Ok, you're THAT new to the game
Just ask stuff and ppl should be willing to answer.
Concerning your menta questions:
- You want con (for more HP), dex (faster cast speed) and int (for more dmg/mana).
- Int, along with pie, emp and cha is what gets raised by acuty (all of them equally). Depending on the char you're on it either helps you (like int for your menta) or it doesen't (like the other 3 for your menta).
- A +1 skills does exactly that. It either raises a specific skill or all melee/magic lines. +1 to a skill your class does not have doesn't help you in any way.
- Utility is calculated by the skill and stat boni on the piece of equipment. The higher, the better but not necessarily more usefull for your char as it is modified by what you actually need. +50 acuty when you only need +10 has a lot of wasted utility which is still stated.
- Defensive stats like what? +Parry doesn't help you (as said above), +con and +hp along with +resists helps you.
--> All Stats and skills have a cap:
- Skills are capped at lvl/5+1 (resulting in +11 @lvl50)
- Stats are capped at lvl*1.5 (resulting in +75 @lvl50)
- HP are capped at lvl*4 (resulting in +200 @lvl50)
- Manapool is capped at lvl/2 (resulting in +25 @lvl50)
- Resists are capped at lvl/2+1 (resulting in 26 @lvl50)
Not sure what I forgot here.
RR3 is realm rank3. You get RP (realm points) for killing enemies and/or completing realm vs realm related tasks. The more you get the higher your realm rank raises. You get sub ranks such as rr 1L2 and get a point to spend on special realm abilities for each sub level. You can use those to increase your stats, hp and/or get special active abilites that you wouldn't get normally.
Start playing and ask the people in your groups whatever you want to know. That and trial by error should help you a lot.