Balance changes around a meta?

Started 19 Aug 2020
by Zod7120
in Suggestions
-Warden's now have cure NS because druids wanted to have red acuity.
-RP bonuses that actually help the realm you're trying to get people not to play. Click on the Herald link, Midgard is well represented......

Since everyone thinks Midgard should be winning because they have celerity and AE stun, just get rid of them. Celerity has a 1k range and lasts 20sec, it's only useful for over extending and getting killed as an augH. AE stun is useful for giving everyone stun immunity or winning fights already won. If you get rid of them, maybe it'll actually spawn some fruitful debate as far as how Midgard can compete or better yet, some buffs that the other realms enjoy. They are the melee realm and yet, even after giving melee an HP boost, they die instantly to debuff assist trains or get kited out of range and easily picked off. Templated and buffed, a warrior still got nuked for a 700 dmg total crit, from 1 caster. That's almost 1/3 of max life from 1 nuke, from 1 caster, that took <2sec to cast. You actually have more survivability as a caster because of how you get to play. Are armor type vulnerability/resistances to spells added on Phoenix? Looking over the table, this looks like it would help Mid chain (resistant to heat) and help Midgard Casters, Hib scale (vulnerable to cold).

I know it sounds like I'm crying, because I am, hopefully it leads to more than just salty nerd tears.

Phoenix Server DAOC, the best throwback MMO I've played. Hats off to an amazing Dev team.
Wed 19 Aug 2020 10:40 PM by ExcretusMaximus
Zod7120 wrote:
Wed 19 Aug 2020 6:02 PM
Celerity has a 1k range and lasts 20sec, it's only useful for over extending and getting killed as an augH.

Sure, if you suck.
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