Archers are kinda in a tough place, they are decent archers but not great archers like they should be. To be a decent archer they really have to sacrifice their melee. So I have an idea that I think is doable and would greatly help.
Later down the road when Archers had their Archery system changed they also had their buff lines removed and added to their Archery skill line. Now Archers didn't have to split their specs, they got their buffs and archery all in one line. This allowed them to go a lot higher in that line to be better archers as well as helping their survivability because they had more points to put in melee along with having better buffs. the problem was the majority of people did not like the new archery side being more spell based like magic.
My idea is to have the best of both worlds, keeping the old archery system we have but removing the buff lines and just adding them right into the same line as archery for each class. So instead of splitting points and going half way In two skill lines you could go deep in one skill line and have your same abilities while having a few extra points t put in other lines like melee. The current problem with the archer buff lines is that barrel buffs and charges kinda pull away any benefit you would get by going high in that skill line. While Hunters stop around 32 in Beast, some Rangers go as little as 10 in Pathfinding. At the same time most Archers wont go over 35 in Archery. Now if it was 1 line, these classes would be able to go a lot higher in that one line and be better archers while also having extra points to help their melee lines or stealth.
Rangers: would get all their current Pathfinding skills at the same level in Archery. I think this is all they need to be in a great spot.
Hunters: would get all their Beast skill in the same level in Archery, Hunters also need their pet str/con buff to be instant, as well as a pet that moves that sprint speed. Currently Hunters charm spell has no purpose since summoned pets are stronger, let charm work on level 50 mobs to have a purpose.
Scouts: To be fair to scouts they should get buff in their Archery line just like they did when the old system changed. Give scouts the same dex/qui buff, spec AF buff, and Speed escape boost shout, Since Rangers and Hunters have their extra buffs / pet give scouts something that would fit, maybe an absorb buff since Alb is defensive themed.
Last thing, When the new Archery system was implemented the dex/qui buffs from archers was changed from 50/50 to 75/75 to be in line with the other best spec buffs like other classes get in their buff lines like Thanes, and Champs. I would like to see this as well so it would take away any reasoning to avoid speccing because you could just use "better" 75/75 charges instead of 50/50 buffs.
Please consider
Later down the road when Archers had their Archery system changed they also had their buff lines removed and added to their Archery skill line. Now Archers didn't have to split their specs, they got their buffs and archery all in one line. This allowed them to go a lot higher in that line to be better archers as well as helping their survivability because they had more points to put in melee along with having better buffs. the problem was the majority of people did not like the new archery side being more spell based like magic.
My idea is to have the best of both worlds, keeping the old archery system we have but removing the buff lines and just adding them right into the same line as archery for each class. So instead of splitting points and going half way In two skill lines you could go deep in one skill line and have your same abilities while having a few extra points t put in other lines like melee. The current problem with the archer buff lines is that barrel buffs and charges kinda pull away any benefit you would get by going high in that skill line. While Hunters stop around 32 in Beast, some Rangers go as little as 10 in Pathfinding. At the same time most Archers wont go over 35 in Archery. Now if it was 1 line, these classes would be able to go a lot higher in that one line and be better archers while also having extra points to help their melee lines or stealth.
Rangers: would get all their current Pathfinding skills at the same level in Archery. I think this is all they need to be in a great spot.
Hunters: would get all their Beast skill in the same level in Archery, Hunters also need their pet str/con buff to be instant, as well as a pet that moves that sprint speed. Currently Hunters charm spell has no purpose since summoned pets are stronger, let charm work on level 50 mobs to have a purpose.
Scouts: To be fair to scouts they should get buff in their Archery line just like they did when the old system changed. Give scouts the same dex/qui buff, spec AF buff, and Speed escape boost shout, Since Rangers and Hunters have their extra buffs / pet give scouts something that would fit, maybe an absorb buff since Alb is defensive themed.
Last thing, When the new Archery system was implemented the dex/qui buffs from archers was changed from 50/50 to 75/75 to be in line with the other best spec buffs like other classes get in their buff lines like Thanes, and Champs. I would like to see this as well so it would take away any reasoning to avoid speccing because you could just use "better" 75/75 charges instead of 50/50 buffs.
Please consider