Revert focus shield damage nerf

Started 5 Apr 2019
by Afuldan
in Suggestions
Players can read between the lines. Were all 4 of the groups that finished your instance focus shielding, and thats why focus shield samage got nerfed so hard? Fix the behaviour in the instance to ignore aggro caused by focus shield damage and revert the damage, please.

If you wanted more Necro/Ani/cave shaman farming, you could have increased the pve damage they do. As it is, there is no longer any reason to even have focus shield in the game. The dots on Cabby do the same amount of damage per tick that the focus shield does. Any other spell is now more time and power efficient to use.

How many players will give up leveling focus shield classes now in favour of just not playing? This is a 20 year old game with focus shield being one of the major ways to level and farm. Custom nerfs in a 20 year old game is a good way to loose players who might not have the time to level in groups and thus use focus shield to make up for the fact that they only have an hour or two to play.

That being said, after I logged in and promptly back out last night, I forgot how much fun other, newer games that don’t nerf my playstyle are, since I haven’t played them since Phoenix launched, but I sure played them last night instead of Phoenix.
Fri 5 Apr 2019 11:19 AM by Sepplord
So, just to be clear, your reading-between-the-line-skills came to the conclusion that the devs tested their new development, noticed 4/10 managed to reach the end and then nerfed the 4/10 groups so that noone will complete it. Then they release the dungeon and laugh at all the idiots trying something they intentionally made too hard to beat

yeah, that really sounds like the devs we have had so far /s

You are angry because your focus-shield got nerfed...i understand that. According to gruenesschaf a modifier was changed from *2 to *1,25. That means a 37.5% dmg reduction. I also understand that to you it doesn't matter if it is customchanged or now adjusted to behave like live. The only thing that you feel right now is that what you were able to and loved to do a few days ago is not possible anymore (assuming you pushed the limits before...then it is definitely not possible anymore even if focus pulling itself is still possible, just less effective<--safety disclaimer before someone else jumps on me...i don't know how hard the nerfs influence focus pulling)

Nevertheless, that doesn't mean everything is a conspiracy and making baseless/unreasonable assumptions and accusations doesn't really help your case.
Fri 5 Apr 2019 11:26 AM by Afuldan
Sepplord wrote:
Fri 5 Apr 2019 11:19 AM
So, just to be clear, your reading-between-the-line-skills came to the conclusion that the devs tested their new development, noticed 4/10 managed to reach the end and then nerfed the 4/10 groups so that noone will complete it. Then they release the dungeon and laugh at all the idiots trying something they intentionally made too hard to beat

yeah, that really sounds like the devs we have had so far /s

You are angry because your focus-shield got nerfed...i understand that. According to gruenesschaf a modifier was changed from *2 to *1,25. That means a 37.5% dmg reduction. I also understand that to you it doesn't matter if it is customchanged or now adjusted to behave like live. The only thing that you feel right now is that what you were able to and loved to do a few days ago is not possible anymore (assuming you pushed the limits before...then it is definitely not possible anymore even if focus pulling itself is still possible, just less effective<--safety disclaimer before someone else jumps on me...i don't know how hard the nerfs influence focus pulling)

Nevertheless, that doesn't mean everything is a conspiracy and making baseless/unreasonable assumptions and accusations doesn't really help your case.

Go test the damage.... oh wait you just said you don’t use it. I do as a solo player. Damage got halved (-50%) just a day after the instance testing went on. Going from 90 points of damage to 45 points is a 50% nerf.

Hey, bomb groups are still more effective. Is PBAoE going to get a 50% nerf as well?
Fri 5 Apr 2019 11:30 AM by Sepplord
Afuldan wrote:
Fri 5 Apr 2019 11:26 AM
Go test the damage.... oh wait you just said you don’t use it. I do as a solo player. Damage got halved (-50%) just a day after the instance testing went on. Going from 90 points of damage to 45 points is a 50% nerf.

Hey, bomb groups are still more effective. Is PBAoE going to get a 50% nerf as well?

could you provide proof? IS there a bug? Dev statement is the dmg multiplier got changed from 2 to 1,25...thats 37.5% not 50%. But i am repeating myself.

and you might want to google causation / correlation.
In RvR dmg shields got adjusted a few days earlier already
Fri 5 Apr 2019 11:34 AM by Afuldan
Sepplord wrote:
Fri 5 Apr 2019 11:30 AM
Afuldan wrote:
Fri 5 Apr 2019 11:26 AM
Go test the damage.... oh wait you just said you don’t use it. I do as a solo player. Damage got halved (-50%) just a day after the instance testing went on. Going from 90 points of damage to 45 points is a 50% nerf.

Hey, bomb groups are still more effective. Is PBAoE going to get a 50% nerf as well?

could you provide proof? IS there a bug? Dev statement is the dmg multiplier got changed from 2 to 1,25...thats 37.5% not 50%. But i am repeating myself.

and you might want to google causation / correlation.
In RvR dmg shields got adjusted a few days earlier already

I didn’t think I would need to SS/record my focus shield damage before the nerf. I know that a mob yesterday morning that was hit for 90 points yesterday morning was doing 40-45 damage last night.

Nerf PBAOE next, it’s letting groups level too fast. Same kind of mentality as the pve damage nerf. Force us who want to rvr to do pve for longer, yeah thats gonna turn off some players.
Fri 5 Apr 2019 11:37 AM by Ceen
1 person leaving due to the damage shield fix.
1000 are happy that petpull got adjusted to live values.
Fri 5 Apr 2019 11:57 AM by dansari
You literally got proven wrong by gruen in the other thread you started when he pointed out focus pulls do nothing vs epic mobs. Why are you repeating the same hysterical bullshit? And why do you keep equating it to hypothetically nerfing pbaoe? Why do you blatantly dismiss the stated reasoning by gruen on why the change took place? Most of us are grown ass people playing this game, so maybe act like a grown-up.
Fri 5 Apr 2019 1:42 PM by Ardri
Afuldan wrote:
Fri 5 Apr 2019 10:59 AM
Players can read between the lines. Were all 4 of the groups that finished your instance focus shielding, and thats why focus shield samage got nerfed so hard? Fix the behaviour in the instance to ignore aggro caused by focus shield damage and revert the damage, please.

If you wanted more Necro/Ani/cave shaman farming, you could have increased the pve damage they do. As it is, there is no longer any reason to even have focus shield in the game. The dots on Cabby do the same amount of damage per tick that the focus shield does. Any other spell is now more time and power efficient to use.

