I understand why the change was made, and im not sure if I like or hate it. But do you think you could maybe make it only effect grps. By the time a grp disbands and joins back together, its most likely 3 minutes.
I believe this change is needed its giving realm enough time to defend there keep, that being said a group can just disband and re invite to lose the RS timer under one min. .... it needs to stick to those player even if they attempt to get past it.
Yep even if i can understand, in every case this kind of change will reduce population simply, it's like a TP in Svasud, Ligen... back on Uthgard for that, and also a biger nerf for solo players (what? like me? :p) than others who have to wait a bit in every case at PK for their buffs... afkers etc...
I dont understand the change at all, all it does is makes things harder and take longer. If you leave the PK and get zerged, you have another 3 min timer. If this was to get a population balance of sorts I dont get it.
I agree with what has been posted here, this should be removed, but if it stays for whatever reason should only apply to full groups leaving the PK and dying.
It would be nice to get an explanation of it as well.
At least on Uthgard we had a porter cycle so everyone would come together and clear the milegate... Alb 70% underpop bonus since change, was back to 20%.. Please compare RPs gained by hibs in comparison to the rest after the change. all i saw was hib spam due to zerging everything down and mid/alb stucked at 3min tk.
Modification to this timer is probably needed. Maybe take the healers out of the pks and have res sickness uncurable for 2-3 minutes. This way people could decide if it worth it to move.
Doom and gloom. Try to be constructive instead of spelling doomsday whenever a change goes through that you don't agree with.
Trying to live up to that myself, it does seem like a 3 min for all, no matter realm activity and any other factors, seems like a long time to wait at Portal Keeps. Maybe make it 8 mins, but adjusted by the % of people your realm have RvR'ing. So Hib/Mid/alb 45%/20%/35% makes the timer at the realms respective PK's to: Hib 216 secs Alb 96 secs Mid 168 secs. Or using 5 mins as multiplier: 135 sec 60 sec 105 sec
The underdog bonuses works really well, imo, so you should use them on all aspects of the RvR scene.
Keeping in mind that leaving your own BorderKeeps is always 0 sec timer.
Edit: I should also add, that even as one that soloes a lot, the timer (if you keep it) should NOT distinguish between solo/smallman/groups, you chose to solo for the challenge, so stop crying when it proves hard to do it.
A debuff icon would be nice so you could see how long you have.
Exactly why I came here being ready to post that. A debuff icon at least needs to be there with a timer. It’s a quality of life change to SHOW us when we can leave. Having to try to leave and get pulled back is annoying as hell. That’s more frustrating than the 3 min timer.
Good change. If you charge brain afk like zombies into the battle over and over again,- fear no consequences when dieing, you have to deal with it. Choice matters.
not a good change, would be better to just not restrict ppl but to improve travelspeed for those who have to defend their homeland.... maybe think about implement a port option to jamtland/breifine/pennine
Needed maybe, but i think 3min is a bit too much, it's like if it was 6min on Uthgard for the TP (sometimes when you die you have some luck and can re TP instant, sometimes you should wait the 6min, so 3Min is the average... ok if we count the loading and everything, maybe 5min30, not 6min)