comparison is GVG. they have organized fights all night and no one bats an eye also if they lose they still get 1k rps. if a grp jumps in they can oull off and kill the third party but if i bow to a char i know there is no respect and it gets added by same realm or opposite realm amd as a solo at say 30% hp there isnt much you can do solo. and still people complain about respected fights. im here proposing that there be an incentive to solo and the tag thing does nothing btw. ive been tagged twice since it was implemented. ive played this game since 01 and i love it thats why im still here. back in the day people respected solos now they are hated on to the point where i know many many very good players that left because solo visi isnt viable. (i know that being a solo visi im gonna get rolled) its just outrageous that we solos try to get our rps too the way we love the game.