How many players will give up leveling focus shield classes now in favour of just not playing? This is a 20 year old game with focus shield being one of the major ways to level and farm. Custom nerfs in a 20 year old game is a good way to loose players who might not have the time to level in groups and thus use focus shield to make up for the fact that they only have an hour or two to play.

That being said, after I logged in and promptly back out last night, I forgot how much fun other, newer games that don’t nerf my playstyle are, since I haven’t played them since Phoenix launched, but I sure played them last night instead of Phoenix.

Damage shield wasn't nerfed, it was corrected. And of all the things to quit's damage shield? Bye felicia
Fri 5 Apr 2019 8:07 PM by Bradekes
Damage shield is so gimp here.. With higher level mobs HP it's a joke.. It has no use in RvR or PvE anymore... It's disappointing
Fri 5 Apr 2019 8:19 PM by Fooj Fujiyama
Balance pvp and quit focusing on pve.
Fri 5 Apr 2019 9:12 PM by Bradekes
Fooj Fujiyama wrote:
Fri 5 Apr 2019 8:19 PM
Balance pvp and quit focusing on pve.

People will stay for either... RvR is much more complicated to balance.. PvE takes much less brain power and time to make 50% of the game more enjoyable... Some people actually like PvE content. I always enjoyed focus pulling, this server has ruined it, not a big deal overall, honestly. but it is a noteworthy complaint.
Fri 5 Apr 2019 10:05 PM by Afuldan
It was known in Beta that the damage was wrong I was told in a different, locked thread...4 months after launch it gets “adjusted.”

Its not a bug, it’s a feature!
Fri 5 Apr 2019 10:07 PM by Luluko
I fear some people might even leave especially in mid sm focus line has not much else and some people used sm to farm their money to support their sbs and the ridiculous recharging costs, this could be a breaking point for some and I dont really see why it was nerfed casters dont have that much powerregen here and they have to stand still and they are almost oom after one pull without using tinders

"adjust" it a little better or give sms a free respec and all other focus classes aswell
Sat 6 Apr 2019 12:47 AM by Kohi
Luluko wrote:
Fri 5 Apr 2019 10:07 PM
I fear some people might even leave especially in mid sm focus line has not much else and some people used sm to farm their money to support their sbs and the ridiculous recharging costs, this could be a breaking point for some and I dont really see why it was nerfed casters dont have that much powerregen here and they have to stand still and they are almost oom after one pull without using tinders

"adjust" it a little better or give sms a free respec and all other focus classes aswell

Agree. Didn't log since this 'adjustment', and will not today because busy irl, but i'm worried to read this. I already complained about this aura nerf during beta, as i always liked pp to farm cash/items. As for the rvr thing, wtf ? Who uses an aura in rvr ? -.-
Back to topic, i lvled a summon sm for this precise purpose (farming cash/rogs solo when i don't find grp with my other toons) and hope i won't have to see by logging tomorrow that it was again a gigantic waste of my time... =(
PS : i don't need a respec, have 2 other sms, i want my toon being able to farm solo and i found it efficient enough as it was. Why continue permanently to apply nerfs everywhere in pve ? I don't get it somehow...
Sat 6 Apr 2019 12:55 AM by idknemore
The nerf was toooo much. The pets can barely hold aggro. Tanks need some love, but nerfing something unrelated is not the way to go about doing it.

If the change stays, please nerf Animists, as well. Why not?
Sat 6 Apr 2019 3:15 AM by gruenesschaf
Pendragon, 33.9 dps damage shield, new level 50 tank pet

Here, 33.9 dps damage shield, level 44 pet

Feel free to sum up the damage in both screenshots to compare the hp, it's in both cases the entire 100 - 0% hp.
Sat 6 Apr 2019 3:40 AM by cortexqc
gruenesschaf wrote: Pendragon, 33.9 dps damage shield, new level 50 tank pet

Here, 33.9 dps damage shield, level 44 pet

on live we can see on screenshot pet are twice resistant.
we can see pet hit harder and with styles.
summoner have DD on summon line too

since DPS is half cuted to be similar to live do you think about make a custom change to make pet damage receive like, and why not add styles to pet and single DD spells to make summons spec enjoyable or you just want to kill one spec line?

you can't just take pendragon for model to adjust something without taking all side change in consideration on live...
Sat 6 Apr 2019 4:02 AM by gruenesschaf
cortexqc wrote:
Sat 6 Apr 2019 3:40 AM
on live we can see on screenshot pet are twice resistant.
we can see pet hit harder and with styles.
summoner have DD on summon line too

since DPS is half cuted to be similar to live do you think about make a custom change to make pet damage receive like, and why not add styles to pet and single DD spells to make summons spec enjoyable or you just want to kill one spec line?

you can't just take pendragon for model to adjust something without taking all side change in consideration on live...

This is why we rarely post any part of our tests, someone will always come along and say since something changed literally everything must have changed. "Pets themselves have been changed? That must mean everything that even looks at pets is now different, I mean look at the necro, they were always so close to their pet that they accidentally ate it and became an abomination themselves, clearly this must affect the damage shield mechanic too".

(Many) Pets on live are now level 50 and style (including back stuns and other similar things). There are now dedicated tank pets that are slow and tanky (more absorb etc.), there are dedicated dps pets that actually do noticeable damage but are basically like paper and take about 5x the damage shown above. Is that interesting? Absolutely but that would actually require more live changes to have the appropriate counter, for example pet fear, and we don't feel like there is a need to upgrade all class abilities to live.

Are there cases where certain mechanics are now impossible to test because the mechanic no longer exists or was changed? Absolutely, in those cases we will either try to find sensible sources and if they seem to provide enough data to do an implementation we'll go with those, otherwise we'll see if whatever mechanic replaced it is still something that can be used here, if it is we will use that then, this is for example the case with the new la scaling as we are in the same situation that made this change sensible (no more duelist reflexes, easing the rr scaling curve).
However, many many mechanics are pretty much unchanged and others were only extended to work with new things but work exactly the same way still when those new things are not in play (extra multiplier for new stats etc.). And in case some mechanic changed one will usually be able to find some patch note and / or forum posts which would be good indicators that something needs further investigation as it might actually have changed.
Sat 6 Apr 2019 12:20 PM by Bradekes
gruenesschaf wrote:
Sat 6 Apr 2019 4:02 AM
However, many many mechanics are pretty much unchanged and others were only extended to work with new things but work exactly the same way still when those new things are not in play (extra multiplier for new stats etc.). And in case some mechanic changed one will usually be able to find some patch note and / or forum posts which would be good indicators that something needs further investigation as it might actually have changed.

