Jewelry Remnant process broken?

Started 16 May 2019
by garrith
in Suggestions
The jewelry remnant to blank to item process is broken. We spend a lot of time combining lower level remnants to get to a Polished remnant. And when I say a lot of time, this can take hours to get a good amount of Polished remnants. We then use 34 Pal Gems and 340 feathers to make the blank. We get a random range of blanks - from 94-99 (i haven't seen a 100 yet). When I see a 94-97 qual, I don't even want to make the item as my experience is that anything below 98 is a low utility item.

We get a 99, which is exciting as it offers the potential of an 80s utility. We take the blank and /use it and then we end up with a 34 quality ROG (yes, I know it's a ROG for a reason). This happened to me today and has happened multiple times in the last few weeks.

The point is, there's a high level of effort to get to polished. A high level of effort to get a 99 quality blank. After all of that, to get a 34 quality ROG made is deflating, frustrating and doesn't make any sense.

There are 3 RNGs happening in the process; First, when the remnants drop, it's rare (very rare) to get a polished. Most are spread across all remnants ranges from uncut to rough with a lower drop rate for imperfects as well. Second, the RNG of getting a high quality blank. Again, it's rare to get a 99 - 2 in 10-ish. Third, the RNG of the item utility, which has a massive range. Tonight from 99 qual blanks, I ended up with a 34 utility item and a 42 utility item.

1/ Review the remnant drop RNG. Is this working as intended? The work/effort to build imperfect and polished seems a bit high but not too far off.
2/ Review the item utility range and tighten this up dramatically. We shouldn't have to work to combine, get lucky on the 99 quality and then get a 34 utility item. The triple negative!
Suggested ranges:
99 Quality Blank: 75-89 utility
98 Quality Blank: 65-79
97 Quality Blank: 55-69

Thank you,
Thu 16 May 2019 3:09 AM by gruenesschaf
It uses the same generation mechanism as ROGs, this is something that will not change. With the blank tier and quality you determine the available imbue points, nothing more.
For normal rogs this is determined by quality (corresponds to blank quality) and mob level (corresponds to blank tier), the highest blank is exactly the same as a rog dropped by a level 75 mob.

All generated rogs always use up all available imbue points.
Thu 16 May 2019 10:32 AM by Estat
The ROG System always felt odd to me as the best items are those with a lange number of small properties. Now I know why.

Anyway, if the ROG always uses up all available imbue points it would be possible to limit the really crappy outcomes in two was:

1. Force a minimum number of different properties depending on level and/or quality

2. Limit the amount of imbue points that can roll for a single property, this could also depend on level and/or quality

A change like this could be implemented for all ROG or limited to ROG created from blanks

As of now, the blank system feels more like a noob trap. It feels like its way better selling blanks for somewhat decent money than actually using it to create items.
Thu 16 May 2019 1:02 PM by dbeattie71
Made several 50, 60, a few 70, and one 82 util items the other day.
Fri 17 May 2019 3:04 PM by garrith
gruenesschaf wrote:
Thu 16 May 2019 3:09 AM
It uses the same generation mechanism as ROGs, this is something that will not change. With the blank tier and quality you determine the available imbue points, nothing more.
For normal rogs this is determined by quality (corresponds to blank quality) and mob level (corresponds to blank tier), the highest blank is exactly the same as a rog dropped by a level 75 mob.

All generated rogs always use up all available imbue points.

Can you clarify "all generated rogs always use up all available imbue points"? Below are the results from this morning's work. You're saying this makes sense? 29 utility? How is that using up all imbue points? I clearly don't understand how this works, but if this is working as intended, it sucks. BAD.

Here's what I just made:
99 Polished Blank - 53 utility
97 Polished Blank - 44.67 utility
94 Polished Blank - 51 utility
98 Polished Blank - 54 utility
99 Polished Blank - 53 utility
94 Polished Blank - 58 utility
96 Polished Blank - 48 utility
96 Polished Blank - 34 utility
95 Polished Blank - 29.667 utility
96 Polished Blank - 36.667 utility
98 Polished Blank - 63.667 utility
99 Polished Blank - 71 utility
Sat 18 May 2019 10:50 AM by Wasted_Content
Gemcrafting was a great idea in theory, but the implementation was trash. They basically gave players a taste of what COULD HAVE BEEN an awesome crafting system, a way to facilitate generating good RoGs through crafting without having to mindlessly farm non-stop for them, then they just shit on the whole system by making it completely random and justifying it by calling it a "money and feather sink".

Good luck getting them to see the light on this one though.
Sat 18 May 2019 10:56 PM by dbeattie71
Wasted_Content wrote:
Sat 18 May 2019 10:50 AM
Gemcrafting was a great idea in theory, but the implementation was trash. They basically gave players a taste of what COULD HAVE BEEN an awesome crafting system, a way to facilitate generating good RoGs through crafting without having to mindlessly farm non-stop for them, then they just shit on the whole system by making it completely random and justifying it by calling it a "money and feather sink".

Good luck getting them to see the light on this one though.

I can’t see why not, calling it trash is a sure fire way to get stuff changed.
Sun 19 May 2019 12:10 AM by Sharky04
Just stop crafting any jewelry. 3 hours and many feathers for a 60 utility ROG with useless stats. Why not farm plat for 3 hours and buy two 70 utility items of your choise instead?
Sun 19 May 2019 8:58 AM by Hejjin
Sharky04 wrote:
Sun 19 May 2019 12:10 AM
Just stop crafting any jewelry. 3 hours and many feathers for a 60 utility ROG with useless stats. Why not farm plat for 3 hours and buy two 70 utility items of your choise instead?
Three hours is not exactly a large expenditure of time, but I hear you, the process is too RNG, I put in about 20 x the amount of time you did farming and then salvaging rogs, then converting all the remnants to polished, the best item created out of the stacks was a 88 util belt. I had better results, in terms of time and feathers, on the first weekend jc was added, when all I did was take a remnant and then go through the process of converting and salvaging it multiple times until I ended up with a 100% quality blank. It is a very poor system where a 99% polished blank can turn out much worse than a 94% polished blank let alone worse than blanks of lower ranks.

