If Shadowblades are so gimp, then why do they outnumber the other stealthers?

Started 22 Apr 2019
by Cadebrennus
in Midgard
Honest question. I logged on to level up my SB and was pretty disappointed at how many of them there are. I was hoping to level up an "underdog" class in the stealth wars. Apparently they're not. This was a screenshot taken at 1900 CET, so pretty much prime time.

As you can see, Infils and NS's are about equal, and all three realms Archers are about equal. Hunters would actually slightly come in behind, instead of ahead, if you accounted for a per-capita rather than raw numbers.

FYI I do not consider Minstrels to be pure "stealthers" for this purpose due to the fact that they are a necessity in Visi 8mans, so don't even go there.
Mon 22 Apr 2019 5:17 PM by Ashenspire
Because they're not gimp and people on forums think their class should win every fight 100% of the time.
Mon 22 Apr 2019 7:27 PM by Dreldan
Probably because midgard has a higher population then the other realms.

Current realm populations online (im using current realm pop but your character count as i can't get online to look at the class distribution)

Midgard: 877
Albion: 712
Hibernia: 695

Midgard currently has about 23.5% higher population then second highest. It would be normal for us to have more of every class online.

63 Shadowblades make up 7.18% of midgards online pop
48 Infiltrators make up about 6.74% of albion pop
47 Nightshades make up 6.76% of hibernia pop.

If midgards population was 712 like Albion then 7.1% shadowblades would be 50.5 SB's online compared to 48 infiltrators.

It's a pretty negligible difference when you look at it that way... midgard just has more players online.
Mon 22 Apr 2019 8:40 PM by Cadebrennus
Dreldan wrote:
Mon 22 Apr 2019 7:27 PM
Probably because midgard has a higher population then the other realms.

Current realm populations online (im using current realm pop but your character count as i can't get online to look at the class distribution)

Midgard: 877
Albion: 712
Hibernia: 695

Midgard currently has about 23.5% higher population then second highest. It would be normal for us to have more of every class online.

63 Shadowblades make up 7.18% of midgards online pop
48 Infiltrators make up about 6.74% of albion pop
47 Nightshades make up 6.76% of hibernia pop.

If midgards population was 712 like Albion then 7.1% shadowblades would be 50.5 SB's online compared to 48 infiltrators.

It's a pretty negligible difference when you look at it that way... midgard just has more players online.

I thought about that after I posted and logged off. Mid definitely had higher numbers from what I remember and your numbers look about right. No appeal for me in logging on to the overpopulated realm either

Maybe I'll just level up a Merc. It's not in the screenshot, but they were dead last in class population with something like 7 total being played.
Mon 22 Apr 2019 9:05 PM by phixion
Use /u.

Big difference on number of active RvRing SB vs number of SBs in game. For the longest time we were outnumbered by Hib stealthers 2:1.

I have no idea what draws people to SBs, maybe it's the prospect of 2h PAs? Can't count the amount of people I've had to let down and tell them that 2h PA is kinda shit.
Tue 23 Apr 2019 5:24 AM by jelzinga_EU
Dreldan wrote:
Mon 22 Apr 2019 7:27 PM
Probably because midgard has a higher population then the other realms.

Current realm populations online (im using current realm pop but your character count as i can't get online to look at the class distribution)

Midgard: 877
Albion: 712
Hibernia: 695

Midgard currently has about 23.5% higher population then second highest. It would be normal for us to have more of every class online.

63 Shadowblades make up 7.18% of midgards online pop
48 Infiltrators make up about 6.74% of albion pop
47 Nightshades make up 6.76% of hibernia pop.

If midgards population was 712 like Albion then 7.1% shadowblades would be 50.5 SB's online compared to 48 infiltrators.

It's a pretty negligible difference when you look at it that way... midgard just has more players online.

This ^^^

One additional thing is that Midgard has less classes available to pick from:
Albion: 14 (7.14% if all classes where equally picked)
Hibernia: 13 (7.69% if all classes where equally picked)
Midgard: 12 (8.33% if all classes where equally picked)

So the combination of the highest populated realm with the least available choices means that shadowblades will most likely be the biggest pop. of all 3 assassins.
Tue 23 Apr 2019 11:47 AM by Cadebrennus
jelzinga_EU wrote:
Tue 23 Apr 2019 5:24 AM
Dreldan wrote:
Mon 22 Apr 2019 7:27 PM
Probably because midgard has a higher population then the other realms.

Current realm populations online (im using current realm pop but your character count as i can't get online to look at the class distribution)

Midgard: 877
Albion: 712
Hibernia: 695

Midgard currently has about 23.5% higher population then second highest. It would be normal for us to have more of every class online.

63 Shadowblades make up 7.18% of midgards online pop
48 Infiltrators make up about 6.74% of albion pop
47 Nightshades make up 6.76% of hibernia pop.

If midgards population was 712 like Albion then 7.1% shadowblades would be 50.5 SB's online compared to 48 infiltrators.

It's a pretty negligible difference when you look at it that way... midgard just has more players online.

This ^^^

One additional thing is that Midgard has less classes available to pick from:
Albion: 14 (7.14% if all classes where equally picked)
Hibernia: 13 (7.69% if all classes where equally picked)
Midgard: 12 (8.33% if all classes where equally picked)

So the combination of the highest populated realm with the least available choices means that shadowblades will most likely be the biggest pop. of all 3 assassins.

Very interesting point. I don't really agree with it (classes available leading to choice) but it is a very interesting point.
Tue 23 Apr 2019 12:05 PM by Yokahu
The answer is easy.
It’s because of the dual blades on their backs... looks so freaking awesome! Well worth it being gimp for the looks hehe
(Throwing dagger and 2h)
Tue 23 Apr 2019 1:12 PM by Joc
They aren't gimp. They do just fine against other stealthers. They struggle a bit more against hib blade shades due to resist tables but can still easily win fights.

I personally like SBs b/c of the left axe mechanic and haste effect. 2H pa with high cs spec is fun too if you so desire.

Don't buy the load of BS that SBs are gimp. I've played one since release, was the 2nd person on Lancelot to hit Lone Enforcer (pre dragonfang nerf, and post doublefrost nerf) and not once did I ever feel like I couldn't handle my own in RvR. They are more than capable of being a very powerful class in the right hands.

Just my 2 cents worth I guess...
Tue 23 Apr 2019 8:51 PM by Dariussdars
Joc wrote:
Tue 23 Apr 2019 1:12 PM
They aren't gimp. They do just fine against other stealthers. They struggle a bit more against hib blade shades due to resist tables but can still easily win fights.

