Stealth lore 100% needs removal. If I group and am already more visible to everyone, why should they also be able to pop stealth lores over and over without a timer at all? Also, when stealth group, it makes sense if a solo were to be able to see your stealth group easier, however, it doesn't make sense that an 8 man can also see your group easier. It is so poorly thought out. An 8 man of stealth (without heals and support) should have no chance against a visible 8 man without the ability to win perf on healers, etc... So why would you give the visible 8 man the advantage? This needs change.
Stealth lore 100% needs removal. If I group and am already more visible to everyone, why should they also be able to pop stealth lores over and over without a timer at all? Also, when stealth group, it makes sense if a solo were to be able to see your stealth group easier, however, it doesn't make sense that an 8 man can also see your group easier. It is so poorly thought out. An 8 man of stealth (without heals and support) should have no chance against a visible 8 man without the ability to win perf on healers, etc... So why would you give the visible 8 man the advantage? This needs change.
Why do you need a group of stealth? 1-3 enemies have no real chance against you....
i heavily disagree....stealthlore needs to be heavily buffed. Currently stealthgroups can easily camp areas, and even if the enemy knows where they are it is impossible to track the group down and kill them. Even looking for them with stealthpots, they can easily scatter when you approach and best case is that you kill 1-2 (if you get those without vanish) and reduce the groupsize from 8camping stealthers down to 6camping stealther for ~3minutes
Either give some classes truesight on a long CD, that allows to actively group those classes and clear out a camping stealthgroup every 15minutes. You still need to know where they are, otherwise the ability is wasted, so a roaming stealthgroup could avoid that. (maybe make solo-stealthers immune to the effect...)
Another idea would be to HEAVILY buff the detection range on the stealthlore-potion but only make it work against a bigger groupsize. Aka a solo popping the potion will see stealthergroups of 2+ very far, while a 4man will only see 5+ stealther groups, and an 8man using the pot will just get the current bonus
DAoC has historically always been criticised for its "perma-invisibility" (calling it stealth is really not fitting the mechanic) despite having hardcounters at all stages, first truesight, then MoS-detection. Both which have been removed on this server. The detection bonus for stealthgroups doesn't keep stealthgroups from camping hotspots with basically no risk. They only get killed when they make a really dumb mistake.
You basically already get stealth lore as soon as a stealther groups... He is then already easier to see. So keep the stealth lore, fine, but then remove the easier visibility as they group.
You basically already get stealth lore as soon as a stealther groups... He is then already easier to see. So keep the stealth lore, fine, but then remove the easier visibility as they group.
You basically already get stealth lore as soon as a stealther groups... He is then already easier to see. So keep the stealth lore, fine, but then remove the easier visibility as they group.
You basically already get stealth lore as soon as a stealther groups... He is then already easier to see. So keep the stealth lore, fine, but then remove the easier visibility as they group.
Are you scorpyn, padfoot or parole?
Increase detection range for dumpster tier stealth groups please.
You basically already get stealth lore as soon as a stealther groups... He is then already easier to see. So keep the stealth lore, fine, but then remove the easier visibility as they group.
Are you scorpyn, padfoot or parole?
Increase detection range for dumpster tier stealth groups please.
Maybe the stealth legends, only legendary for how bad they are.
Always funny to cross their path when they try to solo, they stuggle a lot with their styles and switches.
DAoC has historically always been criticised for its "perma-invisibility" (calling it stealth is really not fitting the mechanic) despite having hardcounters at all stages, first truesight, then MoS-detection. Both which have been removed on this server. The detection bonus for stealthgroups doesn't keep stealthgroups from camping hotspots with basically no risk. They only get killed when they make a really dumb mistake.
Only by people that hate the Assassin/rogue archetype and sneaky game play in general. Anyone with the slightest amount of common sense and objectivity understands that in a game like DAoC with its existing mechanics invisibility stealth is the only way to make that playstyle and class archetype work at all. Now were DAoC to lock players into first person view, remove tab targeting for aimed FPS style, remove big red naming tags above enemy players heads, and add dense foliage and detailed terrain to mimic being able to hide and sneak around as you can in the real world, then, and only then would invisibility stealth be something out of place that ought to be removed.
Thought I’d add my two cents. I vanish on fgs who insta pop stealth lore pretty regularly, and I really don’t get found often. I’m all for them spending their claws on that instead of savagery and rp buffs on the off chance that they (probably don’t) find me.
Maybe my experience isn’t universal. Are you guys getting found often by stealth lore? Personally, I don’t even buy them because I feel like my odds don’t improve very much. Either I choose the right direction to run in, in which case I was probably gonna pop you anyway, or I’m running entirely away from you and it’s just a waste of claws.
I guess full stealth groups may be a different story, but like... I run an occasional stealth group and I don’t really see it as a common issue there either. Maybe you pick off my afk hunter who thought they were out of the way enough to go make a sandwich. But, most of us know how to run and pan and keep moving away from the people looking for us, and do it quite well.
So, all that said, I’m for keeping stealth lore in the game. When I’m solo, it doesn’t affect me. When I’m grouped, it doesn’t affect me, and honestly it probably should. I’m all for a further nerf on stealth groups. It’s a fun way to play sometimes, but we’re also the absolute worst and could stand to be taken down a notch. <3