This debate is as long as the savage vs zerker one, but does anyone know or can any gm verify what transfers from the shade to the pet? 1. Do stats effect pet on summon? 2. Do buffs effect pet on summon? 3. Do stats or buffs transfer to pet once summoned? 4. How are resists done? 5. How do realm abilities work? Purge, Mota, wild power, moc? 6. Use charges and potions in shade form?
I look forward to a staff response because the community will debate this for days to come.
1) Con, hits 2) no 3, 4) No buffs transfer. All item bonuses, except con and hits, are read / updated when needed 5) Yes / they should 6) Maybe, for now they do afaik
Since buffs don't transfer, I think that once summoned, and player casts draught of combined forces, the buff(s) should apply to the pet, no? I mean the pet IS the caster and it's only BLUE con to every 50 out there. Necro already has a HUGE disadvantage against casters nuking a blue con mob,. and we can't utilize buffs that everyone else can? If the answer is no to buffs applying to pet, how about making the pet yellow con (level 50) then?
One thing I would like to clarify. Even though necro pet gets an offensive proc, there's no defensive proc for necro. I tested and armor reactives in no way affect a necro pet. IMO, since every other character in game gets armor procs and necro pet has a custom weapon proc, necros should be allowed to transfer defensive procs from armor. I will post this in suggestions as well.
This taken from Fandom Dark age of Camelot wiki Patch notes: Version 1.65
Necromancer Changes +CON bonus from items now grants the necromancer's pet additional health when summoned. +QUI bonus from items now grants the necromancer's pet quicker attack speed. +DEX bonus from items now grants the necromancer's pet quicker casting speed. Melee resistance bonuses on items worn by the Necromancer will now be inherited by the pet. Magic items with +HPs worn by necromancers now correctly transfer the additional hits to their pets when summoning. Items with +CON/+DEX/+QUI/+Hit benefits transferred to necromancer pets will use the necromancer's level for the purpose of determining level-based caps.
Not sure if this is valid or not but, if it is, looks like stats from items should transfer to necro pet. HP/CON when summoned and DEX,ACU,QUI while active Sure would like further clarification on this?
That's RA's What I quoted is stats from "items" Shouldn't just be RA's to bring stats up. Stats from items should as well.
I was just adding to the list, this was added recently
Per Developers gruenes_schaf and benfalk on 08/06/2018 in Discord on #beta-text Constitution and Hits from items and/or RAs transfer to pet at Summon Time Strength, Dexterity, Quickness, Resists from items and/or RAs transfer at Run Time (when they are needed/checked against) Intelligence does NOT transfer as Cast happens by the Necromancer for Damage Calc purposes
-Stats on Gear- Constitution is calculated when pet is summoned. Increases pet's health. Currently 1 Constitution = 2 Hits Hits is calculated when pet is summoned. Increases pet's health. Strength is calculated when pet performs a melee attack. Dexterity is calculated when pet casts a spell. Quickness is calculated when pet performs a melee attack. Resists are calculated when pet is attacked. Armor Factor does not transfer to pet.
-Buffs on Necro- These do not affect the pet before or after summon.
-Buffs on Necro Pet- Base AF should increase pet's AF and Melee Absorb. (Not currently working) Base Strength increases pet's melee damage. Base Dexterity increases pet's cast speed and Melee Absorb. Base Constitution increases pet's Melee Absorb and Magic Absorb. Spec AF increases pet's AF and Melee Absorb. Spec Strength/Constitution increases pet's melee damage, Melee Absorb, and Magic Absorb. Spec Dexterity/Quickness increases pet's cast speed, melee attack speed, and Melee Absorb. Spec Acuity has no effect on pet. Spec Regeneration has no effect on pet. Casted Resists increase pet's resists. Paladin AF Chant should increase pet's AF and Melee Absorb. (Not personally tested)
-Realm Abilities- Augmented Strength affects the pet, increases pet's melee damage. Augmented Dexterity affects the pet, increases pet's cast speed. Augmented Constitution affects the pet, increases pet's health when summoned. Avoidance of Magic affects the pet, increases pet's Tier 2 magic resists. Mastery of the Arcane affects the pet, increases buff values of buffs cast by Necro and the pet. Mastery of the Art affects the pet, increases pet's cast speed. Toughness should affect the pet, should increase the pet's hit points by amount the Necro receives. (Not currently working) Wild Arcana affects the pet, increases chance for pet to crit with debuffs and DoTs. Wild Minion should affect the pet, should increase chance for pet to crit with melee. (Not currently working) Wild Power affects the pet, increases chance for pet to crit with direct damage spells. Regeneration does not affect pet. Majestic Will affects the pet, reduces chance for target to resist spells. The Empty Mind affects the pet, increases pet's Tier 2 magic resists. Mastery of Concentration affects the pet, allows pet to cast uninterrupted for 15 seconds. Purge affects the pet, removes negative effects from pet. Strike the Soul affects the pet, reduces chance for target to resist spells.
-Buffs from /USE- Buffs from potions do not affect the pet. Cloak of Legerdemain should have a 50 value Dexterity/Quickness 20% value Melee Haste Pet Command Buff Charge (Not confirmed to exist here)
Thanks alot for the extensive testing and post @Woodspryte. That pretty much answers my questions quite thoroughly. Except, you wouldn't have happened to test other use item charge buffs by any chance? (i.e. AC belt of parry, or any of the acuity charge buffs available) I imagine they would fall under the category of buffs and would not count for the necro I'd assume? Would love that cloak! Sounds like a specialty item that might not be available. (Caer Sidi?)
Spell Damage from spells cast by the Necro as well as pet are based off of the Necro's Intelligence so using an Acuity Charge does affect the spell damage. My suggestion for this is since Necro's cannot make use of armor procs, have an Alchemist apply Acuity charges to all armor pieces.
The Dexterity/Quickness charges will cause the Necro cast spells to cast faster, but not the pet cast spells. While It does provide some benefit, I personally would run the Dexterity and Dexterity/Quickness potions to keep a /use timer slot open for something more beneficial.
The cloak comes from Summoner Lossren in Summoner's Hall. It was the only item that was in game before TOA with a Pet Command /use. If I can get people to help with the mob I will test to see if it even drops and if the /use is implemented.
Going to be hard to test that with low population and not many seems to want to raid for pve. It would seem the item should be again from feather merchants if in game. Don't know if there's a summoners hall merchant though.
Edit: Not even sure where Summoner's Hall is? Is it the dungeon in Alb RvR zone in Pennine?
Going to be hard to test that with low population and not many seems to want to raid for pve. It would seem the item should be again from feather merchants if in game. Don't know if there's a summoners hall merchant though.
Edit: Not even sure where Summoner's Hall is? Is it the dungeon in Alb RvR zone in Pennine?
Summoner's Hall is a dungeon which is acessible trough any of the rvr dungeons