I personally like SBs b/c of the left axe mechanic and haste effect. 2H pa with high cs spec is fun too if you so desire.

Don't buy the load of BS that SBs are gimp. I've played one since release, was the 2nd person on Lancelot to hit Lone Enforcer (pre dragonfang nerf, and post doublefrost nerf) and not once did I ever feel like I couldn't handle my own in RvR. They are more than capable of being a very powerful class in the right hands.

Just my 2 cents worth I guess...

Shadowblades are up against armor that is resistant to their damage type against NS and Infils. How anyone can say they are all equal when one class hits for less damage against the other two's armor is laughable.
Wed 24 Apr 2019 7:40 AM by Sepplord
Dariussdars wrote:
Tue 23 Apr 2019 8:51 PM
Joc wrote:
Tue 23 Apr 2019 1:12 PM
They aren't gimp. They do just fine against other stealthers. They struggle a bit more against hib blade shades due to resist tables but can still easily win fights.

I personally like SBs b/c of the left axe mechanic and haste effect. 2H pa with high cs spec is fun too if you so desire.

Don't buy the load of BS that SBs are gimp. I've played one since release, was the 2nd person on Lancelot to hit Lone Enforcer (pre dragonfang nerf, and post doublefrost nerf) and not once did I ever feel like I couldn't handle my own in RvR. They are more than capable of being a very powerful class in the right hands.

Just my 2 cents worth I guess...

Shadowblades are up against armor that is resistant to their damage type against NS and Infils. How anyone can say they are all equal when one class hits for less damage against the other two's armor is laughable.

shhh shhh shhh you and your logic again tststs
haven't you read? He has played an SB on live, he clearly knows whats up on phoenix

My hunter at lvl3x twoshot an enemy alb with his speer. I did feel very powerful in that moment. Does that mean Hunters are really strong at 3x and simply should stay that level to be succesful in RvR. I mean...we have this one example kind of prooving it, right??? Any class can get kills in RvR and feel powerful. Doesn't mean they aren't disadvantage or have it harder than their counterparts
Wed 24 Apr 2019 1:31 PM by Joc
Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. Yes the armor tables are not in our favor here, but SBs are not as gimp as people say. They are pretty even overall. I destroy shades and infs regularly that are higher rank than me. I also get beat. A lot of it is just dumb luck on evade chains.

On a side note, I would love to see a side stun in LA
Mon 29 Apr 2019 10:00 AM by bigne88
Here again one more nob mid player crying about his subpar realm.

SB is not gimp, but you surely are.
Mon 29 Apr 2019 10:49 AM by Sepplord
I guess "being gimped" needs to be defined more clearly, since in my understanding the only situations/classes i would really call gimped are stealthers in a visible group-setting

Classes can be disadvantaged (which imo SBs are slightly) without being gimp, imo.
Mon 29 Apr 2019 11:06 AM by Cadebrennus
Thanks everyone for the input. I ended up going to Alb because that's where I got the plat transfer to first. If it had been Mid first I would have gone with the SB.
Mon 29 Apr 2019 11:42 AM by Lillebror
I had a few runs after i turned lgm alchemy where i got 2h pa'd and got oneshotted. and i was so damn pissed.
complaining whining and all of a sudden i understand why, i still had my craft gear on....
most have felt great for thouse that killed me but i took the hint when a NS two shotted me
Mon 29 Apr 2019 11:45 AM by Sepplord
Cadebrennus wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 11:06 AM
Thanks everyone for the input. I ended up going to Alb because that's where I got the plat transfer to first. If it had been Mid first I would have gone with the SB.

How is Alb the solution when looking to play "underdog stealth wars". Also, wouldn't one of the archers be a must-pick looking at population-numbers?

Either way, have fun on your new toon, seriously. I am just not convinced with the whole "looking for underdog"-thing when the choice was an SB first and now albion
Mon 29 Apr 2019 6:02 PM by Joc
Cadebrennus wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 11:06 AM
Thanks everyone for the input. I ended up going to Alb because that's where I got the plat transfer to first. If it had been Mid first I would have gone with the SB.

Look forward to seeing you out there. Good luck.
Mon 29 Apr 2019 6:12 PM by Riac
Cadebrennus wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 11:06 AM
Thanks everyone for the input. I ended up going to Alb because that's where I got the plat transfer to first. If it had been Mid first I would have gone with the SB.

wasnt this guy shit talking about how they aren't gimp??? and now hes glad he dodged a bullet by not picking sb???
Mon 29 Apr 2019 7:11 PM by Saroi
Well I don't know why so many play SB, probably because of the dual swords on back like someone mentioned. Also Shadowblade is a way better name then Infiltrator or Nightshade. Sexy female Norse!

Some people say SB are gimp, but that is only because they do not understand the LA mechanics. If you ask me, SB is the strongest Assassin. That is because LA is superior to the others.

NS may have armor advantage, but you lack about 200 HP less, your weaponline and CD don't have any useful styles besides the sidestun, which forces you to spec into CS to compete. NS doesn't have high skill points like Inf, so they do not get CD too high and have less Offhand hits (Especially at lower rr). Besides that, the weapon choice you have as NS, especially blades from Feather is really, really garbage compared to the other realms.

Also on this server, LA already got buffed hard, yet people do not see it. The Backchain from 50 LA has the DD cold proc, which hits for a ridiculous amount of damage, besides the fact that Backchain has a very high growth Rate and already does a lot of Mainhand damage.

LA Mainhand starts with 77.3% damage instead of the 62.5% damage.

If NS didn't have the armor advantage, they would be totally gimp.

Inf is a mixed situation. You go blade to have higher damage against SB but you lose your advantage vs. NS. Blade has only a 2nd part chain stun like SB, while Thrust has a 6sec after evade with level 15. Also Thrust offhand has a 11.3 damage add proc, which is very strong. Besides that you have 2.5x skillpoints, that only really helps you at low rr to go high or even 50 DW and leave CS by 34.

While SB get a really strong advantage at higher RR, especially after rr10 to have 50 LA, comp weapon/env/stealth and get 34 CS for PA+stun. (Masterspec)

The only thing SB is really lacking is the ability to be useful in Stealthgrp, since the other realms have easy access to stuns in grpfights.
Mon 29 Apr 2019 8:12 PM by Cadebrennus
Sepplord wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 11:45 AM
Cadebrennus wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 11:06 AM
Thanks everyone for the input. I ended up going to Alb because that's where I got the plat transfer to first. If it had been Mid first I would have gone with the SB.

