a few days ago, I posted something I considered a bug on the tracker: https://tracker.playphoenix.online/issues/75188862-2485-40e7-950e-f3bc27c04d93
It is about lifetaps doing much more damage than ordinary nukes. Considering the fast cast time of lifetaps (2.5 sec delve) vs slow cast times of spec nukes (2.8 sec delve), lifetaps do significantly more DPS than spec nukes. This leads to an odd situation where a body sorc would actually deal less damage if she used her spec nuke, so she is better off using her baseline lifetap instead, even if she went full body spec.
The response of gruenesschaf to my issue on the tracker was:
Also, my issue was closed. I could understand this move if the goal was to emulate 1.65 perfectly, with all it's odds and glitches. However, I think this mechanic should still be changed, or even removed.
If I understood it correctly, this mechanic basically equals a permanent damage bonus for lifetaps. It would make sense (to some extent) if it was conditional on the fact that hitpoints actually have been transferred, so you would deal extra damage only if you have been missing hitpoints yourself and the lifetap actually stole hitpoints from your target. However, I had been nuking with full life on dummies, so there was definitely no life transferred during my experiments.
In general, spec nukes should always deal significantly more DPS than baseline nukes / lifetaps (considering same resistances). Anything else does not make sense. Hence, I think the lifetap damage boost should be removed entirely, and not even granted upon any special condition.
a few days ago, I posted something I considered a bug on the tracker: https://tracker.playphoenix.online/issues/75188862-2485-40e7-950e-f3bc27c04d93
It is about lifetaps doing much more damage than ordinary nukes. Considering the fast cast time of lifetaps (2.5 sec delve) vs slow cast times of spec nukes (2.8 sec delve), lifetaps do significantly more DPS than spec nukes. This leads to an odd situation where a body sorc would actually deal less damage if she used her spec nuke, so she is better off using her baseline lifetap instead, even if she went full body spec.
The response of gruenesschaf to my issue on the tracker was:
% return / 10 is added as damage % to lifetap."
Also, my issue was closed. I could understand this move if the goal was to emulate 1.65 perfectly, with all it's odds and glitches. However, I think this mechanic should still be changed, or even removed.
If I understood it correctly, this mechanic basically equals a permanent damage bonus for lifetaps. It would make sense (to some extent) if it was conditional on the fact that hitpoints actually have been transferred, so you would deal extra damage only if you have been missing hitpoints yourself and the lifetap actually stole hitpoints from your target. However, I had been nuking with full life on dummies, so there was definitely no life transferred during my experiments.
In general, spec nukes should always deal significantly more DPS than baseline nukes / lifetaps (considering same resistances). Anything else does not make sense. Hence, I think the lifetap damage boost should be removed entirely, and not even granted upon any special condition.