
Started 6 Dec 2018
by Darkden
in RvR
Hi guys,

Can you tell me wich class has the best pbae dmg in rvr and pve please? Was looking for a wizzard, but everyone syas his pbae get nerf since years and it sucks now. Thanks a lot (get some read about heretic, but don't know. Thanks)
Thu 6 Dec 2018 9:37 AM by Koljar
All PBAEs should have the same delve. Only the damage type is what's making them different (besides the optical effects...).

What you need to look at is what other utility do the PBAE casters get (always based on 50 into the PBAE-line).

Wizzard gets:
A snare-dd, debuff-dd (10%) and an aoe-debuff-dd (also 10%).
Secondary skill lines give him either better bolts (both lines), low level GTAE and some low level dots (earh) or low lvl nukes (fire).

Enchanter gets:
A pet, a damage shield, heat/matter/cold debuffs.
Secondary skill lines give him a lower nuking variance for his heat (yeah, he can debuff it himself...) baseline nuke and some extra debuffs (in the sun line). Also don't forget the baseline stun in hib. The enchantment-line is propably the least used one... The enchantment line only gives you some pet buffs so it's not really woth it imho.

A pet (that intercepts for you vs. melee attacks!) heal, mezz, demezz, combat Speed and a nice aoe str/con debuff.
Secondary skill lines give him either various pet buffs (again: not that useful imho) but make sure to get at least the very first dmg shield for the pet (see below for why) or a bunch of debuffs, more mezz and a low lvl lifetap. Can also debuff dmg types but not for himself.

Druids/shamans can put better buffs on your pet for pve than you could with the remaining points.

This is one of the points in game where the extra class in Alb shows what it leads to: Not being bad but both other realms having better options (imho). Alb has other very strong classes tho so go figure

If one of your aspects is pve then Hib comes out on top (again: imho) because you can use your pet with the very strong focus shield to pull some mobs to you and then PBAE them. Mid can to that too but with a lower dmg shield that draws less aggro to the pet while pulling.

For rvr: Hib stun + debuff + baseline-nuke is amazing. The mid Utility with the demezz (!) and a backup mezzer + emergency healer isn't bad either but does not match the pure damage the enchanter can dish out - even by himself.

Thu 6 Dec 2018 10:07 AM by Algarakai
Hibernia has also an another PBAOEr, with the ELdricht
Thu 6 Dec 2018 11:37 AM by Darkden
ok thanks for all that information! I'm gonna see i wanna play. I'm gonna test now before the release I guess!
So as i understand, not a lot a wizzard in rvr lol aren't they?
Thu 6 Dec 2018 12:03 PM by yaru
actually the sm pbaoe is a tiny bit stronger than all the others (331 delve compared to 325) but its negligible really.

one interesting aspect for the sm is also the existence and more importantly availability of aoe stun in pretty much every mid grp due to having a pac healer.
on the other hand in most rvr grps atleast, theres gonna be 1 sm max, mostly in combination with rm bd, so u ll be the only pbaoe.
on hib tho u might have 1,5 or even 2 (2,5) at times. 1,5 cos in most grps only the chanter will have the highest pbaoe. in the classic caster comp with the 3 different magicians the eld will mostly be light, or splitspec if anything, so either pretty low or 2nd to 3rd highest pbaoe. theres also the option to run 4 casters with 2 chanters, but double ment is more common id say.
now with new ra theres also ST (static tempest) on every realm, but its realistic appreance will be fairly low in castergrps i would think, cos neither friars, nor champs or thanes really have a slot in most 3 or 4 castergrps. if u really wanna go full pbaoe grp id think mid has the highest potential on paper just cos of mighty aoe stun and should even run a thane then so u can aoe stun+ST to restun and even reset stunimmunity so u could aoe stun again. tho that might not even be necessary cos with a couple sms and aoe stun, enemies should die in no-time with highest pbaoe+red s/c debuff and ideally a shaman diseasing on top.
on mid u would really have to go full bomb or leave it imo. on hib u can run one of the strongest comps for 8v8 and still be able to pbaoe if needed/wanted.
Thu 6 Dec 2018 1:47 PM by Darkden
Ok thanks for the reply. I'm still gonna play a wizzard, cause i always want to play one. Just hope finiding some groupe for pve and rvr, even if the "class is not the better one", i wanna play it. Well, if someone has some accurate template for pve and rvr, i'm here to listen
Thu 6 Dec 2018 1:53 PM by Koljar
Yeah see - never played Hib enough to even realize they had 2 PBAEers

To add to the style of my above post:

Eldrich gets:
Snare DD (single + AOE), disease, str/con debuff (single + AOE).
Secondary skill lines either get you a weak bolt, aoe-dd and gtae-dd or or weak d/q debuff, mezz and nearsight.

Still more tools than the wizzard imho.

Aaand: Alb also has pbae-dd on the necro (death servant line) and hib has the animist (verdant line) but both don't geht the dd-values of the above casters and require their pet to be alive to pbae... And for completion: Mid would have a 2nd class aswell but warlocks are not in the game (not on phoenix).

Hope I didn't forget another class but it's been a while since I used DAoC as my timesink
Thu 6 Dec 2018 6:35 PM by Kralin
Darkden wrote:
Thu 6 Dec 2018 1:47 PM
Ok thanks for the reply. I'm still gonna play a wizzard, cause i always want to play one. Just hope finiding some groupe for pve and rvr, even if the "class is not the better one", i wanna play it. Well, if someone has some accurate template for pve and rvr, i'm here to listen

You asked about templates and I assume you are referring to what "spec" you should be. The gear drops are mostly randomized here so it's not easy to suggest a template as it's different for everyone.

If you want to play Wizard, I would spec Ice during your pve days if you play in groups. You just need to make sure your group understands your role and tanks know how to handle aggro. You will be much desired in pve groups all the way to 50. Once you join RvR you may have more luck as an Earth or Fire wizard as many groups would take those single-nuke specs over the Ice wizard.
Thu 6 Dec 2018 8:13 PM by Darkden
Thanks for all this informations guys
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