How to create RVR that works for everyone in the sandbox environment

Started 27 Oct 2018
by Ninefingers
in Suggestions
The best and worst things about daoc are actually the same thing. The fact that RVR is not in anyway limited or forced in terms of its number or scope. At it's best this produces natural, balanced conflict that colours the thinking of many of us about the halcyon days of our gaming lives. At it's worst it created completely imbalanced fights that pitch elite *neckbeard* gamers against casual pug's or 8man's v solo or zergs v 8man.

The most difficult thing for any game designer is to produce a system that has open sandbox RVR but where players CHOOSE to participate in fights that are more or less balanced. There is a reason that WoW and the like went for ranked arena PVP, it balances PVP in an artifical way so that developers don't have this heady problem. Add to this the fact that human nature is always to take the easiest route to a goal , and you have the hardest conundrum possible.

So how could this be achieved, to somehow make players CHOOSE to participate in more balanced fights?

1) have a huge difference in the amount of RP's for players of different realm ranks. Kill a RR1 or 2 on a RR6+ = say 10% normal RP amount. You want to reward players engaging others of similar realm rank so they will CHOOSE to fight in areas that have similarly experienced players, this might lead to player made 'zones' i.e 'dont go to odins, thats the RR6+ battlezone, newbs tend to fight in HW which is rr2+. More experienced teams could still go there sure, and some still would, but the reward would be so low that they would have to kill 5x the number of players to get the same RP as 1 player of equivalent RR.

2) Scale the amount of RP's gained for a kill based on the % of your realm in an area relative the other realms, i.e. for every 1% your realm outpopulates the next highest realm in the area you lose 5% RP on kills. This will force people to look at the pop in an area and move elsewhere if pop of their realm is too high. The current system of compensating the underpopulated realm is fine, but you also need to penalise the overpopulated realm(in an area) to force them to relocate

3) Have a large variety of tasks/objectives that all give RP. This will mean that there area always options to gain RP that casual players can gain without running into one of the experienced teams, they cant be everywhere at once. Make sure they are geographically diverse. This RP gain needs to be meaningful, you should be able to gain at least 5k an hour from these activities to make them worthwhile. Have the optimal RP gain being for 8 people, and above this the amount of RP's scales down to avoid zergs simply RP tasking from one point the next. The idea is that a casual PUG can take an objective, and that there are say at least 10 objectives available at any given time (above and beyond keeptakes)

4) Reduce size of groups to 5. This will mean that there is some chance of smaller groups overcoming the standard group of 5. Would also mean that those who are totally optimised for working as an 8 will have to rethink their strategies and maybe have less of an advantage over PUG groups.

Please give some thought to these ideas or add to them to avoid the inevitable cycle of elite 8man teams destroying yet another server for the majority of the population
Sat 27 Oct 2018 8:46 AM by Kaziera
Altough your numbers are a bit too high, e.g. 5% less rp for 1% is a lot too much, i think you are going in the right direction.

Plus we need a way, to make keepfights interesting and rewarding.
Sat 27 Oct 2018 12:36 PM by Ombrix
Ninefingers wrote:
Sat 27 Oct 2018 7:58 AM
The best and worst things about daoc are actually the same thing. The fact that RVR is not in anyway limited or forced in terms of its number or scope. At it's best this produces natural, balanced conflict that colours the thinking of many of us about the halcyon days of our gaming lives. At it's worst it created completely imbalanced fights that pitch elite *neckbeard* gamers against casual pug's or 8man's v solo or zergs v 8man.

The most difficult thing for any game designer is to produce a system that has open sandbox RVR but where players CHOOSE to participate in fights that are more or less balanced. There is a reason that WoW and the like went for ranked arena PVP, it balances PVP in an artifical way so that developers don't have this heady problem. Add to this the fact that human nature is always to take the easiest route to a goal , and you have the hardest conundrum possible.

So how could this be achieved, to somehow make players CHOOSE to participate in more balanced fights?

