Don't enable craft times.

Started 13 Aug 2018
by schreon
in Suggestions
Just keep it as it is and don't implement any of

Crafting in DAoC just is not fun. It is a very stupid grind and just a waste of time.

Please, just leave it as it is right now.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 9:41 AM by cage
Yes, just a feature to get bored - bad decision.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 10:05 AM by Druth
With /craftque in play, I don't mind.

Many things are boring in DaoC, and Phoenix has done a lot to remove the most annoying. Craft time was only annoying to me because it was to long for me to get it done fast, but also to short for me to go do other housework stuff or check out forums.

With craftque a 100 sec timer would be 20x100 sec = half hour which I could spend doing other stuff.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 10:16 AM by cage
As you said, there are enough other boring necessaries. Dont need a feature to get me away from playing.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 10:22 AM by schreon
Druth wrote:
Mon 13 Aug 2018 10:05 AM
With /craftque in play, I don't mind.

Many things are boring in DaoC, and Phoenix has done a lot to remove the most annoying. Craft time was only annoying to me because it was to long for me to get it done fast, but also to short for me to go do other housework stuff or check out forums.

With craftque a 100 sec timer would be 20x100 sec = half hour which I could spend doing other stuff.

This is true. It does not make much of a difference for people who are home a lot and can do other stuff meanwhile.

But what is the point in that? I already invested time in gathering enough platins to craft. While farming platins I can be active and I can have fun: there are lots of ways farming platins, I can choose one that is fun to me.

Who gains what by adding thousands of progress bars which run through automatically and need a materials refill every X minutes/hours ? Who is entertained by that? For many people this means: either do some fun stuff with your friends, or watch netflix while standing next to the forge/alchemy table ...

In my opinion this just punishes people who can't afford the time running a PC with DAoC alongside.

Do you really want us to get up in the morning, turn on the craftqeueue, type in shutdown -s -t 7200 in the windows shell, before work, every morning for several weeks?

Come on.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 12:44 PM by Bigga
PLEASE LET THE CRAFT HOW IT IS !!! This is the most annoying thing in daoc ....... please let us the timers like they are .... so ppl can be faster rdy for RvR .... and thats the goal !
Mon 13 Aug 2018 1:36 PM by schreon
I just had another thought:

If stretching the PvE content is the goal, please rather make crafting materials more expensive instead of increasing crafting time.

This would have the same effect: it takes longer to achieve LGM. The difference is that I don't need to run my PC semi-afk. I would be able to farm items for selling in whatever way I like. I can do this together with others, solo, at my special secret farming spot, even in RvR (given enough time).
Mon 13 Aug 2018 3:03 PM by Druth
schreon wrote:
Mon 13 Aug 2018 10:22 AM
This is true. It does not make much of a difference for people who are home a lot and can do other stuff meanwhile.

But what is the point in that? I already invested time in gathering enough platins to craft. While farming platins I can be active and I can have fun: there are lots of ways farming platins, I can choose one that is fun to me.

Who gains what by adding thousands of progress bars which run through automatically and need a materials refill every X minutes/hours ? Who is entertained by that? For many people this means: either do some fun stuff with your friends, or watch netflix while standing next to the forge/alchemy table ...

In my opinion this just punishes people who can't afford the time running a PC with DAoC alongside.

Do you really want us to get up in the morning, turn on the craftqeueue, type in shutdown -s -t 7200 in the windows shell, before work, every morning for several weeks?

Come on.

I agree to some extend, and I think craftque helps remove the annoying part of crafting.
To me it was never the timer, but that I had to sit in front of pc and click every xxx second.

I mean, why do you have to farm plats after reaching 50? Why not have gear be free?

Many timesinks in DaoC, and while it makes sense in a subscribtion based game, it might not here. But you also have to carefully weight in how fast people might lose interest if it all happens to fast, and how far from the daoc they remember it is.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 3:53 PM by Yint
Timesinks like farming plat and gear are completely different because you are actually playing the game to do these things. Crafting timers on the other hand are making players sit there and NOT play the game. We have these nice macros in game and they are excellent, but adding this much time to the crafting is not adding value to the server imo.

I was honestly stunned when i saw 1000 skill is 100 base seconds etc... For base crafting times this is a nerf versus live and even uthgard. I understand the intent to get crafters into the capitol cities by making the base high and then giving these bonuses. However correct me if im wrong, even if there is a 50-70% reduction bonus you are still making some things that took 10 seconds before take double or triple the time such as tailoring gloves/boots/arms etc.

