial nerf to necros that needs to be addressed.
The reason for this is as follows:
All regular classes have a reasonable small flat amount of base HP, which then gets increased by their base con, their con increase from level ups, their con from items, hits from items and RA's.
The necro pet however starts with a very high flat amount of base HP (on the last level), this is because it only gets the 75 con from items on top of that. So it does not get the base con or the con from level increase like regular classes.
This means that the con to hp modifier for the necro pet only affects 75 con, instead of regular classes where it affects ~180 con, so increasing the modifier grants all other classes a much higher HP boost than the necro gets for his necro pet.
Example (with some incorrect example numbers but it gets the point across):
Before the patch:
Regular class: 600 base HP + (( 60 base con + 45 con from level ups + 75 con from items ) * hp to con modifier of 3 )) = 600+((180)*3) = 1140 Hitpoints.
Necromancer: 1000 base HP + ( 75 con from items * hp to con modifier of 3 ) = 1000+(75*3) = 1225 Hitpoints
After the patch:
Regular class: 600 base HP + (( 60 base con + 45 con from level ups + 75 con from items ) * hp to con modifier of 4 )) = 600+((180)*4) = 1320 Hitpoints.
Necromancer: 1000 base HP + ( 75 con from items * hp to con modifier of 4 ) = 1000+(75*4) = 1300 Hitpoints
As you can see in the example the necro would benefit much less from the change due to the circumstances that Mythic back in the days was lazy enough to just give the necro pet a high flat amount of HP to compensate for the non-existent con regular classes get. While this is normally not an issue, the high flat amount of HP it got was basically derived from the con the other classes get and thus balanced. However this balance is in shambles if you just increase the con modifier without considering the necro pet. The necro pet flat amount of HP needs to be adjusted to give it an equal increase as the other classes get.
Basically, if a caster now has 300 HP more, the necro pet also should have 300 HP more and not 150 because of a design flaw from 20 years ago.
Edit: With the latest patch we also got NPC damage increase and while we are at the necro topic I would like to know if that applies to the necro aswell. Furthermore I would like to add that if now all PvE mobs do more damage and all classes got more HP to counterbalance that, with the exception of the necro, this is even more of a nerf to the necro which now affects both RvR and PvE. This needs to be addressed, thanks for reading.
I need a clarification about how the new HP buff from the most recent patch is actually done.
Is it a flat HP increase for everyone?
Or is it a HP increase by increasing the modifier of con to hp?
If it is the increase of the con to hp modifier, does this only affect the 75 con the necro pet gets from items?
Because if this is this is the case, which seems most likely from the thread about future patches this is a substantial nerf to necros that needs to be addressed.
The reason for this is as follows:
All regular classes have a reasonable small flat amount of base HP, which then gets increased by their base con, their con increase from level ups, their con from items, hits from items and RA's.
The necro pet however starts with a very high flat amount of base HP (on the last level), this is because it only gets the 75 con from items on top of that. So it does not get the base con or the con from level increase like regular classes.
This means that the con to hp modifier for the necro pet only affects 75 con, instead of regular classes where it affects ~180 con, so increasing the modifier grants all other classes a much higher HP boost than the necro gets for his necro pet.
Example (with some incorrect example numbers but it gets the point across):
Before the patch:
Regular class: 600 base HP + (( 60 base con + 45 con from level ups + 75 con from items ) * hp to con modifier of 3 )) = 600+((180)*3) = 1140 Hitpoints.
Necromancer: 1000 base HP + ( 75 con from items * hp to con modifier of 3 ) = 1000+(75*3) = 1225 Hitpoints
After the patch:
Regular class: 600 base HP + (( 60 base con + 45 con from level ups + 75 con from items ) * hp to con modifier of 4 )) = 600+((180)*4) = 1320 Hitpoints.
Necromancer: 1000 base HP + ( 75 con from items * hp to con modifier of 4 ) = 1000+(75*4) = 1300 Hitpoints
As you can see in the example the necro would benefit much less from the change due to the circumstances that Mythic back in the days was lazy enough to just give the necro pet a high flat amount of HP to compensate for the non-existent con regular classes get. While this is normally not an issue, the high flat amount of HP it got was basically derived from the con the other classes get and thus balanced. However this balance is in shambles if you just increase the con modifier without considering the necro pet. The necro pet flat amount of HP needs to be adjusted to give it an equal increase as the other classes get.
Basically, if a caster now has 300 HP more, the necro pet also should have 300 HP more and not 150 because of a design flaw from 20 years ago.
Edit: With the latest patch we also got NPC damage increase and while we are at the necro topic I would like to know if that applies to the necro aswell. Furthermore I would like to add that if now all PvE mobs do more damage and all classes got more HP to counterbalance that, with the exception of the necro, this is even more of a nerf to the necro which now affects both RvR and PvE. This needs to be addressed, thanks for reading.