Does Mastery of Arms stack with other haste effects?

Started 17 Aug 2020
by DinoTriz
in RvR
I'm thinking in regards to a Savage specifically.

I'd suppose it would be smarter to invest those points into MoP or AoM?

This is of course would be after Det, Purge, etc
Mon 17 Aug 2020 2:11 PM by Ele
It stacks, but as a svg, you shouldn't bother with swingspeed so much. With your chant and the occasional celerity, you should easily be able to cap it.
After det9 and purge, you can aim at bringing MoPain, AugStr and AoM to lvl 5, each costs 10 ra points and offers a decent gain in dps and survivability.
Tue 18 Aug 2020 7:05 AM by Sepplord
Doesn't Aug-dex give you the same offensive boni while also increasing evade, making it a better choice than augStr?
But because of the 50/50 split, both are kind of lackluster?
Tue 18 Aug 2020 1:39 PM by inoeth
Sepplord wrote:
Tue 18 Aug 2020 7:05 AM
Doesn't Aug-dex give you the same offensive boni while also increasing evade, making it a better choice than augStr?
But because of the 50/50 split, both are kind of lackluster?

technically yes but svg alrdy has evade 4+25% buff+high dex=~50%
overall svg has not so many RA choices other than aom, mop, augstr/dex

personally i would go for aom
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