seeing so many people calling buffs/combatchanges "quality of life" is a bit triggering for me :
but the suggestions themselves are good ideas that could help making archers into archers again (aka having a reason to spec high bow / stealth).
I dislike the longshot changes (since it is the bubble penetration arrow) because i don't think critshot should penetrate Bubbles, and while i beleive there should be the ability to penetrate sometimes, being able to penetrate basically every inc would be too strong
I also love the feeling/classfantasy of volley, but i agree that as RA in it's current state it is just too expensive for what it does (if it would hit & destealth stealthed targets in it's GT-area it could be a nice tool to spray milegates/other stealth infested areas from afar)
I believe the CC-shots might be a bit over the top, though depending on strength of their implementation it could also be fine