1) have a huge difference in the amount of RP's for players of different realm ranks. Kill a RR1 or 2 on a RR6+ = say 10% normal RP amount. You want to reward players engaging others of similar realm rank so they will CHOOSE to fight in areas that have similarly experienced players, this might lead to player made 'zones' i.e 'dont go to odins, thats the RR6+ battlezone, newbs tend to fight in HW which is rr2+. More experienced teams could still go there sure, and some still would, but the reward would be so low that they would have to kill 5x the number of players to get the same RP as 1 player of equivalent RR.

2) Scale the amount of RP's gained for a kill based on the % of your realm in an area relative the other realms, i.e. for every 1% your realm outpopulates the next highest realm in the area you lose 5% RP on kills. This will force people to look at the pop in an area and move elsewhere if pop of their realm is too high. The current system of compensating the underpopulated realm is fine, but you also need to penalise the overpopulated realm(in an area) to force them to relocate

3) Have a large variety of tasks/objectives that all give RP. This will mean that there area always options to gain RP that casual players can gain without running into one of the experienced teams, they cant be everywhere at once. Make sure they are geographically diverse. This RP gain needs to be meaningful, you should be able to gain at least 5k an hour from these activities to make them worthwhile. Have the optimal RP gain being for 8 people, and above this the amount of RP's scales down to avoid zergs simply RP tasking from one point the next. The idea is that a casual PUG can take an objective, and that there are say at least 10 objectives available at any given time (above and beyond keeptakes)

Please give some thought to these ideas or add to them to avoid the inevitable cycle of elite 8man teams destroying yet another server for the majority of the population

Nice post dude. Some great idea there.

From my view i like it, but for the fact it's exactly what's you say : " the fact that human nature is always to take the easiest route to a goal"

That's means people will never go for a challenge. From my experience , and other player experience, we all know that player enjoy to see an ennemy and just nuke him down 4v1 or more without any possibility to die. That's the point, people wan't to kill without taking any risk to die.

The problem will stay the same as is it now, 8mans or zerg will go there and kills every solos, smalls like it's a pve spot . Doesn't matter what reward they get, they WIN , you LOOSE, that's the point.

For me the best idea is to reduce the group cap. 8 ? why not 50 . There is a totally UNFAIR situation when you run 8mans and you see whatever.

8v1-2-3-4 = 10% chance to kill someone with a great mez.
8vs5-6-7 = something like 40-60% to WIN .

What i wan't to says is , when we do this , i think we are done with the problem definitly.

People wan't roam cap number ? 4 , ok but when you roam 4 you are not UNKILLABLE by less numbers, it's very dangerous you have to take care.

The new Full Group can die vs 1 or 2 or 3 solo's roamer if they play together. Everyone got a chance, and the full group of 4 got a advantage of the setup, already in voice chat etc etc.

At the end of this , i will give way more possibility to every class, why 8 people to got everything ? 4 Peoples and you got every buff / speed / melee / caster / healer .
i know it's possible , i have done it with some friends on our freeshard server for test.

That will affect the Balance already in game, but the dev's know how to balance, it's not a problem they already prouved it many times.

feel free to comment
Sat 27 Oct 2018 3:37 PM by Dominus
Based on comments and action from staff, they are tweaking the value of keep takes and tasks (quite a bit). The problem with i50 is we have had a HUGE influx of players join a "work in progress" and don't appear to be clued into the custom changes in play. Not much Devs can do to overcome human nature of just wanting to zerg eMain other than make things more appealing.
Sat 27 Oct 2018 5:53 PM by defiasbandit
I agree with you that the RvR is flawed, but how does any of this prevent 8 mans from 8v2ing or zergings from rolling over other players?

Do what should have been done 15+ years ago. Reduce the group cap of 8.
Sun 28 Oct 2018 2:43 PM by Ganaka
Reduce the group cap from 8 to 4, 5, or 6.
- Players will still coordinate with discord, or whatever.
- Battle-groups are still possible.
- Group buffs and heals are less effective.
- Small man groups have more influence.
- People don't spend half their playing time waiting for that perfect 8-man to form.
Sun 28 Oct 2018 5:13 PM by Ninefingers
I agree and will add that to original post, reducing group cap to 5
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