Furthermore, we have to do a quest to get some "equippable crafting bonus armor". So now i have to use more vault space to store a crafting set and take my template off every time i want to craft something (which is usually several times a day). This seems counter-intuitive to the QOL of letting players have every craft on one character. Now we will just make a crafting alt like we had to do before instead of using our main.

Will the crafting armor quests be level 50 to prevent using lowbie alts as crafters? This is punishing for people starting on the server after it has been running for a while. It is also a contradiction in the QOL aspect of the ROG drops that we have on this server. Nobody is crafting their armor for leveling up, we craft to gain skill to only make level 51 gear. Rogs beat everything by a long shot until you are 50 and need to fill gaps in your characters template. So you are not extending the life of the pve cycle by adding long queues either. All that is being added is a few days of AFK time for leveling skills, and crafters will not wanting to make stuff on demand like they do currently on the server because it will consume their time more.

SUGGESTION : If you really feel you need crafting timers on this server for some gamebreaking reason I am not aware of. I hope you find a balance of a much shorter time than 27-30 seconds fully crafting timer buffed(level 51 items) in capitol with quest gear on. Something like 2-3 seconds instead.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 3:54 PM by Druth
Actually some people like watching the bar and hoping for MP, praying hoping... and when you've sat crafting for 2 hours, the MP is so much more thrilling to do.

I don't care personally, but think some do.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 3:56 PM by Yint
Druth wrote:
Mon 13 Aug 2018 3:54 PM
Actually some people like watching the bar and hoping for MP, praying hoping... and when you've sat crafting for 2 hours, the MP is so much more thrilling to do.

I don't care personally, but think some do.

You can still look at the bar for 1 second and pray, and you get many more prays in this way!
Mon 13 Aug 2018 4:13 PM by Druth
Yint wrote:
Mon 13 Aug 2018 3:56 PM
You can still look at the bar for 1 second and pray, and you get many more prays in this way!

Sonny, you've not tried thrills untill you've watched the bar for 3+ mins and prayed.
It beats meth.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 4:36 PM by Throck
Personally, I think this is silly. No one is required to craft for any reason, so why would there be a need to make this any easier then they already are. There is going to be /craftqueue, crafting item quests, reduced craft times based on RvR score, etc. There has to be some things in the game that you actually earn or there is no point in playing it. There are people who enjoy the achievement of leveling a craft just like there are people who like leveling alts and PvE. If you take out all of the mechanics that you do not like about the game, you are going to find that you are reducing the overall population of the server when people who do like those mechanics lose interest.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 5:37 PM by schreon
Throck wrote:
Mon 13 Aug 2018 4:36 PM
Personally, I think this is silly. No one is required to craft for any reason, so why would there be a need to make this any easier then they already are. There is going to be /craftqueue, crafting item quests, reduced craft times based on RvR score, etc. There has to be some things in the game that you actually earn or there is no point in playing it. There are people who enjoy the achievement of leveling a craft just like there are people who like leveling alts and PvE. If you take out all of the mechanics that you do not like about the game, you are going to find that you are reducing the overall population of the server when people who do like those mechanics lose interest.

I hypothesize that more people are scared away than attracted by those mechanics. Increasing crafting t imes is defenitely not the way to go.

Rather increase prices massively and/or introduce more items like tears/ash which are then required for quality 99% and 100% quality. That way, the person who wants that 99% or 100% item can farm that stuff upfront. Then look for a crafter, he instantly makes your item.

Things like this result in the same increase in effort to get your 99%-100% stuff, but you don't force players to watch progress bars.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 5:53 PM by heardstheword
Outside of the "it's the way it's supposed to be" argument, I haven't seen a single positive reason to go back to longer craft times.

The only *potential* argument that I've seen is it becomes more accessible to everyone, but I personally don't see that as a negative. Granted over-saturation of the crafting market will lower prices which is bad for crafters.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 6:00 PM by Throck
schreon wrote:
Mon 13 Aug 2018 5:37 PM
I hypothesize that more people are scared away than attracted by those mechanics. Increasing crafting t imes is defenitely not the way to go.

Rather increase prices massively and/or introduce more items like tears/ash which are then required for quality 99% and 100% quality. That way, the person who wants that 99% or 100% item can farm that stuff upfront. Then look for a crafter, he instantly makes your item.