I think the main problem with damage shield on Phoenix is that the higher level monsters have much more HP while the damage shield is still reduced in damage for mobs passed a certain level...

On live there is a need for that, but on Phoenix a regular spell will deal 5-6times more damage than damage shield with the higher level mob's damage reduction removed...
Sat 6 Apr 2019 1:24 PM by keen
Will Ani verdant pet also be fixed? It's also broken, noone leveled like that on live. If this is not fixed I don't see what changed for xping at least on Hibernia.
Sat 6 Apr 2019 2:06 PM by idknemore
hey Mr. Uthred, just so you know - since you've nerfed Damage Shield, there are no more PVE groups on Alb

No tank, no PBAE and certainly no focus groups. Nothing. Period.

So thanks for that. Hopefully this is working as intended!

Sat 6 Apr 2019 4:34 PM by worldknown
The realm this impacted the most was Alb. Hib and Mid are unaffected once again showing the negative bias towards Albs. Alb has always been the slowest leveling by far. This just further increases that
Sat 6 Apr 2019 4:38 PM by cortexqc
gruenesschaf wrote:
Sat 6 Apr 2019 4:02 AM
cortexqc wrote:
Sat 6 Apr 2019 3:40 AM
on live we can see on screenshot pet are twice resistant.
we can see pet hit harder and with styles.
summoner have DD on summon line too

since DPS is half cuted to be similar to live do you think about make a custom change to make pet damage receive like, and why not add styles to pet and single DD spells to make summons spec enjoyable or you just want to kill one spec line?

you can't just take pendragon for model to adjust something without taking all side change in consideration on live...

This is why we rarely post any part of our tests, someone will always come along and say since something changed literally everything must have changed. "Pets themselves have been changed? That must mean everything that even looks at pets is now different, I mean look at the necro, they were always so close to their pet that they accidentally ate it and became an abomination themselves, clearly this must affect the damage shield mechanic too".

yes that's right, but in the end this is not really what player really want, it's the only way to explain why A or B changes nerf/up/damage adjust can not only be applied to be same of live.
I don't really want styles or DD but spirit summon spec is in 1.65 is focus based only cause pet dps is low and absorb too and no other spells...
if you want to nerf damage shield, make side custom change to balance it...

Enchanter focus spec have PBOAE and debuff for assist...
Cabalist matter spechave dots aoe dot and nearsight...
Spiritmasters summon spec have nothing...

Yes i play mid and my summon spiritmaster (for pve and farm) is officially died until a revert/custom change/spell add be applied...
but no problem there is 11 other class... bonedancer is good for farm and pve...
Sat 6 Apr 2019 5:03 PM by cuuchulain79
Before this gets locked too...

Any other classes on the 'correction list'? Anything else that just got guessed on instead of tested?

So far it's been CD/DW/LA, and now DMG shield that went live 'incorrect'

Just wondering how many more out of the blue 'corrections' are coming...
Sat 6 Apr 2019 5:04 PM by Luluko
worldknown wrote:
Sat 6 Apr 2019 4:34 PM
The realm this impacted the most was Alb. Hib and Mid are unaffected once again showing the negative bias towards Albs. Alb has always been the slowest leveling by far. This just further increases that

lol you are deluded if you think mid/hib are unaffected, sure alb doesnt have cele and you either need some bombs or ae dot pull or a necro to be really fast but with all the xp loot and task xp you are 50 in less than a week even if you only play like 2-3 hours a day and run unoptimal xp grps with infis/scouts and such
Sat 6 Apr 2019 6:39 PM by waffel
Can't wait for the 'correction' on archery damage.
Sat 6 Apr 2019 7:17 PM by Ceen
waffel wrote:
Sat 6 Apr 2019 6:39 PM
Can't wait for the 'correction' on archery damage.
Cant wait for a single chatlog that archery damage is wrong.
Sat 6 Apr 2019 8:03 PM by jhaerik
Looking at pop numbers we seem to lose about 200 players for every "correction."

I mean this Euro late prime time, and the beginning of US prime time which generally has the highest pop... and we sitting at around 2500 online. We've lost 1/3 of the player base in under a month.

I don't think these continued changes are going to end well.
Sat 6 Apr 2019 8:07 PM by Riac
Ceen wrote:
Sat 6 Apr 2019 7:17 PM
waffel wrote:
Sat 6 Apr 2019 6:39 PM
Can't wait for the 'correction' on archery damage.
Cant wait for a single chatlog that archery damage is wrong.

Archery dmg isn't bad. They hit me for 500+ all the time. There are issues with archers, it's just not the dmg.
Sun 7 Apr 2019 2:38 PM by idknemore
Just a daily reminder that this change makes zero sense and is making everyone's life, especially Albs, significantly harder for no reason.
Sun 7 Apr 2019 4:12 PM by Bradekes
idknemore wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 2:38 PM
Just a daily reminder that this change makes zero sense and is making everyone's life, especially Albs, significantly harder for no reason.

So I wanna say back in the day we used to use White Light mobs in SI to PL people.. I think that was the mob, it had PBAOE fire proc just buff it up and send it in and it would just blow everything up... Is that a thing on here? I know it doesn't help leveling up but for PL groups at least it used to be extremely fast.. Maybe the spell isn't implemented on here

Edit: Found the mob, it's called a Scorcher, they are great look into it, report it as a bug if they are missing their AOE DD proc
Sun 7 Apr 2019 4:44 PM by Guetzli
jhaerik wrote:
Sat 6 Apr 2019 8:03 PM
Looking at pop numbers we seem to lose about 200 players for every "correction."

I mean this Euro late prime time, and the beginning of US prime time which generally has the highest pop... and we sitting at around 2500 online. We've lost 1/3 of the player base in under a month.

I don't think these continued changes are going to end well.

While I don't necessarily like the change and also believe Alb is affected most in practice by this (Hib is basically unaffected for leveling, as I haven seen a focus pull group in ages and Mid can easily pbae with ae stun), I don't think this has anything to do with this. Causality etc.
Sun 7 Apr 2019 7:05 PM by Wasted_Content
A few takeaways here..

One, I don't think it was fair (or smart) to jump to the conclusion that they nerfed the focus shield because of the new instance.

