Has Thurgists Pet Damage Been Changed?

Started 16 Apr 2019
by Zaliban
in Albion
So - yesterday I was with a group, I'm level 45 and have level 32 Earth and Ice pet summons - both as you would expect are blue con to me.

We were fighting in Gwyddneau against first the Marooned Vikings then against Greater Water Elementals - the Ice pets were hitting with their ranged attack for about 46 damage per hit, the Earth pets 187 damage per hit, the enemies were Red con - now I know Earth pet attacks are slower, but surely the ice pet damage should be much higher than this? This seems to have changed since the linear scaling of damage against opponents.

If this is intentional, does that now mean that in fact Earth spec is the highest damage dealer as currently Earth pets hit for more than my (admittedly mediocre specced) Ice DD
Tue 16 Apr 2019 9:46 AM by Sepplord
pet dmg/resist mali for being lower level are just getting fixed...

yesterdays patch already had the part for pets casting spells (unintentionally) , today/tomorrow will add melee ingoing/outgoing to apply similar effects regarding petlevels

there is a thread discussing the topic, where gruenesschaf has given explanations:
Tue 16 Apr 2019 10:26 AM by Dariussdars
Sepplord wrote: ↑
Tue 16 Apr 2019 9:46 AM
pet dmg/resist mali for being lower level are just getting fixed...

yesterdays patch already had the part for pets casting spells (unintentionally) , today/tomorrow will add melee ingoing/outgoing to apply similar effects regarding petlevels

there is a thread discussing the topic, where gruenesschaf has given explanations:

Aren't the earth pets supposed to hit like trucks, despite their low level? Curious to see what damage they do after this "adjustment".
Tue 16 Apr 2019 10:34 AM by Afuldan
“by gruenesschaf
Well the lines aren't exactly attractive, while summoning has some use as it has the focus shield it's a rather niche use given the lack of other things that would make it interesting. Same basically goes for ench ench, live did some really interesting things with that. However, when first introduced, those new things were pretty stupidly OP (group buff offensive proc for a pbae with a quite high delve and things like that), like most newly introduced things before the first nerf.

With revamp, which we don't intend to do, I basically mean giving those lines something that would kind of allow them to be useful. I mean it would potentially be ideal if there actually was any kind of spec diversity because all lines are good and not just a very few specs per class but that's just not the case and fixing this would really be too many changes where the interaction between things is just too complex to do them without messing up and making something op and taking that away later would cause much whining then, keeping the status quo on those less useful specs is, at least to us, the better option as it's just "how it is" and the majority of players know it to be the case before they choose a class. However, as I said in the last post, every class should at least be able to fill some roll and not be entirely useless. “

Enjoy being PBT bots after pet damage adjustments(TM).
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