Things like this result in the same increase in effort to get your 99%-100% stuff, but you don't force players to watch progress bars.

Your suggestion trades increased crafting time for increased farming time, which is worse in my opinion. When you force people to farm more, the solo farming classes become more and more attractive to people, which is not an issue in itself, but when everyone is playing a Necro so they can farm, that reduces the amount of people grouping and participating in RvR. This also means that crafting times go from an issue for just people who want to craft, to an issue for everyone, since they now need to spend more time farming to be able to afford anything.

heardstheword wrote:
Mon 13 Aug 2018 5:53 PM
Outside of the "it's the way it's supposed to be" argument, I haven't seen a single positive reason to go back to longer craft times.

The only *potential* argument that I've seen is it becomes more accessible to everyone, but I personally don't see that as a negative. Granted over-saturation of the crafting market will lower prices which is bad for crafters.

This is a matter of opinion. I have not seen a positive reason to stay with shorter crafting times besides "I don't want to spend time crafting". Is this issue a deal breaker for me? No. But I feel like with this and many other suggestions being made, people are looking for that quick fix to make them happy right now, when these changes can have much larger impacts on the game overall.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 7:15 PM by heardstheword
Throck wrote:
Mon 13 Aug 2018 6:00 PM
these changes can have much larger impacts on the game overall.

I guess that's my point. What impact does having the craft time be faster have? Other than more people will craft.

You are correct, though. I do want shorter times. It makes my life much easier. As others have said, if I'm crafting 20 pots for my alts or guild members, I don't want to sit for 30minutes for the sake of sitting for 30 minutes.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 7:18 PM by Quik
For the same reason we have hasteners, crafting should have the simple timer it has now.

It is a QOL thing.

Like Heard mentioned, there has never been an argument that makes sense for it?

Do current crafters hate competition so much that they want the long crafting timer? Zero timer might mean more people crafting and that is a good thing for the server, not really for the hardcore crafters.

Again, its a QOL thing. Is /train needed? No but it is certainly one of the most sought after things in the game to stay.

Make the game FUN not long and boring.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 7:48 PM by aso
please let the crafttimer as it is now because its 1000% boring to wait
is it fun to wait?
Mon 13 Aug 2018 7:49 PM by Quik
Would love to hear from a GM on why they need to put crafting times back to slow? What negative impact does this have on the game?
Mon 13 Aug 2018 8:26 PM by Ganaka
I'll accept the high crafting times under both of the following conditions: The secondary crafting remains 1 second and the secondary crafting levels can continue to outpace the primary crafting skills, Both of which are current in beta.

If you want the Legendary crafting titles to remain hard to get, at least allow us peons that don't live in the game the ability to acquire gold.

There are several aspects of DAOC that are old and tired. For me, crafting was one of them.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 8:51 PM by Uthred
We will change the craft times as written in the "planned changes" thread.

As I said before, it was never intended to keep the craft times at 1 sec per try. That was implemented in Alpha and it stayed till now for testing and for no other reason. Becoming a legendary crafter should still be something special and a player should still have to put some effort in it. We reworked crafting similiar to xping. We made it a lot faster, we will put in some nice bonuses, but we will not make it instant.

Our new crafting system will decrease craft times down to 20 sec per try for a 1000+ item. That is still way faster than it should be at this patchlevel. Items that should take less time than the 20 secs (for example shields) will be adjusted. In addition we have the craftqueue commands which make crafting very easy and not that painful as it should be in 1.65. Also there will be a nice set of armor with a special skin, which is only available via the brandnew crafting-quest that has Str capped and some extra Lifter on it.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 9:05 PM by Aincrad
Making crafting too quick allows everyone to easily get to LGM. I think this could have an effect on the economy. I really do not like crafting but I am good with the planned changes they have announced. Crafting will still be WAY easier than it was back in the day IMO.
Mon 13 Aug 2018 10:27 PM by rubaduck
One of the biggest issues right now on Phoenix is economy. And no, just because you make "hundreds of plats" a day doesn't mean it is a good economic system.

Crafting has always been the primary source of income in Daoc, it is a part of the game that takes time, because it generates a LOT of value back in to the game. Everyone who has played for at least a month now has several LGM crafters (myself included) but people only buy rogs and craft their own armor and weapons and spellcraft it on the very same character.