How is Alb the solution when looking to play "underdog stealth wars". Also, wouldn't one of the archers be a must-pick looking at population-numbers?

Either way, have fun on your new toon, seriously. I am just not convinced with the whole "looking for underdog"-thing when the choice was an SB first and now albion

I was definitely going SB but I got impatient waiting for a plat transfer. No way I'm going to level another character without bot-in-a-bottle this time around. It ended up being wherever I could get a plat transfer wins. Alb won.
Mon 29 Apr 2019 8:15 PM by Cadebrennus
Riac wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 6:12 PM
Cadebrennus wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 11:06 AM
Thanks everyone for the input. I ended up going to Alb because that's where I got the plat transfer to first. If it had been Mid first I would have gone with the SB.

wasnt this guy shit talking about how they aren't gimp??? and now hes glad he dodged a bullet by not picking sb???

Tell me exactly where I said I'm glad about anything. And tell me how I was shit talking tough guy. And how is that dodging a bullet? I asked a question and got responses. Tell me more about how exactly I feel about things. Go ahead.
Mon 29 Apr 2019 8:17 PM by Cadebrennus
Saroi wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 7:11 PM
Well I don't know why so many play SB, probably because of the dual swords on back like someone mentioned. Also Shadowblade is a way better name then Infiltrator or Nightshade. Sexy female Norse!

Some people say SB are gimp, but that is only because they do not understand the LA mechanics. If you ask me, SB is the strongest Assassin. That is because LA is superior to the others.

NS may have armor advantage, but you lack about 200 HP less, your weaponline and CD don't have any useful styles besides the sidestun, which forces you to spec into CS to compete. NS doesn't have high skill points like Inf, so they do not get CD too high and have less Offhand hits (Especially at lower rr). Besides that, the weapon choice you have as NS, especially blades from Feather is really, really garbage compared to the other realms.

Also on this server, LA already got buffed hard, yet people do not see it. The Backchain from 50 LA has the DD cold proc, which hits for a ridiculous amount of damage, besides the fact that Backchain has a very high growth Rate and already does a lot of Mainhand damage.

LA Mainhand starts with 77.3% damage instead of the 62.5% damage.

If NS didn't have the armor advantage, they would be totally gimp.

Inf is a mixed situation. You go blade to have higher damage against SB but you lose your advantage vs. NS. Blade has only a 2nd part chain stun like SB, while Thrust has a 6sec after evade with level 15. Also Thrust offhand has a 11.3 damage add proc, which is very strong. Besides that you have 2.5x skillpoints, that only really helps you at low rr to go high or even 50 DW and leave CS by 34.

While SB get a really strong advantage at higher RR, especially after rr10 to have 50 LA, comp weapon/env/stealth and get 34 CS for PA+stun. (Masterspec)

The only thing SB is really lacking is the ability to be useful in Stealthgrp, since the other realms have easy access to stuns in grpfights.

You listed exactly the reasons I wanted to play SB here on Phoenix. I just couldn't find anyone to plat transfer with on Mid
Mon 29 Apr 2019 9:37 PM by HtGeist
Well if play mid option is super gimp hunter or gimp SB..and mid has people in the realm..and with those options..yea you gonna see some sb's when people tire of getting rolled on visibles. easy as that..
Mon 29 Apr 2019 9:38 PM by phixion
We have to put up with a 20% dmg spread due to armor tables.

We have no stun off evade, instead we have to get 2 styles off after an evade which is almost impossible on anything with evade.

If you ask me, we are the weakest assassin.
Mon 29 Apr 2019 10:14 PM by Joc
phixion wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 9:38 PM
We have to put up with a 20% dmg spread due to armor tables.

We have no stun off evade, instead we have to get 2 styles off after an evade which is almost impossible on anything with evade.

If you ask me, we are the weakest assassin.

I land my 7s 2 part chain stun on almost every fight (including sneaks). The 20% spread is only against a bladeshade/ranger. I still have been able to beat them consistently too. Our weapon choices, increased HP, increased con, 2h ability, and the LA mechanic makes an SB very competitive in most sneak fights. At higher RR the SB pulls ahead of the other 2 based on these factors.

I will admit its an uphill battle until rr4+ due to spec points, but that took me all of a week to get to.

Yes we lack an off evade stun which really forces us to go high purge, but I was running that anyways on all my sneaks. Played all 3 assassins extensively (SB and NS the most) and in this current patch I still think that after RR7 the SB is the strongest of the 3 assassins.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 1:39 AM by RaisingSun
Cadebrennus wrote:
Mon 22 Apr 2019 5:11 PM
Honest question. I logged on to level up my SB and was pretty disappointed at how many of them there are. I was hoping to level up an "underdog" class in the stealth wars. Apparently they're not. This was a screenshot taken at 1900 CET, so pretty much prime time.

As you can see, Infils and NS's are about equal, and all three realms Archers are about equal. Hunters would actually slightly come in behind, instead of ahead, if you accounted for a per-capita rather than raw numbers.

FYI I do not consider Minstrels to be pure "stealthers" for this purpose due to the fact that they are a necessity in Visi 8mans, so don't even go there.

I was thinking the same thing. Blade Shades destroy them.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 1:53 AM by phixion
Joc wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 10:14 PM
I land my 7s 2 part chain stun on almost every fight (including sneaks).

LA or Weapon chain stun?

My Frosty Gaze has been evaded so much vs stealthers, last fight the guy evaded both MH and OH both times I tried to land FG.

I spoke to other SBs and they experience the same thing, I spoke to 1 SB in particular who didn't use FG but his weapon stun line and said it landed all the time.

I have 32+20 sword, but I've also tried 44+20 sword and didn't notice much difference so felt the points were wasted--it only raised my WS by 100 or so.

To be honest, it's a lot like when I was CS spec, I could barely ever land a full hamstring chain on anyone mid to high RR, on lower RR I could get the entire chain off without issue.

At this point, I'm tempted to reduce my LA from 50 to 44 and raise sword to 39 (for Stun and WS) or 44 (for Stun and more WS).
Tue 30 Apr 2019 2:41 AM by Joc
When I was lower RR I was using the axe stun and it landed about the same with 39 axe spec (34 for the stun) as my FG does now. I guess I haven't noticed a difference as of yet that I could say anything about. I'd be interested if anyone finds some solid info on that though.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 2:44 AM by Joc
I'm actually thinking about going back to higher CS again and 39axe. I know that gimps my LA a small bit but that 39axe side ASR is 34% and its brutal.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 5:50 AM by Saroi
phixion wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 1:53 AM
Joc wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 10:14 PM
I land my 7s 2 part chain stun on almost every fight (including sneaks).

