skipari wrote: ↑Tue 27 Oct 2020 10:24 AM
DinoTriz wrote: ↑Tue 27 Oct 2020 9:24 AM
ExcretusMaximus wrote: ↑Tue 27 Oct 2020 2:33 AM
This is not a thing.
This has never been a thing.
Players decided Midgard was the "melee" realm because of Trolls and Celerity, then they complained about the lack of casters when their casters are perfectly fine, because "Midgard is the melee realm."
Stop spreading this insultingly stupid opinion around as if it was fact.
Just because you don't want it to be a thing doesn't mean it's not a thing.
Mid = melee realm
Alb = Cabalist realm
Hib = plants and stuff realm, lots of tree pepple
Midgard was in the beginning of daoc actually a melee realm, but ttk increase, melee damage reduction, and to some extend player skill, made kitey stuff far superior to a commitment based playstyle. Doesn't mean the casters were bad in mid to beginn with, but earlier in the times they were just worse in comparision.
The first RR13 was a Runemaster, Agron. Just saying. RMs were great at the beginning with AoE spears at milegates, self speed etc. With all the changes since it feels like it was a different game altogether.
Midgard is the melee realm because it has a couple of classes and abilities which underline that aspect: it could field full tank groups (with much of the utility on seers and Skalds) for a long time, has Celerity, free twohand, WS bonuses on classes with otherwise bland melee lines (Warrior, Hunter), had (old) LA coupled with perma endo early on, then the introduction of the (at first OPed) Savage to rival the LA-nerfed zerk etc.
And with all the buffs to other casters and in a caster-heavy environment, the Mid casters just have fallen behind. Mid can build caster assist trains but they generally perform worse than Alb and Hib caster groups, mostly due to facing a bazillion of pets, stun assist nukes or tanglers. If you wanna zerg surf on Phoenix why play a RM when you could on an Earth Wizard. Low delve AoE DoTs, no acuity bonus on half the AoE casters (Thanes, Cave Shamans), worse AoE RA distribution.
But what makes the most difference IMO is that, unlike in the old days and with nowadays knowledge about the difference between realms, people don´t pick a realm and then choose a class but choose a class archetype they wanna play first and then pick the realm for it. If they want to assist nuke or AoE DD stuff, they tend to go to the realms with the better casters. If they want to play tanky and get the classes/Celerity for it, they choose Mid.