When and How do Stealthers apply poisons during fights?

Started 28 Feb 2019
by DinoTriz
in RvR
I love Stealthers and Rogues in games, and I love them here as well. However, the crazy poison application technique seems a bit tedious to me.

Are there more user friendly ways of applying poisons? Like using macros or something?

Also, do you swap poisons during or after a Perf chain? It seems so awkward to pull off during a style chain.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 2:57 PM by Sepplord
haven't done it myself so hearsay, but i am quite confident this is how it works:

you cannot apply poison to weapons in combat, so all poisons you want to use have to be applied to individual weapons before combat starts

after that is done, the mechanic is simple. When you want to apply a poison, you equip the respective weapon and hit the enemy with it.
You can do that either manually, or with the switch command. Just type /switch ingame and you will get a detailed guide how the command works and how to use it.

The switch command can then be macroed

As i haven't done it myself i can't give tips on inventorymanagement/setup, maybe one of the main-assassins could share their knowledge. My first gutfeeling would tell me to put weapons and poisons in alternating slots into the inventory. So each poison can be applied by simply pulling it up one slot.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 4:08 PM by DinoTriz
Sepplord wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 2:57 PM
haven't done it myself so hearsay, but i am quite confident this is how it works:

you cannot apply poison to weapons in combat, so all poisons you want to use have to be applied to individual weapons before combat starts

after that is done, the mechanic is simple. When you want to apply a poison, you equip the respective weapon and hit the enemy with it.
You can do that either manually, or with the switch command. Just type /switch ingame and you will get a detailed guide how the command works and how to use it.

The switch command can then be macroed

As i haven't done it myself i can't give tips on inventorymanagement/setup, maybe one of the main-assassins could share their knowledge. My first gutfeeling would tell me to put weapons and poisons in alternating slots into the inventory. So each poison can be applied by simply pulling it up one slot.

I could definitely see the /switch command helping.

I guess my bigger question is: When do they apply their poisons during or after their perf chain?

Seems like pulling off reactive styles or styles in general while applying more poisons would be a bit of a finger twister.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 4:12 PM by florin
you're not applying poisons during the fight, as mentioned youre switching weapons that are pre-poisoned.

That means having 6-12 different weapons for different scenarios.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 4:16 PM by DinoTriz
florin wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 4:12 PM
you're not applying poisons during the fight, as mentioned youre switching weapons that are pre-poisoned.

That means having 6-12 different weapons for different scenarios.

Yes, sorry. That's what I meant.

Do they switch weapons during a Perf chain or after? I'd imagine afterwards.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 4:18 PM by florin
you can perf, /switch, CD /switch SS /switch if you like

I usually switch between perf and CD - or at least after CD

on reactives there's a 3 second window so you can switch there too without worrying about missing the style
Thu 28 Feb 2019 4:19 PM by florin
and definitely switch after they purge your stuns
Thu 28 Feb 2019 5:22 PM by Expfighter
along with the switch command is the 2 handed slot, always have a poisoned weapon in there, so pa, switch to 2 handed slot cd, switch all 3 weapons out and use the other 3 to continue
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:15 PM by Stimmed
I usually wait for CD to land (im attacking at almost cap speed anyway so its not long) then start the swaps.

Like others have said have tons of weapons in your bag pre poisoned and you use switch macros etc to swap them in without dragging the weapon on. The macro for that is "/macro S1 /switch 1h 1" This will make a macro with the name S1 and swap your 1h slot for the first bag slot in your inventory.

If they purge (depending on class) if its meele always reapply enervating unless there 1 hit from dead or something. Then back into more poisons.

if its say a BD and they purge always keep disease on them. I will usually perf/cd a BD/caster not swap instantly as you dont normally need the extra boost in dmg if there alone then if they purge the CD insta swap to disease so they cant kite etc and heal/pots half as much. Then more poisons or snare as well if your worried about being kited.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:28 PM by DinoTriz
Stimmed wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:15 PM
I usually wait for CD to land (im attacking at almost cap speed anyway so its not long) then start the swaps.

Like others have said have tons of weapons in your bag pre poisoned and you use switch macros etc to swap them in without dragging the weapon on. The macro for that is "/macro S1 /switch 1h 1" This will make a macro with the name S1 and swap your 1h slot for the first bag slot in your inventory.

If they purge (depending on class) if its meele always reapply enervating unless there 1 hit from dead or something. Then back into more poisons.

if its say a BD and they purge always keep disease on them. I will usually perf/cd a BD/caster not swap instantly as you dont normally need the extra boost in dmg if there alone then if they purge the CD insta swap to disease so they cant kite etc and heal/pots half as much. Then more poisons or snare as well if your worried about being kited.

Doesn't swapping weapons reset your swing/autoattack though?

Man, that has to be awkward as hell to do while pulling off a style chain.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:49 PM by Stimmed
It stops your auto swing ya. So say your trying to do Garrote/Ach combo. You garrote/swap then press ach. It will still work just might lose a split second from the swap. But you can swap instantly then ach instantly and continue attacking.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 9:31 PM by DinoTriz
Stimmed wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:49 PM
It stops your auto swing ya. So say your trying to do Garrote/Ach combo. You garrote/swap then press ach. It will still work just might lose a split second from the swap. But you can swap instantly then ach instantly and continue attacking.

Makes sense.

I suppose it just takes practice and muscle memory
Thu 28 Feb 2019 9:53 PM by Dimir
DinoTriz wrote:
Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:28 PM
Doesn't swapping weapons reset your swing/autoattack though?

Man, that has to be awkward as hell to do while pulling off a style chain.

Swapping weapons sheaths them.
So macro:
1. switch weapons
2. do style
3. profit
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