The timers will be a good incentive to not only do more pvp and win the bonus over for the realm, but also make the effort worth while in an economic system. Maybe people now will buy what you make (which again, mine is at a reasonable price).
Mon 13 Aug 2018 11:32 PM by Yint
Maybe the only benefit i can think of for longer crafting times is that there will be more afk people inflating the servers # of players online. People may see this higher # and think wow this server is super busy. But in the end, everyones just afk from starting their craftqueue before going to clean the house/work/sleep. Increased server load if that ever was an issue as well. Not sure what # the population needs to get before the server starts acting funny but crafting timers with /craftqueue doesnt help it.
Tue 14 Aug 2018 12:49 AM by Zansobar
If AFK crafting is allowed, this change will not do much to effect a change in the economic system within Phoenix. Anyone who wants to will just macro max crafting in several crafts (especially alchemy for the potions) it will just take longer. The economic system will still revolve almost entirely around Phoenix feathers, not plat.
Tue 14 Aug 2018 6:19 AM by aso
How about crafting takes longer in earlier skills and gets quicker as you gain skill
Because you master it then
Tue 14 Aug 2018 6:23 AM by aso
Ganaka wrote:
Mon 13 Aug 2018 8:26 PM
If you want the Legendary crafting titles to remain hard to get

Yes waiting is realy hard and requires lot of skill
Tue 14 Aug 2018 8:05 AM by Sayuri
Uthred wrote:
Mon 13 Aug 2018 8:51 PM
Also there will be a nice set of armor with a special skin,

question what is the goal to have a special skin for staying in jord/tnn/camelot ?
Tue 14 Aug 2018 12:51 PM by Zach
I'll settle for higher crafting times when they decide to make feathers easier to get. Everyone will want their potions for RVR, and most people will level an alchemist to make them for themselves. Denying easy accessibility to potions will, inevitably, make people go elsewhere ; they'll find another game to play. We went through this crap on Uthgard already, a lot of us.

The elitist little community that migrated over here from Uthgard wants to RVR and play their silly little 8-man games, and they don't want it to take a substantial amount of time to accomplish this. Neither do I anymore. Judging from some of these changes, I probably won't invest all of my time into Phoenix when it goes live, but give it a few months after the fact to see if it's even worth playing. I'm not interested in doing the same grind I've done 100 times before all over again. Skip the BS, get down to what the game is about: RVR.
Tue 14 Aug 2018 1:13 PM by gruenesschaf
This is not an i50 server. Not everyone wants to only play rvr. Not everyone has to have all the crafter.

You don't want to craft with craft times in place? Buy stuff from a crafter
You don't want to farm feathers for potions? Buy them in housing or use the ones with 10 charges that don't cost feathers or only take very few which is a couple trash mobs. A single gala raid gives enough feathers for about 10 100 charge potions (all buff or all reg), per attendee.

You don't have to ever farm a single feather nor do you have to craft a single item and you can still get all the stuff, it's not something that just doesn't exist nor is it particularly hard to get.
Tue 14 Aug 2018 2:31 PM by heardstheword
gruenesschaf wrote:
Tue 14 Aug 2018 1:13 PM
This is not an i50 server. Not everyone wants to only play rvr. Not everyone has to have all the crafter.

You don't want to craft with craft times in place? Buy stuff from a crafter
You don't want to farm feathers for potions? Buy them in housing or use the ones with 10 charges that don't cost feathers or only take very few which is a couple trash mobs. A single gala raid gives enough feathers for about 10 100 charge potions (all buff or all reg), per attendee.

You don't have to ever farm a single feather nor do you have to craft a single item and you can still get all the stuff, it's not something that just doesn't exist nor is it particularly hard to get.

But do people actually get enjoyment with a longer craft time?

This post isn't an argument for longer craft time. It's just a workaround for the longer craft time.

I'll keep bringing this up. With the 3+ threads about craft time in which I read every post, I have yet to see a positive post for longer craft time. It's all "you don't have to craft if you don't want to" or "it's how it's always been". Both of which are not valid, positive reasons for long craft time.

I'm offering a reason, but no one seems to take it. Is it truly an artificial barrier to prevent the crafting economy from over-saturation? Do we want longer craft times to have less people crafting? It's the only valid reason I have come up with for craft times.
Tue 14 Aug 2018 2:52 PM by gruenesschaf
heardstheword wrote:
Tue 14 Aug 2018 2:31 PM
I'm offering a reason, but no one seems to take it. Is it truly an artificial barrier to prevent the crafting economy from over-saturation? Do we want longer craft times to have less people crafting? It's the only valid reason I have come up with for craft times.