LA or Weapon chain stun?

My Frosty Gaze has been evaded so much vs stealthers, last fight the guy evaded both MH and OH both times I tried to land FG.

I spoke to other SBs and they experience the same thing, I spoke to 1 SB in particular who didn't use FG but his weapon stun line and said it landed all the time.

I have 32+20 sword, but I've also tried 44+20 sword and didn't notice much difference so felt the points were wasted--it only raised my WS by 100 or so.

To be honest, it's a lot like when I was CS spec, I could barely ever land a full hamstring chain on anyone mid to high RR, on lower RR I could get the entire chain off without issue.

At this point, I'm tempted to reduce my LA from 50 to 44 and raise sword to 39 (for Stun and WS) or 44 (for Stun and more WS).

Sure it is harder to land 2 styles in a row, but I don't have that much difficulty landing FG. As a matter of fact, I try to avoid using it.(Not always the case since it does a lot of damage too) Everyone has purge up to 95% of the time, landing a stun just gets all your poison purged too which gimps your fight. For a short moment the enemy does full damage and has a higher chance to evade/block/parry duo to higher WS.

Besides that, now imagine playing a NS. Both Blade and CD have a 2 part anytimer style just like CS, piercing even has a 3 part anytimer chain. Blade/CD first part has a low growth Rate of about 0,4, while the followup is around 0,8 (only slightly higher than Doublefrost). The damage isn't very high from the style combined compared to 2x Doublefrost. So you play CS with Garotte/Achilles. All first anytimers have a defense penalty, which pretty much neglects the base Miss rate on you. So if your followup doesn't land in either specs, you lose a lot of damage, while SB just needs to spam Doublefrost.

NS has so many disadvantages like I wrote on this Thread before, the armor advantage is the only thing going to make NS somewhat compete. And as SB you can still do about the same amount of Mainhand damage than a NS.

Going from 50 to 44 LA will make you lose a good amount of damage. Not sure if that bit extra WS is really worth it and you also lose the 50 style, which I don't want to miss with my SB.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:13 AM by Sepplord
regarding the 50style in LA: how often does it really decide fights? (serious question, no implication)
Considering it's a third-in-chain backstyle, doesn't it only work on targets that are stunned? In which case, don't you usually win fights where you can do 3styles on a stunned enemy anyways?

On paper it sounds a bit like a Win-more situation, but not really giving me an edge in fringe 1vs1 fights? what am i missing?
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:43 AM by Saroi
Sepplord wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:13 AM
regarding the 50style in LA: how often does it really decide fights? (serious question, no implication)
Considering it's a third-in-chain backstyle, doesn't it only work on targets that are stunned? In which case, don't you usually win fights where you can do 3styles on a stunned enemy anyways?

On paper it sounds a bit like a Win-more situation, but not really giving me an edge in fringe 1vs1 fights? what am i missing?

You can land it on 1v1 fights too. You can walk through enemy and by the time he turns duo stick you can get Snowsquall off. Or you can stand directly in the enemy and turn, so that the game is seeing him back to you and use Snowsquall. It is basically the same as Hunter can get their backstun off or NS/Ranger sidestun by walking through an enemy or standing directly in them.

And on pretty much every visible you can start with the Backchain.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:53 AM by Sepplord
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:43 AM
Sepplord wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:13 AM
regarding the 50style in LA: how often does it really decide fights? (serious question, no implication)
Considering it's a third-in-chain backstyle, doesn't it only work on targets that are stunned? In which case, don't you usually win fights where you can do 3styles on a stunned enemy anyways?

On paper it sounds a bit like a Win-more situation, but not really giving me an edge in fringe 1vs1 fights? what am i missing?

You can land it on 1v1 fights too. You can walk through enemy and by the time he turns duo stick you can get Snowsquall off. Or you can stand directly in the enemy and turn, so that the game is seeing him back to you and use Snowsquall. It is basically the same as Hunter can get their backstun off or NS/Ranger sidestun by walking through an enemy or standing directly in them.

And on pretty much every visible you can start with the Backchain.

okay, yeah
i didn't think of that, since so many here are saying the tier2 evade-stun is hard to land...i assumed landing a third in chain in normal fight would be almost impossible

Is the backcombo so strong that it is worth forfeiting PA/BS on a visible to directly open with SQ?
Tue 30 Apr 2019 8:27 AM by Saroi
Sepplord wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:53 AM
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:43 AM
Sepplord wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:13 AM
regarding the 50style in LA: how often does it really decide fights? (serious question, no implication)
Considering it's a third-in-chain backstyle, doesn't it only work on targets that are stunned? In which case, don't you usually win fights where you can do 3styles on a stunned enemy anyways?

On paper it sounds a bit like a Win-more situation, but not really giving me an edge in fringe 1vs1 fights? what am i missing?

You can land it on 1v1 fights too. You can walk through enemy and by the time he turns duo stick you can get Snowsquall off. Or you can stand directly in the enemy and turn, so that the game is seeing him back to you and use Snowsquall. It is basically the same as Hunter can get their backstun off or NS/Ranger sidestun by walking through an enemy or standing directly in them.

And on pretty much every visible you can start with the Backchain.

okay, yeah
i didn't think of that, since so many here are saying the tier2 evade-stun is hard to land...i assumed landing a third in chain in normal fight would be almost impossible

Is the backcombo so strong that it is worth forfeiting PA/BS on a visible to directly open with SQ?

Everyone has their own opinion. Ofc it is harder to land a chain but it is not impossible and I do land them pretty good. And the Backchain is well worth it. I do not like PA on this server. The damage is so low, that basically the WS/Con debuff reduces the health from enemy in kinda the same amount. CD is pretty worthless since everyone is running with purge 4/5. So I went 50 LA and only got 10 CS to get through caster bubble.

The Backchain does a huge amount of damage. It is not rare that level 50 style does around 180 - 210 Mainhand damage(Depending on armor) + the DD cold proc, which hits around 120 damage. Growth Rate is pretty high and you also have the skill on max + you get the full bonus damage duo LA mechanics. Snowsquall and Icy Brilliance do a little less Mainhand damage.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 10:02 AM by Saroi
Cadebrennus wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 8:17 PM
Saroi wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 7:11 PM
Well I don't know why so many play SB, probably because of the dual swords on back like someone mentioned. Also Shadowblade is a way better name then Infiltrator or Nightshade. Sexy female Norse!

