I currently have all Legendary Crafters but Fletcher on Uthgard.
Well, basically, I used other tradeskills only for myself, so i'm not sure how other WCers or ACers benefits.
But i can say i've taken quite many SC orders, and know about SC works.
Actually, SC work doesn't cost that much gold without focus staves.
But I charge 350g~400g per piece cuz it consumes enormous time.
I'd say 8 pieces of OC work will take approximately 2~3 hours(with full concentration, no semi-afk).
So what makes ppl to pay plats willingly has nothing to do with cost, but the time a SCer had to endure.
I'm pretty sure if quality of gem does not affect OC, SCing work itself will be just a piece of cake.
There will be a huge drop on price while a little bit of drop on cost.
And SCers won't be able to earn big money with this trade,
cuz demands are always limited while there should be more and more LGM SCers as time goes by.
I can't say which one will be better. There are two sides to every coin.
Most of the users will benefit from low price which will lower entry barrier to RvR.
However, like a person who selects to earn money from SC rather than farming, like Draygon, won't benefit.
Anyway.... my question here is, why only spellcrafting?
I think most of the users will benefit if weaponcrafters make MPs everytime, too.
Overcharging without quality issue is just as same as crafting MPs all the time with other trades.
Do you think WCers can benefit if they craft MPs all the time?