Two, I'm similarly butthurt about the change. I put in a lot of time finding good spots to focus pull for farming, leveling, etc...and now I not only don't want to play my own focus classes, I'm not interested in grouping other focus classes as well.

Third, I notice a staff member popped in to chastise us and tell us, basically, 'this is why we don't share why we change things with players'...Uhh..One of the things that I thought positively separated this experience from other ones is how transparent the dev team is..AND how they listen to the thoughtful feedback and ignore the flamers/toxic idiots who spray their vitriol without full consideration for things like making the game more fun for everyone, maintaining some sort of balance, etc..

Anyway if that comment was a stab at telling players that staff members are going to stop being more transparent about things then ..I mean...that sucks, and you're going to turn players away with that kind of attitude.

Has anyone popped in here with any sort of definitive reasoning for why focus shielding was nerfed so damn hard? I think they went a little overboard, but if there's a really good reason, my opinion can always be modified.
Sun 7 Apr 2019 8:19 PM by Afuldan
Wasted_Content wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 7:05 PM
A few takeaways here..

One, I don't think it was fair (or smart) to jump to the conclusion that they nerfed the focus shield because of the new instance.

Two, I'm similarly butthurt about the change. I put in a lot of time finding good spots to focus pull for farming, leveling, etc...and now I not only don't want to play my own focus classes, I'm not interested in grouping other focus classes as well.

Third, I notice a staff member popped in to chastise us and tell us, basically, 'this is why we don't share why we change things with players'...Uhh..One of the things that I thought positively separated this experience from other ones is how transparent the dev team is..AND how they listen to the thoughtful feedback and ignore the flamers/toxic idiots who spray their vitriol without full consideration for things like making the game more fun for everyone, maintaining some sort of balance, etc..

Anyway if that comment was a stab at telling players that staff members are going to stop being more transparent about things then ..I mean...that sucks, and you're going to turn players away with that kind of attitude.

Has anyone popped in here with any sort of definitive reasoning for why focus shielding was nerfed so damn hard? I think they went a little overboard, but if there's a really good reason, my opinion can always be modified.

They guessed at the formula for it, knew it was incorrect as it was reported incorrect in the Beta according to an answer in a now locked thread. Waited ~4 months after launching server to adjust it.

Can we get a list of other mechanics that may have also been guessed at? LA/CD/DW? Evade? Melee damage? Archery damage? All of these have been reported by players as incorrect as well, yet the answer has been “we got it right.” Focus shield was reported in beta as being incorrect, yet only got fixed after a player used it in rvr.
Sun 7 Apr 2019 8:21 PM by keen
nerfing pet pull should go along with adjusting the xp curve. xp curve was set with pet pull capabilities from pre patch.
Sun 7 Apr 2019 10:10 PM by jhaerik
Guetzli wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 4:44 PM
jhaerik wrote:
Sat 6 Apr 2019 8:03 PM
Looking at pop numbers we seem to lose about 200 players for every "correction."

I mean this Euro late prime time, and the beginning of US prime time which generally has the highest pop... and we sitting at around 2500 online. We've lost 1/3 of the player base in under a month.

I don't think these continued changes are going to end well.

While I don't necessarily like the change and also believe Alb is affected most in practice by this (Hib is basically unaffected for leveling, as I haven seen a focus pull group in ages and Mid can easily pbae with ae stun), I don't think this has anything to do with this. Causality etc.

Of course you haven't. It was already nerfed due to the custom boss mechanics on Phoenix. A lot of people that played SM had already left, or respeced.

A lot of people solo farmed on their SM's as Summoning still by locking at 49.5 and RR 2L9. Those people are basically just gone now.
Sun 7 Apr 2019 10:16 PM by jhaerik
Afuldan wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 8:19 PM
Wasted_Content wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 7:05 PM
A few takeaways here..

One, I don't think it was fair (or smart) to jump to the conclusion that they nerfed the focus shield because of the new instance.

Two, I'm similarly butthurt about the change. I put in a lot of time finding good spots to focus pull for farming, leveling, etc...and now I not only don't want to play my own focus classes, I'm not interested in grouping other focus classes as well.

Third, I notice a staff member popped in to chastise us and tell us, basically, 'this is why we don't share why we change things with players'...Uhh..One of the things that I thought positively separated this experience from other ones is how transparent the dev team is..AND how they listen to the thoughtful feedback and ignore the flamers/toxic idiots who spray their vitriol without full consideration for things like making the game more fun for everyone, maintaining some sort of balance, etc..

Anyway if that comment was a stab at telling players that staff members are going to stop being more transparent about things then ..I mean...that sucks, and you're going to turn players away with that kind of attitude.

Has anyone popped in here with any sort of definitive reasoning for why focus shielding was nerfed so damn hard? I think they went a little overboard, but if there's a really good reason, my opinion can always be modified.

They guessed at the formula for it, knew it was incorrect as it was reported incorrect in the Beta according to an answer in a now locked thread. Waited ~4 months after launching server to adjust it.

Can we get a list of other mechanics that may have also been guessed at? LA/CD/DW? Evade? Melee damage? Archery damage? All of these have been reported by players as incorrect as well, yet the answer has been “we got it right.” Focus shield was reported in beta as being incorrect, yet only got fixed after a player used it in rvr.

What about the BD insta LT actually being a 4.5 second CD?
Or non-crit dots overwriting crit dots.
How about the nonsense comp 52 spec?
Base armor buffs doing more than capping AF at MP values?
The hackjob that is custom LoS checks here.
Spell resist rates.
Base spell damage variance.
Weapon damage variance.
Regen rates.
LT damage calcs.
Style bonuses.
Strafe/style interaction.
Speed drop interaction.

There is a lot they pretty much just took a stab at. It looks like DAoC. It sounds like DAoC. Mechanically speaking though it's not really close to any version of DAoC I've ever played.
Sun 7 Apr 2019 10:52 PM by Milchschnidde
They should try to find a middle way between the nerf and the values ppl are used to be comfort befor nerf, the actual nerf is pretty insane from 2.0 to 1.25?
So in Hibernia you are now total centralized to Animist in terms of PVE farming.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 12:20 AM by cuuchulain79
jhaerik wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 10:16 PM
There is a lot they pretty much just took a stab at. It looks like DAoC. It sounds like DAoC. Mechanically speaking though it's not really close to any version of DAoC I've ever played.