Some people say SB are gimp, but that is only because they do not understand the LA mechanics. If you ask me, SB is the strongest Assassin. That is because LA is superior to the others.

NS may have armor advantage, but you lack about 200 HP less, your weaponline and CD don't have any useful styles besides the sidestun, which forces you to spec into CS to compete. NS doesn't have high skill points like Inf, so they do not get CD too high and have less Offhand hits (Especially at lower rr). Besides that, the weapon choice you have as NS, especially blades from Feather is really, really garbage compared to the other realms.

Also on this server, LA already got buffed hard, yet people do not see it. The Backchain from 50 LA has the DD cold proc, which hits for a ridiculous amount of damage, besides the fact that Backchain has a very high growth Rate and already does a lot of Mainhand damage.

LA Mainhand starts with 77.3% damage instead of the 62.5% damage.

If NS didn't have the armor advantage, they would be totally gimp.

Inf is a mixed situation. You go blade to have higher damage against SB but you lose your advantage vs. NS. Blade has only a 2nd part chain stun like SB, while Thrust has a 6sec after evade with level 15. Also Thrust offhand has a 11.3 damage add proc, which is very strong. Besides that you have 2.5x skillpoints, that only really helps you at low rr to go high or even 50 DW and leave CS by 34.

While SB get a really strong advantage at higher RR, especially after rr10 to have 50 LA, comp weapon/env/stealth and get 34 CS for PA+stun. (Masterspec)

The only thing SB is really lacking is the ability to be useful in Stealthgrp, since the other realms have easy access to stuns in grpfights.

You listed exactly the reasons I wanted to play SB here on Phoenix. I just couldn't find anyone to plat transfer with on Mid

Yup. Mid is harder to farm so people are not willing enough to give away their plat for other realms. If you really want to play SB have to start all over ^^
Tue 30 Apr 2019 11:04 AM by Cadebrennus
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 10:02 AM
Cadebrennus wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 8:17 PM
Saroi wrote:
Mon 29 Apr 2019 7:11 PM
Well I don't know why so many play SB, probably because of the dual swords on back like someone mentioned. Also Shadowblade is a way better name then Infiltrator or Nightshade. Sexy female Norse!

Some people say SB are gimp, but that is only because they do not understand the LA mechanics. If you ask me, SB is the strongest Assassin. That is because LA is superior to the others.

NS may have armor advantage, but you lack about 200 HP less, your weaponline and CD don't have any useful styles besides the sidestun, which forces you to spec into CS to compete. NS doesn't have high skill points like Inf, so they do not get CD too high and have less Offhand hits (Especially at lower rr). Besides that, the weapon choice you have as NS, especially blades from Feather is really, really garbage compared to the other realms.

Also on this server, LA already got buffed hard, yet people do not see it. The Backchain from 50 LA has the DD cold proc, which hits for a ridiculous amount of damage, besides the fact that Backchain has a very high growth Rate and already does a lot of Mainhand damage.

LA Mainhand starts with 77.3% damage instead of the 62.5% damage.

If NS didn't have the armor advantage, they would be totally gimp.

Inf is a mixed situation. You go blade to have higher damage against SB but you lose your advantage vs. NS. Blade has only a 2nd part chain stun like SB, while Thrust has a 6sec after evade with level 15. Also Thrust offhand has a 11.3 damage add proc, which is very strong. Besides that you have 2.5x skillpoints, that only really helps you at low rr to go high or even 50 DW and leave CS by 34.

While SB get a really strong advantage at higher RR, especially after rr10 to have 50 LA, comp weapon/env/stealth and get 34 CS for PA+stun. (Masterspec)

The only thing SB is really lacking is the ability to be useful in Stealthgrp, since the other realms have easy access to stuns in grpfights.

You listed exactly the reasons I wanted to play SB here on Phoenix. I just couldn't find anyone to plat transfer with on Mid

Yup. Mid is harder to farm so people are not willing enough to give away their plat for other realms. If you really want to play SB have to start all over ^^

Okay that makes complete sense. I guess if I ever want to start over from zero, then it will be a good time to try Mid here.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 1:18 PM by Sepplord
i have seen people offering different than 1:1ratios when moving from hib to mid...which makes sense considering the different timeinvestment / the buying power of plats

but yeah, many many many only offer 1:1trades and as a mid all i do is /shrug and wonder if that isn't borderline fraud, since the only midgardarian accepting a 1to1 plattrade to hibernia must be someone who doesn't know about the different economies and is being tricked
Tue 30 Apr 2019 1:54 PM by phixion
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 5:50 AM
And as SB you can still do about the same amount of Mainhand damage than a NS.

I strongly disagree with this statement.

Every templated NS I face outdamages me MH and OH. Rangers... due to their reinforced armor, I hit them ~100 if lucky, they hit me 160+.

Are we playing the same game?
Tue 30 Apr 2019 4:08 PM by Saroi
phixion wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 1:54 PM
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 5:50 AM
And as SB you can still do about the same amount of Mainhand damage than a NS.

I strongly disagree with this statement.

Every templated NS I face outdamages me MH and OH. Rangers... due to their reinforced armor, I hit them ~100 if lucky, they hit me 160+.

Are we playing the same game?

Apparently not because I never hit someone that low and got that high hits. What Rangers you talking about? And about NS, even Boomslang and Xann who are rr9 didn't out damage me. Or did that damage. They were about 150-157 Mainhand while I did about 135-145. Xann is the only NS that was able to kill me 1v1 but I killed him too. Happened a few times, nice draw fights.

When I fought Barbaz, ranger (Who said you vanished from him today). I did 127 Doublefrost damage and he hit me for 137-147 damage. But I had poison on me because I killed a NS before Barbaz attacked me. THe only Ranger I did low damage was vs. Alcohol. I did around 90-100 damage but he hit me for around 80 damage. That was a weird low damage fight.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 5:22 PM by phixion
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 4:08 PM
Apparently not because I never hit someone that low and got that high hits. What Rangers you talking about? And about NS, even Boomslang and Xann who are rr9 didn't out damage me. Or did that damage. They were about 150-157 Mainhand while I did about 135-145. Xann is the only NS that was able to kill me 1v1 but I killed him too. Happened a few times, nice draw fights.

