Mavella wrote: ↑Thu 15 Aug 2019 2:38 PM
Freedomcall wrote: ↑Thu 15 Aug 2019 2:08 PM
50 LA isn't overrated.
You already revealed truth in your statement without noticing.
You describe how hard to deal with rr7+ sins until you are 6+("as a CS SB"

, and say "You need to get your LA pumped up to 30+".
And then conclude that his spec is fine?
I can say, with a bit of exaggeration, that 50 LA is the only viable spec on low rr for solo SB.
Maybe you can switch to CS when you get rr7+ or rr8 if you want,
But you can't compete NS/Infil with some gimp-NS-version of 44CS 22LA spec on low ranks.
See my previous post. There's more issues here than spec. He's missing a possible 10% mainhand damage with his current spec but makes up for it with significantly higher anytime and evade chain damage. He's also running a proc load out that isn't really effective in sin fights unless he's running toughness 9 + glacial movement + some luck. An early str/con proc with a switch to DD or lifetap in the mainhand is going to be WAY more effective in a short sin fight than a dot proc.
With CS spec he's also getting the benefit of evade bonuses when hamstring and leaper are active. Making inf/ns offhand miss at 25% rate rather than 15% is punishing. Way more punishing for them than it is for SBs. I ran 44cs from rr4 to rr10 where I'm now 46CS because those 2 points did more for my damage than going 41 LA.
Wins/Losses at rr4 vs rr7+ is almost purely down to purge readiness, amount of passives stacked, statistical RR advantage, slopply play by either party. 50LA isn't going to let you start magically beating those other sins unless you get a stun off with their purge down etc which I'd say is the exception rather than the norm.
Every RR10 SB that I've talked to and tested 50LA vs high CS spec agrees that 50LA is pretty underwhelming. I haven't done the testing personally but I can extrapolate that I'll be giving up a little mainhand damage for slightly more offhand damage and what I would consider vastly inferior styles for 1v1 fights especially against sins. 50LA might be better vs visibles and such where their purge is much more likely to be down but I fight way more sins than visibles so I want to maximize my chances vs them.
This is the test I've done myself when i was RR4.
SB dmg test on dummy(-26% resist)
Fully buffed with composition pots
RR4 MH 4.2 / OH 2.4 spd
1. spec CS 44+14, Weap 38+14(comp52), LA 22+14
MH Norm hit : 71(-24) (dmg modifier: 1113)
MH Garrote : (+51) 109(-38)
OH : 26(-9)(99% qual)
2. spec CS 10+14, weap 36+14(comp50), LA 50+14
MH Norm hit : 78(-27) (dmg modifier: 1098)
MH Doublefrost : (+58) 121(-41)
OH : 36(-12)(99% qual)
Yes, I know CS anytime consists of Garrote+Achilles Heel, but unfortunately I can't find AH dmg. Maybe I forgot to write in my excel.
So, I've calculated AH dmg with the growthrate, based on the ratio of the CS spec dmg
Garrote GR:0.74, AH GR:1.03. So 51/0.74*1.03=70.98. I just rounded up to 71.
So AH dmg should be (+71) 123(-43) based on 26% resist.(of course there can be margin of error)
Now lets say you had 2 swings on each spec.
1. CS spec : Garrote+Achilles Heel+2 OH hits
2. LA spec : 2 Doublefrost hits+2 OH hits
I don't see any 'significantly higher anytime damage'. In fact, LA anytimer do far more dmg based on calculation.
Moreover, your swing can be missed/blocked/evaded/parried, which means you can't guarantee your Achilles heel dmg.
Now, evade chain. Of course this can't be tested on dummies, so I'll calculate in similar way
(again, remind there can be margin of error because this is just a calcultion, not ingame output)
1. CS growthrate : Hamstring 1.13, Leaper 1.33, Rib seperation 1.32
Hamstring : 51/0.74*1.13=77.87, rounding up to 78. so, (+78) 129(-44). If you add OH dmg, 129+26=155
Leaper : 51/0.74*1.33=91.66, rounding up to 92. so, (+92) 139(-48). If you add OH dmg, 139+26=165
Rib seper : 51/0.74*1.32 =90.97, rounding up to 91. so, (+91) 138(-48). If you add OH dmg, 138+26=164
2. LA growthrate : Comeback 0.94, Frosty Gaze 1.00
Comback : 58/0.75*0.94=72.69, rounding up to 73. so, (+73) 131(-47). If you add OH dmg, 131+36=167
Frosty Gaze : 58/0.75*1.00=77.33, rounding up to 78. so, (+78) 136(-47). If you add OH dmg, 136+36=172
Again, where is the 'significantly higher evade chain damage'?
You can also read my previous post again.
I didn't say LA50 spec is the king regardless of RR.
I said, "with a bit of exaggeration, 50 LA is the only viable spec on LOW RR for solo SB."
You just can't assume that 50 LA spec on RR4 is overrated based on your tests with you and your friends' RR10 char.
Of course, most of numbers above are results of the calculation, so there can be error or mistakes.
If anyone see any significant error or find a real ingame result that differs from my calculation, plz let me know.
I'm open.