You can make them earlier, afaik they turn red at 1001...but you might get unlucky and lose expensive materials (still overall cheaper than forcing 1051 without profits though)
You can make them earlier, afaik they turn red at 1001...but you might get unlucky and lose expensive materials (still overall cheaper than forcing 1051 without profits though)
You can make them earlier, afaik they turn red at 1001...but you might get unlucky and lose expensive materials (still overall cheaper than forcing 1051 without profits though)
they turn red at 1051
are you sure, i could have sworn that they already turned yellow at 1060something... but i just woke up and only got 4hours of sleep, maybe i am completely messing this up. Sorry if i provided false information
Since they are all skilllevel 1100 - i doubt they turn yellow at 1060