Like I wrote before implementing the /craftqueue commands, I personally can find nothing on how to make crafting in DAoC attractive without changing it entirely, it's literally staring at a bar and watching it go from left to right.
It's imo a stupid system but it is just the way it is. The time sink prevents a lot of people from even starting to craft which is desirable, crafting would be meaningless if literally everyone had everything legendary, nobody would sell anything.
Tue 14 Aug 2018 3:00 PM by Bigga
As you can see on the beta, not everyone has a crafter, because you have to have money first. Believe me when I say that was not very easy to get that much platinum to make some crafters, it's only possible with a few people. over a month after the beta, I am the ONLY WC in Midgard selling his weapons in the HZ, so much for the "economy". Who knows what it will be like after the release. People do not feel like crafting even though it's so fast, also because they have no money ;-)
Tue 14 Aug 2018 4:09 PM by schreon
gruenesschaf wrote:
Tue 14 Aug 2018 2:52 PM
heardstheword wrote:
Tue 14 Aug 2018 2:31 PM
I'm offering a reason, but no one seems to take it. Is it truly an artificial barrier to prevent the crafting economy from over-saturation? Do we want longer craft times to have less people crafting? It's the only valid reason I have come up with for craft times.

Like I wrote before implementing the /craftqueue commands, I personally can find nothing on how to make crafting in DAoC attractive without changing it entirely, it's literally staring at a bar and watching it go from left to right.
It's imo a stupid system but it is just the way it is. The time sink prevents a lot of people from even starting to craft which is desirable, crafting would be meaningless if literally everyone had everything legendary, nobody would sell anything.

This totally makes sense. However, I dare to question the agenda of reproducing that aspect of live-like DAoC. Is changing crafting a bit / massively / entirely out of the question? Would people be scared away by such custom changes? I am asking honestly, no sarcasm inteded. And is it really necessary to entirely redoing everything?

I am convinced that there are other, more pleasant ways of incentivizing trade as well as making legendary crafters something rare and special without letting down people who just want to get a decent (not perfect) temp quickly and jump into RvR as soon as possible.

You already added custom stuff like feathers, tears and ash. This is a very welcome change and as far as I can see, people are not scared away at all, but rather welcome these changes. Wouldn't it be possible to go some steps further and rather add custom resources as a requirement for high end items which are necessary for leveling up crafting towards legendary? Those resources would also slow down overall progress and make legendary crafters rare. The difference is that you (the devs) decide how those resources can be acquired. Thus they can be attached to a fun activity - like RvR, but other PvE activities are also an option. I wrote down something like that in another post ( ), however that is only one vision out of many possibilities. The crafting system would still be almost the same, crafting itself would be fast, but reaching LGM still would be tied to effort not everyone is willing or able to invest. The result would be similar - only few LGM crafters and there is an incentive to trade things in HZ.

The only difference would be that players who do something interactive are rewarded ... not those stubborn enough to grind through progress bars.
Tue 14 Aug 2018 5:22 PM by Sayuri
gruenesschaf wrote:
Tue 14 Aug 2018 2:52 PM
heardstheword wrote:
Tue 14 Aug 2018 2:31 PM
I'm offering a reason, but no one seems to take it. Is it truly an artificial barrier to prevent the crafting economy from over-saturation? Do we want longer craft times to have less people crafting? It's the only valid reason I have come up with for craft times.

Like I wrote before implementing the /craftqueue commands, I personally can find nothing on how to make crafting in DAoC attractive without changing it entirely, it's literally staring at a bar and watching it go from left to right.
It's imo a stupid system but it is just the way it is. The time sink prevents a lot of people from even starting to craft which is desirable, crafting would be meaningless if literally everyone had everything legendary, nobody would sell anything.

there is a lot of player that dont have any crafter and dont want to up it, like i say yesterday i did something like 4 sc for player and i think i m not the last one to do this but i think if you do these change really less player will up crafter and craft for other player.
Tue 14 Aug 2018 6:07 PM by megatron
I couldn't even get LGM in my spare time without the craft times enabled... geez, I didn't even think about the fact that the bar was moving so fast...welp, guess no lgm for me lol.

