Getting into RvR

Started 18 Feb 2019
by TalonWarden
in Midgard
I got to 50 on my Thane recently. I’m little lost on the best way to join in with “the zerg” that bounces around from task to task. If I try to run to the action I get destroyed by an 8 man before I get there. I’ll join the battle group if there is one and advertise that I’m lfg but don’t get invited. Is there an easier way to get into the action that I’m not aware of?
Mon 18 Feb 2019 4:28 PM by Sepplord
not up with speedclasses and/or build a group yourself

You can also wait for other parts of the zerg to start running from the Telekeep, but will need a speedclass to keep up with the "safety of the zerg"

Also, as general tips, spend 2RA points on getting Tireless and LongWind. Additionally go to the housingzone (or ask in your guild for an alchemist) and get yourself an endurance-reg potion. Preferably one with 100charges. Together with the two Realmabilities Tireless/LW and the end-reg-buff you can permanently sprint without losing endurance.
Imo an absolute musthave in RvR, even when grouping with shamans and/or not caring about buffpots/buff-charges
Mon 18 Feb 2019 5:14 PM by lefo
Well, dont run solo, or wait till a larger group leaves the port...follow them. Oh, and thanes are not the rvr friendliest chars. I remember thanes being nonexistant in old daoc 17 years ago. You wouldnt find one. It amazes me to see so many running around. Like those ppl have never played daoc before and the char seemed cool to them or something. If you ask provide nothing to the group as you are hybrid. That means hybrid dmg table with is poor. Your magic is weak. It breaks mezz if you aoe. your hp is also low. The only thing doing for you is a shield slamming. For instance, skald is also hybrid, BUT, he has speed, he has mezz, he is major interrupter, because all his spells are insta. He has 2 dmg dds, he has 1500 snare. And he mainly uses 2h weapon (lot more dmg) which you as a thane probably dont.
Mon 18 Feb 2019 6:41 PM by kmark101
Ignore the previous poster, he is clueless about thanes in their current form.

You provide tons to the group as a thane, in the following roles: interrupter, backline peeler, guard, pet cleaner (!). Just don't try to play as an offensive shield tank, it won't work as thane, their damage and skill lever is much lower than warriors.

Interrupting is one of the most important (and underestimated) roles in this game and thanes are excel in it. Their quick nuke + insta dd makes them great at interrupting those pesky casters, but of course you need some experience and battle awareness to spot the dangerous caster quick. Backline peeler and guard needs no explanations: make sure you have 42 shield spec, and the skills Slam (shield) and Conquer (hammer) on your best bind keys: whenever an enemy runs towards your casters line, slam them or conquer them, switch to next target, rinse and repeat (and keep interrupting meanwhile.. (I know its not easy to do multiple tasks but you picked this class so you have to do it). Pet cleaner is also important: those casters who sends shitload of pets (like theurgs) you have your own instant pbaoe to kill them at once.

I think thane is one of the best solo roamers that has no speed, because of the ranged interrupts and slam in one package. I solo roam with warrior a lot and here is my strategy: I always set up camp at a keep Midgard owns inside enemy territory, get hastener+potion buffs+endo 3=perma sprint, hit targets (many times I can win 1v2 even, with slam only... and you have cool interrupts on top of it).. after a fight, I run back to keep, get hastener speed again, etcc. In 1v1, usually slam, sprint to the behind the enemy character model, push /stick (bind it to a 4th or 5th button on mouse), that will immediately turn your char to the enemy back, switch to 2h weapon and process your hardest hitting combo. It will give you nice advantage and you will probably win. Against casters its even easier for thanes, since they won't be able to cast much and you just keep running after them and dd+pbaeo on cooldown, the second they stop you are on them with melee and game over.

In keep fights is when thanes can actually lay back and releax, spamming aoe hammers and laugh. Need no explanation here I think

All in all, thanes play differently than warriors in group, but a bit more powerful than them in solo pvp (no difference if 8person group ganks you, which will happen lots, but its ok, you will have your glorious moments as well!). Hope this helped.
Mon 18 Feb 2019 7:00 PM by TalonWarden
All very informative kmark, thanks. The few “even” fights I have been really fun and encouraging. I will definitely need to buy some pots to help with speed. I started a few other more desirable classes but I just love the class fantasy of Thane too much to give up yet. I would assume joining a guild would help me find groups easier? Or is it pretty much casual pugs only for a Thane, in terms of small group/8 man RvR?
Tue 19 Feb 2019 11:46 PM by tifa247
Or is it pretty much casual pugs only for a Thane, in terms of small group/8 man RvR?