When I fought Barbaz, ranger (Who said you vanished from him today). I did 127 Doublefrost damage and he hit me for 137-147 damage. But I had poison on me because I killed a NS before Barbaz attacked me. THe only Ranger I did low damage was vs. Alcohol. I did around 90-100 damage but he hit me for around 80 damage. That was a weird low damage fight.

There will always be a 20% dmg spread vs blade shades. There's no skirting around that fact. If they aren't hitting harder they are doing something wrong.

When it comes to rangers, the abs on their armor means you hit for less. I often hit them for below 100 mainhand, yet they hit me for 160+.

Then there's offhand swing chance, yes LA always swings, but look at how often CD or DW doesn't...
Tue 30 Apr 2019 6:08 PM by Joc
You also have to remember that a blades ranger is also on a higher WS table and they are supposed to hit harder in general because of that alone. The mitigating factor is that our WS/con debuff brings that back down to earth a little. They are purely strength based. I ALWAYS start fights with disease and WS/con debuffs and weapon swap in the dot afterwards.

One thing I have found that helps is to have a main hand like dragonmight that procs a dot and an offhand that also procs a dot. They will both stack with lifebane and in many fights I have 3 dots ticking while they are slowed, diseased, debuffed all at the same time. The triple dots do a lot of work on tanky classes also.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:54 PM by Saroi
phixion wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 5:22 PM
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 4:08 PM
Apparently not because I never hit someone that low and got that high hits. What Rangers you talking about? And about NS, even Boomslang and Xann who are rr9 didn't out damage me. Or did that damage. They were about 150-157 Mainhand while I did about 135-145. Xann is the only NS that was able to kill me 1v1 but I killed him too. Happened a few times, nice draw fights.

When I fought Barbaz, ranger (Who said you vanished from him today). I did 127 Doublefrost damage and he hit me for 137-147 damage. But I had poison on me because I killed a NS before Barbaz attacked me. THe only Ranger I did low damage was vs. Alcohol. I did around 90-100 damage but he hit me for around 80 damage. That was a weird low damage fight.

There will always be a 20% dmg spread vs blade shades. There's no skirting around that fact. If they aren't hitting harder they are doing something wrong.

When it comes to rangers, the abs on their armor means you hit for less. I often hit them for below 100 mainhand, yet they hit me for 160+.

Then there's offhand swing chance, yes LA always swings, but look at how often CD or DW doesn't...

LA Mainhand got buffed from 62,5% to 77,3% in Beta and the offhand got lowered from 62,5% to 52,5%. On one patch in march they buffed CD/DW hitchance and buffed the damage from LA offhand. So basically they returned the offhand nerf in Beta and still kept LA Mainhand buff.

Now, 20% damage spread doesn't mean the damage difference is 20%. You has a SB just hit for 10% less than your normal damage, while NS hits for 10% more than his normal damage.

If you get in the factor, that your Mainhand already got buffed and LA styles having higher Growth Rate for better style damage, then it makes up for it.

So I don't know exactly what you are up against or doing, but I never had such big difference in damage.

I just made a NS for fun, got my 100% Temp, running around with Str/Con, d/q and AF charge. Now I am only rr4, so I lack in Aug Str. which is totally needed with base 40 str as a hib.

But I've seen some SB's hitting me for around 140-180 Mainhand damage (from Doublefrost to Evade chain) and offhand doing around 40-45 damage. That is pretty much what I do with my SB vs. other NS. So it is possible to hit hard as a SB vs NS, dispite that you do 10% less damage because of the armor. Now for Scale. When the event was open, I had some fights vs other SB's like Trellina, Dandere. My Doublefrost did around 185-190 damage. If you factor in, that that is 10% more damage, the normal damage would be 168 damage. 10% less damage from that is around 150. So it is reasonable and possible to hit NS for around 150 damage.

While DW surely hits more, because Inf have 2.5 skillpoints and if specced to 50 they get around 80% Hitchance (if there is no Cap), NS and even Rangers don't get the chance to go very high in CD, so they are stuck at 20-30 points in CD. So the Hitchance is around 55-65% Offhand.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 8:10 PM by phixion
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:54 PM
Now, 20% damage spread doesn't mean the damage difference is 20%. You has a SB just hit for 10% less than your normal damage, while NS hits for 10% more than his normal damage.

If you get in the factor, that your Mainhand already got buffed and LA styles having higher Growth Rate for better style damage, then it makes up for it.

Yes, this is the 20% dmg spread I am referring to.

I still hit for less than most templated NS's out there.

Now.. I don't see the same problem vs Infs. They hit hard yes, but I can still kill them in time if I am not done over by RNG. I can't remember the last time I lost to a RR4 inf, I do however lose to RR4 NS's. That 20% spread is just far too much, I would like to see it brought down to current Live levels (10%).

Let us imagine for a moment, a RR10 NS losing to a RR4 Shadowblade. Unless some seriously bad RNG kicks in, I just don't see it happening.

Look at Xann, Iso, Shurtugal... 3 of the best NS's I've come across. When was the last time they lost to something 6 RRs lower? It happens to me and I have to just shrug it off, knowing that when they do reach a similar RR to me they are more than likely going to destroy me everytime--and this isn't me throwing a tantrum over it or merely guessing. I was behind in RR to these guys before and I just could not beat them until I surpassed their RR.

Quick example. Just fought an Inf:

My MH: 118 (50 LA btw)
His MH: 149

This is a pattern I've seen over almost 11RR worth of play.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 9:21 PM by Cadebrennus
Joc wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 6:08 PM
You also have to remember that a blades ranger is also on a higher WS table and they are supposed to hit harder in general because of that alone. The mitigating factor is that our WS/con debuff brings that back down to earth a little. They are purely strength based. I ALWAYS start fights with disease and WS/con debuffs and weapon swap in the dot afterwards.

One thing I have found that helps is to have a main hand like dragonmight that procs a dot and an offhand that also procs a dot. They will both stack with lifebane and in many fights I have 3 dots ticking while they are slowed, diseased, debuffed all at the same time. The triple dots do a lot of work on tanky classes also.

So completely and utterly wrong. Bad wrong. Super bad horribly wrong.

Rangers are on the same WS table as other stealthers.
Tue 30 Apr 2019 11:39 PM by Kappu
Joc wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 6:08 PM
One thing I have found that helps is to have a main hand like dragonmight that procs a dot and an offhand that also procs a dot. They will both stack with lifebane and in many fights I have 3 dots ticking while they are slowed, diseased, debuffed all at the same time. The triple dots do a lot of work on tanky classes also.