If you're going to do it, at least try to make crafting social or fun...
Tue 14 Aug 2018 7:28 PM by Quik
If you want fewer crafters make it harder to get past 500+ or something. Make it ten times more expensive or add more RvR Only or Raid Only or Boss Only drops to make.

I have multiple crafters and I will whether it is slow or not. The difference for me is, if it is slow I won't offer in 'trade to make items as I won't wait around. If it is fast then every time I hit a capital I might offer in /trade to make a few items while I am there.
Tue 14 Aug 2018 11:11 PM by sebbo
Thats the best example of "Hand them one finger, and they´ll take the whole arm". Some people still like to do PvE, to craft and stuff. Every server needs those people, since they populate the server. Ask yourself: would you rather join a server with 300 players, or a server with 500 players? Noone needs to have crafters on his own. What´s the reason for a housing zone when noone has to actually trade stuff? Does anybody really want just a ton of merchants full of ROGs and nothing else? Seriously.
Tue 14 Aug 2018 11:31 PM by schreon
sebbo wrote:
Tue 14 Aug 2018 11:11 PM
Thats the best example of "Hand them one finger, and they´ll take the whole arm". Some people still like to do PvE, to craft and stuff. Every server needs those people, since they populate the server. Ask yourself: would you rather join a server with 300 players, or a server with 500 players? Noone needs to have crafters on his own. What´s the reason for a housing zone when noone has to actually trade stuff? Does anybody really want just a ton of merchants full of ROGs and nothing else? Seriously.

This is not what this discussion is about. It is not about instant 50. It is not about how quick you gain your equipment or making trading / PvE redundant. It is about a stupid semi-afk system forcing people to watch progress bars.
Wed 15 Aug 2018 12:48 AM by Quik
sebbo wrote:
Tue 14 Aug 2018 11:11 PM
Thats the best example of "Hand them one finger, and they´ll take the whole arm". Some people still like to do PvE, to craft and stuff. Every server needs those people, since they populate the server. Ask yourself: would you rather join a server with 300 players, or a server with 500 players? Noone needs to have crafters on his own. What´s the reason for a housing zone when noone has to actually trade stuff? Does anybody really want just a ton of merchants full of ROGs and nothing else? Seriously.

The whole debate is about an incredibly outdated crafting system.

I'm sure most people have played lots of MMO's and the more popular MMO's have learned that using a slow down technique like this for a purpose like this, is pointless.

people are either going to craft or they won't. The slow crafting time won't change this it will just make some people level it faster.

If the argument is, it will mean less crafters and that will help trading, well how about we look at the other MMO's who have no issues with trading with fast crafting times.

Another thing to consider is that we won't keep all our players. Simple statement of fact. No matter what some people will get bored and leave after a few months or so. We might get some new players in, but we will lose some veteran players and some of those will be crafters.

I don't see how deliberately making the crafting system worse will help the server in the long run. Having more crafters will keep prices more reasonable.
Wed 15 Aug 2018 7:12 PM by megatron
First off, Why do mobs drop trash loot when they could drop crafting materials of the same value???

If you guys dont want to do that, can we get rid of the "buy the ingredients" part of crafting all together.... that is the most tedious part anyway, running around to find the right merchant and then the buying ... even with /qbuy commands its a PITA.

I mean, cant you just make the potions/armor and other stuff use coin instead of purchased ingredients.... would be so much easier.

Really, anything in the way of making this part of the game less of a chore would be nice.
Wed 15 Aug 2018 8:33 PM by Quik
megatron wrote:
Wed 15 Aug 2018 7:12 PM
First off, Why do mobs drop trash loot when they could drop crafting materials of the same value???

If you guys dont want to do that, can we get rid of the "buy the ingredients" part of crafting all together.... that is the most tedious part anyway, running around to find the right merchant and then the buying ... even with /qbuy commands its a PITA.

I mean, cant you just make the potions/armor and other stuff use coin instead of purchased ingredients.... would be so much easier.

Really, anything in the way of making this part of the game less of a chore would be nice.

ESO which has its pro's and con's does have one thing every MMO should outright copy...Crafting Bag.

Crafting Bag is the GREATEST THING EVER!!! Anytime you buy or get any crafting mats it automatically goes into the bag and the bag is accessed through every toon.

OMG this was such a huge bonus to anyone who liked crafting.

This is a perfect example of make the game fun not tedious...
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