The secondary skill Gemcutting now contains 36 recipes to craft ROG Jewelery, six per each slot. They start at the skill of 500 and end at 755. Each recipe needs some amount of Phoenix Ash, Pal Gems and a certain Remnant. You will get a so-called Blank that doesnt have any stats on it. This Blank can be traded and it will become a ROG as soon as a player uses it. It will then have stats that are matching for the class that used the Blank. For example: A druid crafts a ring blank and sells it to a hero. The hero uses it and the blank will become a ring. This ring will have stats that are useful for a hero.
How to get the ingredients:
Phoenix Ash can be bought off the <Bits & Pieces> merchant in your capital city. Pal Gems are available on every spellcrafting merchant. Remnants are new to the game. You will only get them when salvaging ROG Jewelery. You are now able to salvage ROG Jewelery, but only Level 50 and Level 51 ones. When salvaging you will always get a Remnant. The remnant level you get is random with higher levels having a lower chance.
Crafting a ROG Blank:
If you craft a Ring, you will get a Blank with a certain quality. This quality plus the general Level of the blank determines the available imbue points of the ROG. There are 6 different Level per blank: raw, uncut, rough, flawed, imperfect and polished. Raw is the same as a rog dropped by a level 50 mob, uncut is like Level 55 and so on. Please keep in mind that the quality is very important and a 100% raw Blank may have more available imbue points than a 96% rough Blank. The stat generation uses our rog system, therefore there is no way to influence the exact stats.
How to get the ingredients:
Phoenix Ash can be bought off the <Bits & Pieces> merchant in your capital city. Pal Gems are available on every spellcrafting merchant. Remnants are new to the game. You will only get them when salvaging ROG Jewelery. You are now able to salvage ROG Jewelery, but only Level 50 and Level 51 ones. When salvaging you will always get a Remnant. The remnant level you get is random with higher levels having a lower chance.
Crafting a ROG Blank:
If you craft a Ring, you will get a Blank with a certain quality. This quality plus the general Level of the blank determines the available imbue points of the ROG. There are 6 different Level per blank: raw, uncut, rough, flawed, imperfect and polished. Raw is the same as a rog dropped by a level 50 mob, uncut is like Level 55 and so on. Please keep in mind that the quality is very important and a 100% raw Blank may have more available imbue points than a 96% rough Blank. The stat generation uses our rog system, therefore there is no way to influence the exact stats.