Is this statement actually true you can stack three DoT's?

Also, Rangers are on the same table as all other sneaks except for Hunters and Scouts who are a Factor or 19.
Wed 1 May 2019 2:38 AM by Joc
My bad on the WS table. I thought they were a table above us. Yes you can stack 3 dots depending on the source. I use the dragonmight which has a dot proc, a crafted offhand with a dot proc and lifebane. The message in the channel will tell you which dot is which also. Sort of nice to see where you're damage sources are coming from when you scroll back through it all. A number of SBs have caught onto this and are doing the same.
Wed 1 May 2019 1:50 PM by Mauriac
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:54 PM
phixion wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 5:22 PM
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 4:08 PM
Apparently not because I never hit someone that low and got that high hits. What Rangers you talking about? And about NS, even Boomslang and Xann who are rr9 didn't out damage me. Or did that damage. They were about 150-157 Mainhand while I did about 135-145. Xann is the only NS that was able to kill me 1v1 but I killed him too. Happened a few times, nice draw fights.

When I fought Barbaz, ranger (Who said you vanished from him today). I did 127 Doublefrost damage and he hit me for 137-147 damage. But I had poison on me because I killed a NS before Barbaz attacked me. THe only Ranger I did low damage was vs. Alcohol. I did around 90-100 damage but he hit me for around 80 damage. That was a weird low damage fight.

There will always be a 20% dmg spread vs blade shades. There's no skirting around that fact. If they aren't hitting harder they are doing something wrong.

When it comes to rangers, the abs on their armor means you hit for less. I often hit them for below 100 mainhand, yet they hit me for 160+.

Then there's offhand swing chance, yes LA always swings, but look at how often CD or DW doesn't...

LA Mainhand got buffed from 62,5% to 77,3% in Beta and the offhand got lowered from 62,5% to 52,5%. On one patch in march they buffed CD/DW hitchance and buffed the damage from LA offhand. So basically they returned the offhand nerf in Beta and still kept LA Mainhand buff.

Now, 20% damage spread doesn't mean the damage difference is 20%. You has a SB just hit for 10% less than your normal damage, while NS hits for 10% more than his normal damage.

If you get in the factor, that your Mainhand already got buffed and LA styles having higher Growth Rate for better style damage, then it makes up for it.

So I don't know exactly what you are up against or doing, but I never had such big difference in damage.

I just made a NS for fun, got my 100% Temp, running around with Str/Con, d/q and AF charge. Now I am only rr4, so I lack in Aug Str. which is totally needed with base 40 str as a hib.

But I've seen some SB's hitting me for around 140-180 Mainhand damage (from Doublefrost to Evade chain) and offhand doing around 40-45 damage. That is pretty much what I do with my SB vs. other NS. So it is possible to hit hard as a SB vs NS, dispite that you do 10% less damage because of the armor. Now for Scale. When the event was open, I had some fights vs other SB's like Trellina, Dandere. My Doublefrost did around 185-190 damage. If you factor in, that that is 10% more damage, the normal damage would be 168 damage. 10% less damage from that is around 150. So it is reasonable and possible to hit NS for around 150 damage.

While DW surely hits more, because Inf have 2.5 skillpoints and if specced to 50 they get around 80% Hitchance (if there is no Cap), NS and even Rangers don't get the chance to go very high in CD, so they are stuck at 20-30 points in CD. So the Hitchance is around 55-65% Offhand.

The GR from LA styles is not higher. CS styles outclass them by a mile. Look at damage from 2x doublefrost compared to garrote and achilles heel or comeback chain to hamstring and leaper, don't even count follow on styles. The damage is not comparable.
Wed 1 May 2019 3:13 PM by Saroi
Mauriac wrote:
Wed 1 May 2019 1:50 PM
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:54 PM
phixion wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 5:22 PM
There will always be a 20% dmg spread vs blade shades. There's no skirting around that fact. If they aren't hitting harder they are doing something wrong.

When it comes to rangers, the abs on their armor means you hit for less. I often hit them for below 100 mainhand, yet they hit me for 160+.

Then there's offhand swing chance, yes LA always swings, but look at how often CD or DW doesn't...

LA Mainhand got buffed from 62,5% to 77,3% in Beta and the offhand got lowered from 62,5% to 52,5%. On one patch in march they buffed CD/DW hitchance and buffed the damage from LA offhand. So basically they returned the offhand nerf in Beta and still kept LA Mainhand buff.

Now, 20% damage spread doesn't mean the damage difference is 20%. You has a SB just hit for 10% less than your normal damage, while NS hits for 10% more than his normal damage.

If you get in the factor, that your Mainhand already got buffed and LA styles having higher Growth Rate for better style damage, then it makes up for it.

So I don't know exactly what you are up against or doing, but I never had such big difference in damage.

I just made a NS for fun, got my 100% Temp, running around with Str/Con, d/q and AF charge. Now I am only rr4, so I lack in Aug Str. which is totally needed with base 40 str as a hib.

But I've seen some SB's hitting me for around 140-180 Mainhand damage (from Doublefrost to Evade chain) and offhand doing around 40-45 damage. That is pretty much what I do with my SB vs. other NS. So it is possible to hit hard as a SB vs NS, dispite that you do 10% less damage because of the armor. Now for Scale. When the event was open, I had some fights vs other SB's like Trellina, Dandere. My Doublefrost did around 185-190 damage. If you factor in, that that is 10% more damage, the normal damage would be 168 damage. 10% less damage from that is around 150. So it is reasonable and possible to hit NS for around 150 damage.

While DW surely hits more, because Inf have 2.5 skillpoints and if specced to 50 they get around 80% Hitchance (if there is no Cap), NS and even Rangers don't get the chance to go very high in CD, so they are stuck at 20-30 points in CD. So the Hitchance is around 55-65% Offhand.

The GR from LA styles is not higher. CS styles outclass them by a mile. Look at damage from 2x doublefrost compared to garrote and achilles heel or comeback chain to hamstring and leaper, don't even count follow on styles. The damage is not comparable.
The difference was about LA and CD. Look the CD styles up and tell me how op they are. They just suck compared to LA. And as a NS you can't spec 50 CS unless you are like rr9+, because your cd will be so low you will like never hit with offhand.

