Warden and Shield

Started 29 Apr 2019
by Delonion
in Hibernia
Hello Community,

It is a bit longer ago but I still remember that the Warden had a shield specc back then.

Did the shield specc come into play with a later patch? Is it possible that this spec will be implemented in the game later? I find the Warden quite useless in this form.

What is the purpose of the Warden in RvR? What makes him unique?

What is your opinion?
Mon 29 Apr 2019 1:45 PM by Maurus
am i right to assume that i am talking to a fellow stonehenge/hibernia player?

Anyway, wardens on phoenix: without any first hand experience here (my warden is lvl 17 ...):
- they are heals and peels on pre shield patch, speccing high in nurture for red bubble pulse, dmg add and resistance buffs, 10 into blades for side snare and the rest into Regrowth for some really decent single target spec heals.
- might be a myth, but I was told in game that regrowth spec on Phoenix affects cast speed and effectiveness of heals? Pls confirm
- all in all wardens are a good addition to grps , problem would be that they contest for the 8th spot in a grp after every other necessity is filled and that as far as I am informed, melee grps (which benefit most from wardens) are not very common in hib due to the strength and synergy of our casters.
- what makes wardens unique in grp is their bubble, dmg add song and resistance buffs. Solo they excel in utility with self endu reg song, self haste buff and self heals, though their weapon spec growth rates are abysmal and their dmg is hence terrible.

Hope that's helps a bit, community please correct me if I got something wrong here.
Mon 29 Apr 2019 2:06 PM by Lollie
Maurus wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 1:45 PM
- might be a myth, but I was told in game that regrowth spec on Phoenix affects cast speed and effectiveness of heals? Pls confirm

Higher regrowth does indeed lower casting times, basically every spec heal has a .1s lower cast time than the last, finishing up at lvl 42 heal casting at 2.5s.
Mon 29 Apr 2019 2:31 PM by Seigmoraig
Important to note is that all Hybrids on Phoenix have access to Determination which adds up to a 55% CC reduction, which is pretty major on a healer/support class like Warden.

Their main role in RvR is to provide heals, bubbles and peel. A common spec for a support oriented Warden would be

42 Regrowth for biggest heal
49 Nurture for biggest resist buffs
10 blades for side snare
8 parry

As for Wardens being useless in this form, one of the 6 people at RR11L0 on the server is a warden =)
Mon 29 Apr 2019 4:35 PM by Halma
Shield spec was introduced around 1.8something. so yes, a lot later than 1.65
Tue 30 Apr 2019 1:37 PM by Ardri
Wardens are already extremely strong and borderline op. They are a scale wearing melee healer with det, red pbt, heals, cures, aotg, twf, and side snare. The only thing they can't do is dmg/hard cc. Insanely strong utility out of just one class. Majority of people on the forums don't know what they're talking about.
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