Hi, looking for some advice for my valewalker which Im about to hit 50 with, wondering if there are any must have feather items, also wondering which scythe to use, I prefer the fast speed but any advice is welcome thanks.
Isn’t it the opposite? Use the fastest scythe for BB as most of your dmg comes from the style proc, and use slowest scythe when hitting the back style?
Isn’t it the opposite? Use the fastest scythe for BB as most of your dmg comes from the style proc, and use slowest scythe when hitting the back style?
Depends on if the proc is affected by swing speed or not, like a damage add. If it is, slow for max damage.
What you referred to is not 'the opposite'. You want to get as many blizzard blades off as possible and there's a pretty high miss rate even with 50 scythe. Only pull out the 5.7 for blizzard blade or backstyles with haste buff.
And yes you still want to use the 5.7 for blizzard blade because you want to burst as much as possible. It is pretty easy to kill a caster from 75% with blizzard blade and I have straight up 1 shotted them before with crits.
The good old fast vs slow conversation, always fun.
Wheasel is correct, but I'd like to add that there are more reasons/applications on why you want to switch scythes, as the reality is that there are plenty of reasons to be swapping around.
1. As Wheasel describes, burst damage is why you use a slow scythe, and why "sometimes" you want to swap to it prior to a BB going off. I'd like to add that sometimes you want to try and stick with your fast scythe, it's really dependent on the amount of focus healing coming in on the target. For instance, if your fast swing BB would kill the target, but your slow swing would allow them to get healed to full, it's better off to just stick with the fast one.
2. To maximize your burst in general (esp on an assist train), you want to use the slow scythe initially in most situations. Because your first swing/hit doesn't care about attack speed (because its instant), you'll frontload more damage by using the slow scythe for the initial attack, and then immediately switching over to your fast scythe. If in the middle of combat a target dies/you change targets and it takes more then your swing speed to reach the target, swap from the fast-slow, hit them with the initial attack, and then go back to fast.
3. Sometimes, you want to focus on peeling or rupting or something that isn't "mah DEEPS". In these situations, it's just generally better to use the fast scythe to be able to more reliably peel/rupt and not deal with misses/evades/blocks/parries. Fast swing speeds also rupt more often.
4. In other occasions you may run groups or run against groups that have a lot of focus healing, and run into "stalemate"-esque situations where nobody is dying quickly. In some of these fights, I prefer to have my slow scythe on most of the time because nobody is going to die without massive assist burst damage.
5. If you are staying back/nuking (as you may do in a caster group or if it's a dangerous engage to go in), nuke with your slow scythe out. This means that if a melee runs up to rupt you/or into your backlines, you can burst them as hard as you can. Then as in general, switch to your fast scythe in most situations.
Etc.. there are more applications as well but thats a general primer.