Yeah...the whole "This is why we don't share our tests" and out of the blue "we fixed this bug, which was really just guesswork in the first place" are great ways to lose players' trust. They could try and gain some of it back right now, by just openly saying what other mechanics they're planning to investigate...I mean isn't this the server with all the communication between staff & players...

Was this the plan all get the served running with approx values, and gradually copy live mechanics? What's going to stay Phoenix custom, and what's headed for Ywain?
Mon 8 Apr 2019 3:04 AM by jhaerik
Milchschnidde wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 10:52 PM
They should try to find a middle way between the nerf and the values ppl are used to be comfort befor nerf, the actual nerf is pretty insane from 2.0 to 1.25?
So in Hibernia you are now total centralized to Animist in terms of PVE farming.

Well I mean if you look at mid Summoning SM was already the redheaded step-child of the farming trio. BD's and Shammies already did it much better,

Now summoning SM's are utterly useless. They don't get a single other useable spell in that entire line other than Focus. It gutted the spec.

At least Cabby gets dots, and Necro/Chanter gets PBAoE.

Why go summoning SM now?
Mon 8 Apr 2019 4:47 AM by gruenesschaf
Wasted_Content wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 7:05 PM
Third, I notice a staff member popped in to chastise us and tell us, basically, 'this is why we don't share why we change things with players'...Uhh..One of the things that I thought positively separated this experience from other ones is how transparent the dev team is..AND how they listen to the thoughtful feedback and ignore the flamers/toxic idiots who spray their vitriol without full consideration for things like making the game more fun for everyone, maintaining some sort of balance, etc..

Anyway if that comment was a stab at telling players that staff members are going to stop being more transparent about things then ..I mean...that sucks, and you're going to turn players away with that kind of attitude.

Has anyone popped in here with any sort of definitive reasoning for why focus shielding was nerfed so damn hard? I think they went a little overboard, but if there's a really good reason, my opinion can always be modified.

It was a stab at one specific player who did something which is exactly why we usually don't post any raw test data, like the screenshots I posted are: as it's something on current live, assuming that since some things changed that the tested mechanic in particular also changed, invalidating the test and therefore demanding all other applicable changes to also happen "because you can't just take one part and leave off the rest" while ignoring that the tested mechanic has not changed.

The reason to nerf damage shield that hard is to make it do the damage it's supposed to do given that the mobs also have the same hp they are supposed to have. As I said in the other thread, damage shield in beta was reported to do too little damage and instead of properly testing it the damage was just doubled and after recently receiving reports it's too high we actually did the tests and found out it's, like quite a lot of things, just a * 1.25 of the delve.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 5:17 AM by Kohi
gruenesschaf wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 4:47 AM
The reason to nerf damage shield that hard is to make it do the damage it's supposed to do given that the mobs also have the same hp they are supposed to have. As I said in the other thread, damage shield in beta was reported to do too little damage and instead of properly testing it the damage was just doubled and after recently receiving reports it's too high we actually did the tests and found out it's, like quite a lot of things, just a * 1.25 of the delve.

Allright, but...

I finally could test it yesterday and noticed following :
- I can still manage doing 'normal' solo farming with my summon sm (50 summon) like 3 oras/2 oras 1 yellow
- My pet was healed before 1 time during fight, now it needs at least 2 heals because fight is longer = he receives more hits
- My mana was usually by 55-60% i guess before the 'adjustment', now i'm glad if it's by 40% after pull. (have serenity2/MCL2/manapool 26 points, acuity capped)

Considering this, and knowing we already got a non-live focus nerf (vs high lvl mobs like in TG), was it really necessary ? I see that it only brought discord between people and the staff somehow, as nobody really complained about fs, did they ? I mean, for my part now that i've tested, i won't make a drama about it, as it's still playable, but it's a lost of time and efficience in terms of playing imo.

I can't say for the other realms fs classes, but for the summoner, as many said, we don't have much more as the fs and buffs + rezz. =)
If not willing to reverse the 'adjustment', how about increasing a little tiny bit the 'native' abs from pet in order to compensate the lost of dmg and diminush the mana consum ? (which is now increased to longer fight/more dmg over time on the pet = 1 heal more). Just an idea, idk if it's viable or not.

Only my 2c.

PS : we still love you ^^ @phoenix
Mon 8 Apr 2019 5:38 AM by gruenesschaf
jhaerik wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 10:16 PM
What about the BD insta LT actually being a 4.5 second CD?
Or non-crit dots overwriting crit dots.
How about the nonsense comp 52 spec?
Base armor buffs doing more than capping AF at MP values?
The hackjob that is custom LoS checks here.
Spell resist rates.
Base spell damage variance.
Weapon damage variance.
Regen rates.
LT damage calcs.
Style bonuses.
Strafe/style interaction.
Speed drop interaction.

There is a lot they pretty much just took a stab at. It looks like DAoC. It sounds like DAoC. Mechanically speaking though it's not really close to any version of DAoC I've ever played.

Report the dot override if it's not already
52 comp spec is correct, as we said quite often by now, the well known wyrd spec tests back then said 51, more recent and more extensive tests said 52. Our entire melee damage is based on the more recent test.
Base AF does what it's supposed to do, increase your item AF up to the value you would have with 100/102 mp armor
Spell resists rates are, if anything, very slightly too low but there are no plans to change it.
Weapon damage variance has been disabled on purpose as mentioned in the patch notes. You just do the average per hit: variance is just a random 50 that's replaced with a static 25 here.
Regen rates are, as mentioned in the patch notes, greatly increased outside of combat while sitting.
LT damage calc is accurate
Not sure what you mean with style bonuses? Defensive / hit bonus are afaik correct
Speed drop has been changed on purpose, as mentioned in the patch notes.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 5:47 AM by gruenesschaf
Afuldan wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 8:19 PM
Can we get a list of other mechanics that may have also been guessed at? LA/CD/DW? Evade? Melee damage? Archery damage? All of these have been reported by players as incorrect as well, yet the answer has been “we got it right.” Focus shield was reported in beta as being incorrect, yet only got fixed after a player used it in rvr.

LA/CD/DW was correct before the change, it's just that with the move to NNF we also removed duelist reflexes and live later kind of built that into the scaling of the spec, which we, with the somewhat recent update, also did.

