Hi Guys, I haven't played in some time. Some friends were interested in either returning to or checking out DAoC. I want to make sure I understand the current state of leveling in the game. Are the task items still active/the best way to level? I also saw (this post on reddit and wondering if mob-type is the way to go instead, or if there is cross-over between the two benefits. I played Hib when Phoenix launched so am unfamiliar with the MId nuances.
edit: also found this video for midgard levelingAshmir's 8 tips for faster leveling
I guess I just want to know if these guides are still relevant, or if anything has changed with the leveling experience in the past year
edit: also found this video for midgard levelingAshmir's 8 tips for faster leveling
I guess I just want to know if these guides are still relevant, or if anything has changed with the leveling experience in the past year