Here are thePerforate artery, Backstab I & II caps, they don't have growthrates and work a little diferent:
Perforate Artery Cap = 75 + Critical Strike Spec * 9 + Nonstyle Cap
Backstab II Cap = 45 + Critical Strike Spec * 6 + Nonstyle Cap
Backstab I Cap = ~5 + Critical Strike Spec * 14 / 3 + Nonstyle Cap
Here are the growthrates of the most important LA and CS styles besides the PA or backstab chain:
Critical Strike:
Pincer - 0.92 - Sidestyle
Hamstring - 1.15 - Evade
Garrote - 0.78 - Anytime
Achilles Heel - 1.07 - Garotte follow up
Leaper - 1.31 - Harmstring follow up
Rib Seperation 1.29 - Leaper follow up
Left Axe:
Comeback - 0.93 - Evade
Snowsquall - 0.89 - Backstyle
Doublefrost - 0.72 - Anytime
Frosty Gaze - 0.99 - Comeback follow up
Here are three RR2/3 full autotrain specs for comparison:
44CS/15LA/38Weapon/38Envenom/38Stealth = 74,1 % basedmg (total 27LA)
39CS/12LA/44Weapon/38Envenom/38Stealth = 73,2 % basedmg (total 24LA)
34CS/39LA/38Weapon/30Envenom/38Stealth = 81,3 % basedmg (total 51LA)
Remember that more base dmg means a higher value of every stylemultiplier.
Add in some "Dualist reflexes", which increase the basedmg of main and offhand for 3% per level for even better results.
So, these numbers are proven facts, based on patch 1.65.
But wait there is more!
There are some more things you have to consider. Do you spec CS only to get the styles, or in detail, what is the difference on PA, compared with 34 and 50 in CS? How much value do you get from speccing over 51 composite on sword/axe? These are numbers i can not provide yet, but i will try to find some more data about it, or test it myself with alot of respec stones, as soon as i hit 50 again
The temporary verdict:
Every spec of these 3 can work well. It just depends in what playstyle you want to excel with. None of these are gimped or impossible to play with. 39LA might win you alot duels because of the 7 second stun. High CS might give you good numbers on the PA and evade chain. High weapon will give you more weapon skill and therefore more hits on shield and evade targets.