Using Other Variables to Determine Static Underpopulation Bonus

Started 14 Dec 2020
by Splusse
in Suggestions
Hello -

I was a little surprised to see Hibernia receive a static 25% underpopulation bonus considering where I typically see them fall in rps, kills, and k/d ratio. If you look at the top 250 players in each realm last week, here is the breakdown:

Albion | 73,369,150 rps | 278,012 kills | 15,614 deaths | 17.8 k/d ratio
Hibernia | 63,424,982 rps | 176,354 kills | 15,501 deaths | 11.4 k/d ratio
Midgard | 53,189,808 rps | 127,464 kills | 16,067 deaths | 7.93 k/d ratio

I don't know what % of total kills and RPs the top 250 players in each realm make up, but I would imagine it pretty accurately reflects each realm as a whole.

My suggestion is that I hope I have convinced the staff that while Hibernia may appear underpopulated in RvR, by other metrics they actually appear to be quite a bit ahead of Midgard. I would posit Midgard has a lot more characters sitting in their relic town (which is my anecdotal observation as well), which throws off the 'online' metric. It also appears Mids are just not as effective at killing - probably due to a lack of a solid European timezone BG.

Cheers and Happy Holidays
Mon 14 Dec 2020 5:00 PM by kedelin
Splusse wrote:
Mon 14 Dec 2020 4:28 PM
Hello -

I was a little surprised to see Hibernia receive a static 25% underpopulation bonus considering where I typically see them fall in rps, kills, and k/d ratio. If you look at the top 250 players in each realm last week, here is the breakdown:

Albion | 73,369,150 rps | 278,012 kills | 15,614 deaths | 17.8 k/d ratio
Hibernia | 63,424,982 rps | 176,354 kills | 15,501 deaths | 11.4 k/d ratio
Midgard | 53,189,808 rps | 127,464 kills | 16,067 deaths | 7.93 k/d ratio

I don't know what % of total kills and RPs the top 250 players in each realm make up, but I would imagine it pretty accurately reflects each realm as a whole.

My suggestion is that I hope I have convinced the staff that while Hibernia may appear underpopulated in RvR, by other metrics they actually appear to be quite a bit ahead of Midgard. I would posit Midgard has a lot more characters sitting in their relic town (which is my anecdotal observation as well), which throws off the 'online' metric. It also appears Mids are just not as effective at killing - probably due to a lack of a solid European timezone BG.

Cheers and Happy Holidays

rps mean nothing to population numbers... they get underpopulation bonus because they have been consistently underpopulated. Even with the bonus most the time im logged on albs have double the the number of 50's in the frontiers and logged on. I dont know why everyone is crying cause hibs got a rp bonus for 7 days
Tue 15 Dec 2020 8:21 AM by Sepplord
well the reason people are crying is pretty clear (outside of bias and just whining to whine reasons), an RP-bonus was given out, based on total population, instead of basing PVE-bonus on PvE-population and RP-bonus on PvP-population

Agreeing or disagreeing with that is a different story, but not being able to understand why people are upset at all seems wierd
Tue 15 Dec 2020 8:43 AM by Nunki
kedelin wrote:
Mon 14 Dec 2020 5:00 PM
rps mean nothing to population numbers... they get underpopulation bonus because they have been consistently underpopulated. Even with the bonus most the time im logged on albs have double the the number of 50's in the frontiers and logged on. I dont know why everyone is crying cause hibs got a rp bonus for 7 days
Nobody cares if Hibernia got underpop bonus for 7 days or not, as long as they deserved it.
Why should the realm dominating the RvR (for the time period) get RP-bonus on top of that?

The core question is, what realm should be supported via underpop bonus?
- The realm with the lowest overall population?
- The realm with the lowest RvR population? (Active? Including AFK's in relic town?)
- The realm with the least RvR success? (RPs/h?)

From my perspective, given the fact that DAoC Phoenix is RvR-focused it should
either support the realm with the lowest (active) RvR population OR
the realm with the least RvR success.

As it seems, this is partially not the case.
Tue 15 Dec 2020 11:26 AM by Hedien
I believe rp bonus is a band-aid.
Reality is, if you cannot build group or have satisfactory fights, you will be unhappy. Not because 30% rp difference.

Thu 17 Dec 2020 10:56 AM by Kevan89
I believe underpopulation Bonus is BS, in order to balance the realms changes are needed.
The Bonus definitely will not impact the decision of a group of players (with a setup group rdy in all each of the 3 realms) for to decide where to lock the RvR timer.
Thu 17 Dec 2020 11:00 AM by Sepplord
Kevan89 wrote:
Thu 17 Dec 2020 10:56 AM
I believe underpopulation Bonus is BS, in order to balance the realms changes are needed.
The Bonus definitely will not impact the decision of a group of players (with a setup group rdy in all each of the 3 realms) for to decide where to lock the RvR timer.

to be fair, a set-grp of players rarely has a huge impact on the realmwar anyways and the game doesn't need population balance for the activity their would be looking for.

But i am quite sure that someone who just joins the zerg and raids a few keep with them surely considers a flat 25% boost when asking themselves which realm to join for the night
Fri 18 Dec 2020 8:04 AM by Simon73
Stop whining about the 25% bonus on Hib.
I'm happy it's off.
Now i have a nearly perma 35-40% RP bonus because people left again Hib after the fix bonus was over.

So Thanks!
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