The rate is fine, it is fast but not crazy fast. There is still a big difference between solo and group leveling, I think this is great and holds the true spirit of DAoC (Community > Solo)
Drop rate for loot is too high, the number of stats per item is too much. Honestly, I don't want to stop every 5 minutes and inspect and compare my stuff to see what's the best match now with the last loot I just got, again.
Procs and effects. This should be rare and something to treasure, not common on all the loots.
Skins. Also something that should be more rare or should cost money through an NPC Revamping Skin - that would add a money sink too
First day was a bot chaos but second day, I already have the sense that the house of wood got solid bricks as foundation now. This looks good and makes me hopeful.
*Phoenix Customizations*:
/challenge is an awesome command. I used it a lot when leveling with friends on discord. Awesome. In PUGs, this was sometimes disastrous but still, this idea is GREAT
/train I just hope it stays after beta
/craftqueue this is like magic. A good old LEGIT AceMacro from the old days embedded in game and much easier (because yes, after 5 crafts by hand, you WANT to use macro)
Seeing your people on the map, that's just great.
No mana penalty under 50%? Man ... Who's idea it was deserve /worship
Increased ticks over sitting time... In PvE it is awesome, I need to test in PvP, I think it should be linear in PvP. A part of the randomness of combats is to fall on the back of groups that are not yet fully recovered, I don't know, just thinking out loud here.
The level title, I like it.
The GM chat in yellow to keep us updated, it shows GMs presence, that is an insanely good marketing, I don't know if you thought about this in that terms but showing GM active online is such a perk compared to the concurrence
Reactivity is also there for bug solving even if not perfect, it shows good will
How is that possible that your server restarts are SO FAST?
Please don't rollback the keep insane RPs during beta until the first wipe :p Those 4800 RPs in thidranki were such a treat at leavel 24 :pp
All in all, pretty good impressions except it may be a tad bit too easy.