Question about recent changes to friars?

Started 24 Mar 2019
in Albion
The new change to frairs that took place recently was this something that was done on live? Or was this a quality of life improvement?

I am just curious, unsure of why.

TIA - JustNSane
Sun 24 Mar 2019 6:53 AM by Lollie
It's a qol change, to try and improve their chances of being invited to rvr groups.
Tue 26 Mar 2019 9:56 AM by Sepplord
QOL = quality of life

aka. the change that lets us shift-click items into the vault and back out, that is a QOL-change
Having horse-tickets costs no money is a QOL-change. Craftqueue is QOL
They change the quality of life during gameplay, without interfearing with the games balance

The friar changes are huge balance changes and couldn't be further from a QOL change.
Mon 1 Apr 2019 2:29 PM by SaintRon
Sepplord wrote:
Tue 26 Mar 2019 9:56 AM
QOL = quality of life

aka. the change that lets us shift-click items into the vault and back out, that is a QOL-change
Having horse-tickets costs no money is a QOL-change. Craftqueue is QOL
They change the quality of life during gameplay, without interfearing with the games balance

The friar changes are huge balance changes and couldn't be further from a QOL change.

We'll see if they get invited to groups. Otherwise it's not exactly "huge". As of right now the sentiment in Alb advice that is that Friars still won't get groups.

It's kinda like people saying VW are "op" when like 15 people are playing them.
Tue 2 Apr 2019 6:13 AM by Sepplord
SaintRon wrote:
Mon 1 Apr 2019 2:29 PM
Sepplord wrote:
Tue 26 Mar 2019 9:56 AM
QOL = quality of life

aka. the change that lets us shift-click items into the vault and back out, that is a QOL-change
Having horse-tickets costs no money is a QOL-change. Craftqueue is QOL
They change the quality of life during gameplay, without interfearing with the games balance

The friar changes are huge balance changes and couldn't be further from a QOL change.

We'll see if they get invited to groups. Otherwise it's not exactly "huge". As of right now the sentiment in Alb advice that is that Friars still won't get groups.

It's kinda like people saying VW are "op" when like 15 people are playing them.

i was directly replying to someone stating this is a QOL change...
Overhauling a class specline with new spells is not a QOL change, no matter how you look at it.
I also said it's a huge change, which is not the same as saying it is a huge buff.

And regarding the general hivemind changing in their ways of thinking....If every class would be balanced perfectly, people would still flock to the meta that they know. And it would still work better because they know. A class that is unwanted suddenly getting groups left and right only happens if the change pushes it into crazy OP territotry. Otherwise people will only adapt VERY slowly, or even never if there isn't a succesful setgroup utilizing the new stuff
Tue 2 Apr 2019 2:11 PM by SaintRon
If people aren't going to change I'd argue; it's not a huge change.

Especially since this is a group buff.
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