The entire melee damage mechanic has not been just guessed but extensively tested by us and is initially based on extensive tests of others, given what archery damage actually is, this includes archery damage.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 5:50 AM by gruenesschaf
Kohi wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 5:17 AM
I can't say for the other realms fs classes, but for the summoner, as many said, we don't have much more as the fs and buffs + rezz. =)
If not willing to reverse the 'adjustment', how about increasing a little tiny bit the 'native' abs from pet in order to compensate the lost of dmg and diminush the mana consum ? (which is now increased to longer fight/more dmg over time on the pet = 1 heal more). Just an idea, idk if it's viable or not.

Only my 2c.

PS : we still love you ^^ @phoenix

There are some really bad specs for quite a few classes, like menta menta or summoning sm, however as long as the class itself can, with some spec at least, fill one role there aren't any plans right now to revamp useless lines like those two.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 7:00 AM by Kohi
gruenesschaf wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 5:50 AM
There are some really bad specs for quite a few classes, like menta menta or summoning sm, however as long as the class itself can, with some spec at least, fill one role there aren't any plans right now to revamp useless lines like those two.

I beg your pardon ?... Useless ? ^^ Didn't know that the server was entirely meant for rvr ?
Summoner is an excellent pve toon for solo farm, i don't consider this class/line as useless at all.
This being said, i wasn't proposing a revamp, only an 'adjustment' to the new 'adjustment'. ;-)
Interesting the way u think, though : "as long as the class itself can, with some spec at least" it's kinda enlightening about your position towards the sacrified line, even if a bit sad imho for those who invested time, money, efforts lvling a toon for this specific purpose. Basically, respec and...
But all fine, for my part i'll proceed as usual : deal with.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 7:12 AM by gruenesschaf
Well the lines aren't exactly attractive, while summoning has some use as it has the focus shield it's a rather niche use given the lack of other things that would make it interesting. Same basically goes for ench ench, live did some really interesting things with that. However, when first introduced, those new things were pretty stupidly OP (group buff offensive proc for a pbae with a quite high delve and things like that), like most newly introduced things before the first nerf.

With revamp, which we don't intend to do, I basically mean giving those lines something that would kind of allow them to be useful. I mean it would potentially be ideal if there actually was any kind of spec diversity because all lines are good and not just a very few specs per class but that's just not the case and fixing this would really be too many changes where the interaction between things is just too complex to do them without messing up and making something op and taking that away later would cause much whining then, keeping the status quo on those less useful specs is, at least to us, the better option as it's just "how it is" and the majority of players know it to be the case before they choose a class. However, as I said in the last post, every class should at least be able to fill some roll and not be entirely useless.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 7:33 AM by Kohi
gruenesschaf wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 7:12 AM
Well the lines aren't exactly attractive, while summoning has some use as it has the focus shield it's a rather niche use given the lack of other things that would make it interesting. Same basically goes for ench ench, live did some really interesting things with that. However, when first introduced, those new things were pretty stupidly OP (group buff offensive proc for a pbae with a quite high delve and things like that), like most newly introduced things before the first nerf.

With revamp, which we don't intend to do, I basically mean giving those lines something that would kind of allow them to be useful. I mean it would potentially be ideal if there actually was any kind of spec diversity because all lines are good and not just a very few specs per class but that's just not the case and fixing this would really be too many changes where the interaction between things is just too complex to do them without messing up and making something op and taking that away later would cause much whining then, keeping the status quo on those less useful specs is, at least to us, the better option as it's just "how it is" and the majority of players know it to be the case before they choose a class. However, as I said in the last post, every class should at least be able to fill some roll and not be entirely useless.

Thank you for the time and explanations. I cannot disagree with that, makes perfectly sense and is accurate.
I agree also that speccing entirely summoning (50 for the red fs) is kinda niche spec (thats why i lvled specifically this toon, only for that, have a bomb for grp activities and a dark sm for rvr) but u missed my point somehow : i didn't ask for some changes like adding anything to the summon line or so, merely proposed a little tweak at the pet abs to diminush/stabilize the mana/time increased through this new change. I tested the sm once i could log (wasn't there when the change was done) to see if it was really so terrible considering all the posts, and with keeping in mind to be objective and make concessions. Once i had a few pulls (3 mobs same spot i usually camp) behind me, i compaired the data and found out the ratio mana/time/dmg was changed, not so extreme as i expected by reading here, not enough to become unplayable, but enough to make it noticeable (2 heals vs 1 heal/40% mana left vs 60%/longer fight). I thought the best way to deal with this, would have been a sort of compensation/stabilization without big work (revamp i.e.) or unbalancing the class. Thats why a slight modding of the pet's abs rate in order to counter the few hits more received could be a way, as the other alternative (mana consum reduction) would maybe unbalancing things, and still not be of any help regarding the heals.

Yeah well, like i said, i'll deal with, but please give it a thought at least.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 12:22 PM by Milchschnidde
gruenesschaf wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 7:12 AM
Well the lines aren't exactly attractive, while summoning has some use as it has the focus shield it's a rather niche use given the lack of other things that would make it interesting. Same basically goes for ench ench, live did some really interesting things with that. However, when first introduced, those new things were pretty stupidly OP (group buff offensive proc for a pbae with a quite high delve and things like that), like most newly introduced things before the first nerf.

With revamp, which we don't intend to do, I basically mean giving those lines something that would kind of allow them to be useful. I mean it would potentially be ideal if there actually was any kind of spec diversity because all lines are good and not just a very few specs per class but that's just not the case and fixing this would really be too many changes where the interaction between things is just too complex to do them without messing up and making something op and taking that away later would cause much whining then, keeping the status quo on those less useful specs is, at least to us, the better option as it's just "how it is" and the majority of players know it to be the case before they choose a class. However, as I said in the last post, every class should at least be able to fill some roll and not be entirely useless.

Enchanter is a good point, i do play one myself and wanted to use him for PVE specific "farming" but after the focus shield "balance" the enchantment/mana combination is more obsolete, the dmg is so little that enchantment +mana, isnt wort anything right now. (44 Enchantment and 30 Mana), my 40mana shild barely does the amount of dmg that was dealt by the level 30 focus shield before. I was doing pulls with a friend specced mana Menta, and we can barely kill 2-3 reds/1-2 purps (maximum 2- 3 orange Dullahan mobs) depends strongly on mobs. Either the Absorb doesnt fit anymore(just yellow specs) or the shield dmg is to low ->before patch using dot after mobs did strike first 2 hits was guarantee to not aggro menta, after Patch rarely aggro spreads to menta because the dot surpasses dmg shild. (Had to skill 40 Mana 34 Enchantment) after Patch, finally switched to RvR spec 49 mana / 22 light... not worth using him right now in PVE
Bare in mind we are 2 PPL with an optimal skill setup doing small men Pet-Pull in Hibernia -> nothing to compare to a solo Animist which is S+ Tier in comparision. I rated Enchanter/Menta combination A+ before, now its more a B.