If the devs are going to keep it this random, can you please just change it so all jewellery items of one type salvage down to 1 remnant type, and have all the RNG occur on the conversion from a remnant to a blank, at least then our inventory would not be full of various ranks of remnants,
Sun 19 May 2019 3:00 PM by Halma
garrith wrote:
Fri 17 May 2019 3:04 PM
Can you clarify "all generated rogs always use up all available imbue points"? Below are the results from this morning's work. You're saying this makes sense? 29 utility? How is that using up all imbue points? I clearly don't understand how this works, but if this is working as intended, it sucks. BAD.

Here's what I just made:
99 Polished Blank - 53 utility
97 Polished Blank - 44.67 utility
94 Polished Blank - 51 utility
98 Polished Blank - 54 utility
99 Polished Blank - 53 utility
94 Polished Blank - 58 utility
96 Polished Blank - 48 utility
96 Polished Blank - 34 utility
95 Polished Blank - 29.667 utility
96 Polished Blank - 36.667 utility
98 Polished Blank - 63.667 utility
99 Polished Blank - 71 utility

I guess we would need the stats of the 29 util item because higher values on single stats eat up more imbue points
Sun 19 May 2019 4:40 PM by Hejjin
Halma wrote:
Sun 19 May 2019 3:00 PM
garrith wrote:
Fri 17 May 2019 3:04 PM
Can you clarify "all generated rogs always use up all available imbue points"? Below are the results from this morning's work. You're saying this makes sense? 29 utility? How is that using up all imbue points? I clearly don't understand how this works, but if this is working as intended, it sucks. BAD.

Here's what I just made:
99 Polished Blank - 53 utility
97 Polished Blank - 44.67 utility
94 Polished Blank - 51 utility
98 Polished Blank - 54 utility
99 Polished Blank - 53 utility
94 Polished Blank - 58 utility
96 Polished Blank - 48 utility
96 Polished Blank - 34 utility
95 Polished Blank - 29.667 utility
96 Polished Blank - 36.667 utility
98 Polished Blank - 63.667 utility
99 Polished Blank - 71 utility

I guess we would need the stats of the 29 util item because higher values on single stats eat up more imbue points
10 Polished Rings : Converted by Reaver
1. 99% = 76 Utility : Str +16 , Dex +10, Cold +4, Heat + 8, Matter + 1, Spirit +5, Parry +2, Acuity +19
2. 98% = 44 Utility : crush +15 , spirit +6, thrust +1
3. 98% = TU 45.483 SSU 40.583 : Cons +43, Quick +10, Hits +1, All Magic Lines +1
4. 97% = 54.333 Utility : Dex +19, Qucik +1, Energy +6, Heat +6, Parry +3
5. 97% = 57 Utility : + Body +8, Energy +5, Matter + 6, Slash +7, Shields +1
6. 97% = TU 56 SSU 46 : Hits +40, Heat +7, Thrust +6, All Magic Skills +2
7. 96% = TU 62.25 SSU 52.25 : Dex +12, Hits +1, Crust +4, Matter + 6, Slash +7, All Magic +1, All Melee +1
8. 96% = TU 46 SSU 41 : Cons +25, Energy +1, Matter +5, Thrust +1, Acuity +8, All Magic +1
9. 95% = 50 Utility : Str +13, Quick +13, Body +5, Cold +5, Matter +1, Parry +2, Acuity +1
10. 95% = 52.333 : Str +10, Cold +4, Heat +1, Parry + 3, Shields +2, Acuity + 16
Tue 21 May 2019 10:59 PM by florin
I leveled up SC just to try this out - it's pretty terrible so now i just got a crap load of remnants I should have vendored or sold for 50g.

One technique is to simply resalvage the same item - never combine... cause a uncut can pretty much get you 60 util.

No point in going polished and get 30 util.

zero interest in this atm.
Wed 22 May 2019 1:36 AM by Leandrys
There is something you guys do not get with the "random" word, it's the "random part". You can have UTI on 99% quality polished blanks from 20+ to 80+, more chances to get trash than good ones, that's what it's called random, you can't know what you'll end with, in PVE this is much less paniful, when crafting it really is brutal sometimes, because you play with your money.

If you do not like casino to find gold, then go mine in PVE, that's all.
Wed 29 May 2019 6:42 AM by Wasted_Content
Leandrys wrote:
Wed 22 May 2019 1:36 AM
There is something you guys do not get with the "random" word, it's the "random part". You can have UTI on 99% quality polished blanks from 20+ to 80+, more chances to get trash than good ones, that's what it's called random, you can't know what you'll end with, in PVE this is much less paniful, when crafting it really is brutal sometimes, because you play with your money.

If you do not like casino to find gold, then go mine in PVE, that's all.

I'm pretty sure everyone understands the "random" part of the system but it's a *crafting system* so why is it all random? It's 2019 aren't you over having to "RoG farm" (especially when they keep nerfing the loot system...)? Why create a jewelrycrafting system then not give it any functionality? Unless players are looking for a time and money sink (hint: THEY ARENT).
Wed 29 May 2019 6:57 AM by Sepplord
ROG farming wasn't changed at all though...
and yeah...players seldom are the ones looking for a money sink, why would anyone like his money drained just to keep playing? It's still an important tool to counter overinflation within the economy

Prices have still just gone up since the farm-nerf so i somehow doubt that it's as bad as people make it out to be
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