Anyways yeah you are all right. "20% Damage spread" is OP, SB have no chance vs NS. OMG SB DO NO DAMAGE
Wed 1 May 2019 3:47 PM by Warlay
honestly i nearly stopped playing sb cause the dmg compared is sometimes totally gimp mode, i prefer stick to my svg and do 300 dmg gg^^
Wed 1 May 2019 3:59 PM by Mavella
There is literally zero point in speccing to 50CS as Ripper is basically impossible to land in pvp and 44->50 doesn't add enough style damage to offset having to further reduce LA or CD to get it. Who cares how good LA styles or CD styles are when CS styles blow them both out of the water damage wise.

The only styles in LA that are better than CS styles are niche or offer something CS doesn't have aka FG(stun) and AB(DD) proc. At least CD has the side stun which can basically be considered any anytime considering how comically easy it is to pull off. Otherwise LA should serve the same purpose as CD, improving yor overall dps by either increasing yor base damage for LA or your offhand chance for CD.

There is a case for going 50LA and using LA styles exclusively but I can't picture AB altering the outcome of many fights that weren't already won.
Wed 1 May 2019 6:41 PM by Mauriac
Saroi wrote:
Wed 1 May 2019 3:13 PM
Mauriac wrote:
Wed 1 May 2019 1:50 PM
Saroi wrote:
Tue 30 Apr 2019 7:54 PM
LA Mainhand got buffed from 62,5% to 77,3% in Beta and the offhand got lowered from 62,5% to 52,5%. On one patch in march they buffed CD/DW hitchance and buffed the damage from LA offhand. So basically they returned the offhand nerf in Beta and still kept LA Mainhand buff.

Now, 20% damage spread doesn't mean the damage difference is 20%. You has a SB just hit for 10% less than your normal damage, while NS hits for 10% more than his normal damage.

If you get in the factor, that your Mainhand already got buffed and LA styles having higher Growth Rate for better style damage, then it makes up for it.

So I don't know exactly what you are up against or doing, but I never had such big difference in damage.

I just made a NS for fun, got my 100% Temp, running around with Str/Con, d/q and AF charge. Now I am only rr4, so I lack in Aug Str. which is totally needed with base 40 str as a hib.

But I've seen some SB's hitting me for around 140-180 Mainhand damage (from Doublefrost to Evade chain) and offhand doing around 40-45 damage. That is pretty much what I do with my SB vs. other NS. So it is possible to hit hard as a SB vs NS, dispite that you do 10% less damage because of the armor. Now for Scale. When the event was open, I had some fights vs other SB's like Trellina, Dandere. My Doublefrost did around 185-190 damage. If you factor in, that that is 10% more damage, the normal damage would be 168 damage. 10% less damage from that is around 150. So it is reasonable and possible to hit NS for around 150 damage.

While DW surely hits more, because Inf have 2.5 skillpoints and if specced to 50 they get around 80% Hitchance (if there is no Cap), NS and even Rangers don't get the chance to go very high in CD, so they are stuck at 20-30 points in CD. So the Hitchance is around 55-65% Offhand.

The GR from LA styles is not higher. CS styles outclass them by a mile. Look at damage from 2x doublefrost compared to garrote and achilles heel or comeback chain to hamstring and leaper, don't even count follow on styles. The damage is not comparable.
The difference was about LA and CD. Look the CD styles up and tell me how op they are. They just suck compared to LA. And as a NS you can't spec 50 CS unless you are like rr9+, because your cd will be so low you will like never hit with offhand.

Anyways yeah you are all right. "20% Damage spread" is OP, SB have no chance vs NS. OMG SB DO NO DAMAGE

Fair enough about LA vs CD as opposed to LA vs CS. There is a difference however between saying no chance and saying a disadvantage. An rr5 slash NS can kill me at rr7. I certainly could not kill an rr7 slash NS when I was rr5. And don't even go down the road of mercinf slashfiltrators. They're arguably more dangerous with a 10% spread than a bladeshade is with 20%.
Thu 2 May 2019 8:17 AM by Saroi
Mauriac wrote:
Wed 1 May 2019 6:41 PM
Saroi wrote:
Wed 1 May 2019 3:13 PM
Mauriac wrote:
Wed 1 May 2019 1:50 PM
The GR from LA styles is not higher. CS styles outclass them by a mile. Look at damage from 2x doublefrost compared to garrote and achilles heel or comeback chain to hamstring and leaper, don't even count follow on styles. The damage is not comparable.
The difference was about LA and CD. Look the CD styles up and tell me how op they are. They just suck compared to LA. And as a NS you can't spec 50 CS unless you are like rr9+, because your cd will be so low you will like never hit with offhand.

Anyways yeah you are all right. "20% Damage spread" is OP, SB have no chance vs NS. OMG SB DO NO DAMAGE

Fair enough about LA vs CD as opposed to LA vs CS. There is a difference however between saying no chance and saying a disadvantage. An rr5 slash NS can kill me at rr7. I certainly could not kill an rr7 slash NS when I was rr5. And don't even go down the road of mercinf slashfiltrators. They're arguably more dangerous with a 10% spread than a bladeshade is with 20%.

I killed Xann a few times(And he me too, so always a draw) who is 2 RR higher than me. When I was rr6, I defeated Boomslang who is rr9 and we had a few fights.(I already showed a Screenshot here were my Doublefrost did 147 damage and my Comeback 171 damage on him, and I have Screenshots from other fights vs. NS with the same damage hits) I had so many fights vs. Sonora(rr8+), Blade NS who even if she PA's me was not able to kill me. So it is not a random fact win. And I never lost to a rr5 NS, that low of NS is no threat.

And now you are saying Inf is more dangerous than NS. Well ,they have more Str for higher damage and WS than Luri/Elf Blade. They do not lack 2XX less hp than a Luri/Elf. Inf has 2.5 skillpoints, which means especially slash Inf go mostly 50 DW for 80% Offhand hit chance. They attack faster since they hit more with offhand and get the speedboost from it. So I guess NS isn't so OP afterall, because all they have is that Armor advantage and so many disadvantages compared to the others that it makes up for it.

LA vs CS is not a big difference. You don't just get more style damage from speccing into LA it, you also higher your base damage which style damage is based on. So you practically get a double boost. CS styles aren't that powerful, especially Garotte as Anytimer is not worth it. Even a lot of Inf go 50 DW because of the styles, especially the 50 Frontstyle does a ton of damage unless they are Thrust then it is mostly CS. Guess what? NS has no option to go full CD because those styles are useless.

So don't just look at the only advantage, that is the armor difference. See all the other stuff that makes the classes different.
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