Unfortunately yes. Truth is, there is no reason to pick a thane over a warrior (def) or savage (off).
If you want to build a strong group and have every charater available, a thane is not on the list...^^

I would assume joining a guild would help me find groups easier?

Of course.
Tue 19 Feb 2019 11:51 PM by Afuldan
I’m finding I have a hard time with pugs unless I start a group as a Warrior even. I may reroll Savage.
Wed 20 Feb 2019 9:01 AM by Sepplord
tifa247 wrote:
Tue 19 Feb 2019 11:46 PM
Or is it pretty much casual pugs only for a Thane, in terms of small group/8 man RvR?

Unfortunately yes. Truth is, there is no reason to pick a thane over a warrior (def) or savage (off).
If you want to build a strong group and have every charater available, a thane is not on the list...^^

I would assume joining a guild would help me find groups easier?

Of course.

as a warrior i am happy to hear, but still could you elaborate on the part where he outshine thane always as a peeler?
I was under the impression that thane has better pet-clear and can assistnuke/interuppt while staying in the backline.
The warrior has to stay near the enemy assisttrain and might not be as usefull in certain situations.

Is it the warriors higher weaponskill that lets him deliver snares/slams more reliably that puts him above all for DEF-role or is it his RAs > Thane RAs
Wed 20 Feb 2019 9:49 AM by Cadebrennus
kmark101 wrote:
Mon 18 Feb 2019 6:41 PM
Ignore the previous poster, he is clueless about thanes in their current form.

You provide tons to the group as a thane, in the following roles: interrupter, backline peeler, guard, pet cleaner (!). Just don't try to play as an offensive shield tank, it won't work as thane, their damage and skill lever is much lower than warriors.

Interrupting is one of the most important (and underestimated) roles in this game and thanes are excel in it. Their quick nuke + insta dd makes them great at interrupting those pesky casters, but of course you need some experience and battle awareness to spot the dangerous caster quick. Backline peeler and guard needs no explanations: make sure you have 42 shield spec, and the skills Slam (shield) and Conquer (hammer) on your best bind keys: whenever an enemy runs towards your casters line, slam them or conquer them, switch to next target, rinse and repeat (and keep interrupting meanwhile.. (I know its not easy to do multiple tasks but you picked this class so you have to do it). Pet cleaner is also important: those casters who sends shitload of pets (like theurgs) you have your own instant pbaoe to kill them at once.

I think thane is one of the best solo roamers that has no speed, because of the ranged interrupts and slam in one package. I solo roam with warrior a lot and here is my strategy: I always set up camp at a keep Midgard owns inside enemy territory, get hastener+potion buffs+endo 3=perma sprint, hit targets (many times I can win 1v2 even, with slam only... and you have cool interrupts on top of it).. after a fight, I run back to keep, get hastener speed again, etcc. In 1v1, usually slam, sprint to the behind the enemy character model, push /stick (bind it to a 4th or 5th button on mouse), that will immediately turn your char to the enemy back, switch to 2h weapon and process your hardest hitting combo. It will give you nice advantage and you will probably win. Against casters its even easier for thanes, since they won't be able to cast much and you just keep running after them and dd+pbaeo on cooldown, the second they stop you are on them with melee and game over.

In keep fights is when thanes can actually lay back and releax, spamming aoe hammers and laugh. Need no explanation here I think

All in all, thanes play differently than warriors in group, but a bit more powerful than them in solo pvp (no difference if 8person group ganks you, which will happen lots, but its ok, you will have your glorious moments as well!). Hope this helped.

One of the most useful and informative posts I have seen in a long time. This in particular;

"Interrupting is one of the most important (and underestimated) roles in this game and thanes are excel in it. "

I've been telling people this for years. Successful groups I've been proud to be a part of have made interrupts an integral part of their strategy.,
Wed 20 Feb 2019 9:53 AM by Mediocretes
As previously posted Thames are awesome here.
They got significant bluffs to their storm calling line. Higher delve nukes, aoes etc.

They have a bad rep cuz people aoe and break me and most people dont realize the bugs they have. You have the baseline nuke of a hib caster in full chain with slam and insta rupts.

I would argue thane is better than warrior for backline. I'd trade stoic and a bit less hps/ws for a solid nuke, 2 instas and aoe pet clear any day.
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