You should think about to not allways nerf things - make youre thoughts about how you could improve other classes/skill-trees, starting the nerf spiral is without limit in especial when no one has complained about a specific class skill.

I guess you know best, that enchantment is currently pretty obsolete for Enchanter -Its only "existance" was in combination with Mana for PVE, now the Mana dmg shield is too less to be worth. Piercing magic is a Joke for the Pet and lifeproc buff makes only sense on mobs dealing close to no dmg, because of the low values+low proc rates its also somehow a joke.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 1:12 PM by Wasted_Content
gruenesschaf wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 4:47 AM
It was a stab at one specific player who did something which is exactly why we usually don't post any raw test data, like the screenshots I posted are: as it's something on current live, assuming that since some things changed that the tested mechanic in particular also changed, invalidating the test and therefore demanding all other applicable changes to also happen "because you can't just take one part and leave off the rest" while ignoring that the tested mechanic has not changed.

The reason to nerf damage shield that hard is to make it do the damage it's supposed to do given that the mobs also have the same hp they are supposed to have. As I said in the other thread, damage shield in beta was reported to do too little damage and instead of properly testing it the damage was just doubled and after recently receiving reports it's too high we actually did the tests and found out it's, like quite a lot of things, just a * 1.25 of the delve.

Thanks for the thoughtful response gruenesschaf. I see now that the revert didn't even halve the damage, so I feel like I don't have a leg to stand on honestly. The shield was obviously way overtuned.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 4:34 PM by jhaerik
gruenesschaf wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 5:38 AM
jhaerik wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 10:16 PM
What about the BD insta LT actually being a 4.5 second CD?
Or non-crit dots overwriting crit dots.
How about the nonsense comp 52 spec?
Base armor buffs doing more than capping AF at MP values?
The hackjob that is custom LoS checks here.
Spell resist rates.
Base spell damage variance.
Weapon damage variance.
Regen rates.
LT damage calcs.
Style bonuses.
Strafe/style interaction.
Speed drop interaction.

There is a lot they pretty much just took a stab at. It looks like DAoC. It sounds like DAoC. Mechanically speaking though it's not really close to any version of DAoC I've ever played.

Report the dot override if it's not already
52 comp spec is correct, as we said quite often by now, the well known wyrd spec tests back then said 51, more recent and more extensive tests said 52. Our entire melee damage is based on the more recent test.
Base AF does what it's supposed to do, increase your item AF up to the value you would have with 100/102 mp armor
Spell resists rates are, if anything, very slightly too low but there are no plans to change it.
Weapon damage variance has been disabled on purpose as mentioned in the patch notes. You just do the average per hit: variance is just a random 50 that's replaced with a static 25 here.
Regen rates are, as mentioned in the patch notes, greatly increased outside of combat while sitting.
LT damage calc is accurate
Not sure what you mean with style bonuses? Defensive / hit bonus are afaik correct
Speed drop has been changed on purpose, as mentioned in the patch notes.

Consider it reported.
52 comp spec is NOT correct. It's correct for modern LIVE era DAoC. Not this era of DAoC.
I'm getting far more that 3% quality off my base AF buffs.
Spells reists ARE too low. THAT was my point. Who do you think it hurts they most? Midgard. (Like just about every custom change you've made.)
Weapon damage variance is a straight Alb/Hib buff, as they need to spec into different weapon lines to use both 1h/2h. AGAIN a Mid nerf.
Guess what realm greatly increased power regen helps the most? The ones that run the most casters. Mid Nerf.
LT calc might be accurate to post ToA Live. Not to SI.
GIving Alb/Hib extra stun for no reason while not giving them to mid? Poor SB. Mid nerf number.. what number am I on now?
Speed drop is 100% straight up favoritism for Hib. Amnesia is cancer on this server. Bards are busted, you guys like that. Just admit it.

Also what were you folks even thinking with the focus changes. You basically just deleted Summoning SM from the game. It's not like they get PBAoE or a dot in that spec you know.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 4:37 PM by jhaerik
gruenesschaf wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 5:47 AM
Afuldan wrote:
Sun 7 Apr 2019 8:19 PM
Can we get a list of other mechanics that may have also been guessed at? LA/CD/DW? Evade? Melee damage? Archery damage? All of these have been reported by players as incorrect as well, yet the answer has been “we got it right.” Focus shield was reported in beta as being incorrect, yet only got fixed after a player used it in rvr.

LA/CD/DW was correct before the change, it's just that with the move to NNF we also removed duelist reflexes and live later kind of built that into the scaling of the spec, which we, with the somewhat recent update, also did.

The entire melee damage mechanic has not been just guessed but extensively tested by us and is initially based on extensive tests of others, given what archery damage actually is, this includes archery damage.

THe issue is that you are testing it on live... when you should be looking through the REAL tests done years ago with tons of data provided.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 7:58 PM by gruenesschaf
jhaerik wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 4:34 PM
Consider it reported.
52 comp spec is NOT correct. It's correct for modern LIVE era DAoC. Not this era of DAoC.
I'm getting far more that 3% quality off my base AF buffs.
Spells reists ARE too low. THAT was my point. Who do you think it hurts they most? Midgard. (Like just about every custom change you've made.)
Weapon damage variance is a straight Alb/Hib buff, as they need to spec into different weapon lines to use both 1h/2h. AGAIN a Mid nerf.
Guess what realm greatly increased power regen helps the most? The ones that run the most casters. Mid Nerf.
LT calc might be accurate to post ToA Live. Not to SI.
GIving Alb/Hib extra stun for no reason while not giving them to mid? Poor SB. Mid nerf number.. what number am I on now?
Speed drop is 100% straight up favoritism for Hib. Amnesia is cancer on this server. Bards are busted, you guys like that. Just admit it.

Also what were you folks even thinking with the focus changes. You basically just deleted Summoning SM from the game. It's not like they get PBAoE or a dot in that spec you know.

Just wow, absolutely sure to be right and yet you got almost everything wrong.

51/52 spec: Believe the 51 one being correct if you wish
base af: Then you either don't know how much you should be getting or you're mistaking spec af for base af
spell resist: Given the rest of the replies I wouldn't even know how you'd know what the resist rate should be
variance: Alb dual spec is an up to 33% damage penalty and has nothing at all to do with variance. Variance has nothing to do with spec, the up to 50% spec penalty is there however. All spec does is move the min and max damage from 75% - 125% (always 100% here with averaged variance) at 1 spec to 125% - 175% (always 150% here with averaged variance) at enemy level + 2 spec (this is ofc. ignoring other benefits from spec like def pen or style damage gain etc.).
mana regen: You're really grasping for straws, the regen increase in combat isn't really noticable
LT hasn't changed since who knows when, the % extra based on life drain return was a thing since pretty much forever
reactionaries: Extra stun is just a consequence of what the styles had, all we did was change the reactionaries to be usable for a given class
Amnesia speed drop is unchanged / as it should be: puts both in combat and therefore prevents the next tick, amnesia was intentionally not made an instant speed drop like other offensive non damage things.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 8:16 PM by Ceen
gruenesschaf wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 7:58 PM
jhaerik wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 4:34 PM
Consider it reported.
52 comp spec is NOT correct. It's correct for modern LIVE era DAoC. Not this era of DAoC.
I'm getting far more that 3% quality off my base AF buffs.
Spells reists ARE too low. THAT was my point. Who do you think it hurts they most? Midgard. (Like just about every custom change you've made.)
Weapon damage variance is a straight Alb/Hib buff, as they need to spec into different weapon lines to use both 1h/2h. AGAIN a Mid nerf.
Guess what realm greatly increased power regen helps the most? The ones that run the most casters. Mid Nerf.
LT calc might be accurate to post ToA Live. Not to SI.
GIving Alb/Hib extra stun for no reason while not giving them to mid? Poor SB. Mid nerf number.. what number am I on now?
Speed drop is 100% straight up favoritism for Hib. Amnesia is cancer on this server. Bards are busted, you guys like that. Just admit it.

Also what were you folks even thinking with the focus changes. You basically just deleted Summoning SM from the game. It's not like they get PBAoE or a dot in that spec you know.

Just wow, absolutely sure to be right and yet you got almost everything wrong.

51/52 spec: Believe the 51 one being correct if you wish
base af: Then you either don't know how much you should be getting or you're mistaking spec af for base af
spell resist: Given the rest of the replies I wouldn't even know how you'd know what the resist rate should be
variance: Alb dual spec is an up to 33% damage penalty and has nothing at all to do with variance. Variance has nothing to do with spec, the up to 50% spec penalty is there however. All spec does is move the min and max damage from 75% - 125% (always 100% here with averaged variance) at 1 spec to 125% - 175% (always 150% here with averaged variance) at enemy level + 2 spec (this is ofc. ignoring other benefits from spec like def pen or style damage gain etc.).
mana regen: You're really grasping for straws, the regen increase in combat isn't really noticable
LT hasn't changed since who knows when, the % extra based on life drain return was a thing since pretty much forever
reactionaries: Extra stun is just a consequence of what the styles had, all we did was change the reactionaries to be usable for a given class
Amnesia speed drop is unchanged / as it should be: puts both in combat and therefore prevents the next tick, amnesia was intentionally not made an instant speed drop like other offensive non damage things.
A stone would be a better partner for a debate. Why do you even try
Mon 8 Apr 2019 10:20 PM by jhaerik
gruenesschaf wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 7:58 PM
jhaerik wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 4:34 PM
Consider it reported.
52 comp spec is NOT correct. It's correct for modern LIVE era DAoC. Not this era of DAoC.
I'm getting far more that 3% quality off my base AF buffs.
Spells reists ARE too low. THAT was my point. Who do you think it hurts they most? Midgard. (Like just about every custom change you've made.)
Weapon damage variance is a straight Alb/Hib buff, as they need to spec into different weapon lines to use both 1h/2h. AGAIN a Mid nerf.
Guess what realm greatly increased power regen helps the most? The ones that run the most casters. Mid Nerf.
LT calc might be accurate to post ToA Live. Not to SI.
GIving Alb/Hib extra stun for no reason while not giving them to mid? Poor SB. Mid nerf number.. what number am I on now?
Speed drop is 100% straight up favoritism for Hib. Amnesia is cancer on this server. Bards are busted, you guys like that. Just admit it.

Also what were you folks even thinking with the focus changes. You basically just deleted Summoning SM from the game. It's not like they get PBAoE or a dot in that spec you know.

Just wow, absolutely sure to be right and yet you got almost everything wrong.

51/52 spec: Believe the 51 one being correct if you wish
base af: Then you either don't know how much you should be getting or you're mistaking spec af for base af
spell resist: Given the rest of the replies I wouldn't even know how you'd know what the resist rate should be
variance: Alb dual spec is an up to 33% damage penalty and has nothing at all to do with variance. Variance has nothing to do with spec, the up to 50% spec penalty is there however. All spec does is move the min and max damage from 75% - 125% (always 100% here with averaged variance) at 1 spec to 125% - 175% (always 150% here with averaged variance) at enemy level + 2 spec (this is ofc. ignoring other benefits from spec like def pen or style damage gain etc.).
mana regen: You're really grasping for straws, the regen increase in combat isn't really noticable
LT hasn't changed since who knows when, the % extra based on life drain return was a thing since pretty much forever
reactionaries: Extra stun is just a consequence of what the styles had, all we did was change the reactionaries to be usable for a given class
Amnesia speed drop is unchanged / as it should be: puts both in combat and therefore prevents the next tick, amnesia was intentionally not made an instant speed drop like other offensive non damage things.

Will do.
I'm mid I assure you I'm not mistaking spec AF.
Given that you already admitted to winging it....
I was talking about the variance for being sub comp spec... something that a larger issue for Hib and Alb due to having to spec multiple lines THUS having less spec points to spread around. Noticable effect on Arms 1 handers and Champ's for example.
It's noticable when you get 1-2 extra 400+ nukes off every fight...
I certainly don't recall sorc LT's hitting for anywhere near what they do here. But I'd have to look up old tests to confirm.
Thats just dev spin for "we gave them an extra stun they didn't have before"
All that did was buff it so you can't just reactive speed to counter the amnesia. AGAIN a buff.
Tue 9 Apr 2019 6:42 AM by Uthred
Going to lock this thread because

a) we will not revert the "nerf" as Schaf explained very detailed why

b) we need Schaf as a Dev
This topic is locked and you can't reply.

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