Realm Task - too zergy, here is a thought

Started 5 Sep 2018
by vadox
in Suggestions
Realm Task currently creates a zerg, bigger zerg wins. Rinse Repeat. Even though it creates nonstop action, it gets a bit old and boring. 8men, smallmen who want to have some real fights are not getting much of it and need to stay near zerg and/or involve in realm task to get good rps.

an idea:
1. Realm means realm wide, maybe some form of realm cooperation between groups by doing multiple objectives at once.
2. Create multiple tasks at the same time. Realm Task like attacking a keep should be multiple keeps.
3. Realm Task like fight in zones such as emain, odin's, hadrian - should have the zone separate rp pool and overall rp pools should be very limited.
4. Do not create a new realm task right after another finishes. 30 min window of groups roaming and no zerg?
5. Some tasks should be oriented toward 8men, smallmen.

In General: Very easy now to just run from point to point, getting rps and leveling. You make this too easy and then nerf it, people will whine. Should be other way around. Make it tough then go easy up a bit once live.

just few things to consider, i am sure people have more ideas.
Wed 5 Sep 2018 9:47 AM by Ceen
Those zerg tasks generate lots of solo / small man action already.
Just sit with your small man somewhere at the main track to the keep and farm everything on the way.
Had best small man action in years so far, lots of nice fights
Wed 5 Sep 2018 9:58 AM by mamesjoore
8v8 is like a game of chess where you have to think fast but whoever has higher RR has an advantage. Zergs are like a casual game of chess where you don't have to think fast because your higher numbers provides an advantage. 8 vs zergs is possible if you kite the zergs and have high RR and templates and potions. Smallman are like vultures. Choices choices.
Wed 5 Sep 2018 10:57 AM by Vkejai
8 man groups get enough action as it is. Defend a keep, great a few soloers who can't get a group make it to the keep, wait patiently for pending attack, only to get shafted by the 2-3 roaming 8 man groups hitting the enemy before they get to the keep.

If its a defend or attack task of course you are going to a dam zerg. Or do you think we should take it in turns to attack /defend??? 8 mans got they're ideal tasks already, fighting in certain areas and killing so many enemies.
Wed 5 Sep 2018 4:51 PM by Rayvn11
The one tweak to the tasks, particularly the keep related tasks I wouldn't mind seeing is the removal of credit for just being there.
I was in a group with 2 others, we ran up to a keep that was part of the task, died to a ton of hibs without even casting a spell and 5 minutes later we got 5k RPs for "getting our efforts noticed".
Not sure what a good solution is, but would certainly need some sort of tweaking to make it work better.

Also on board with limiting tasks in general based on active population. If things are dead, activate a task.. if RVR is already hopping, let it happen organically.
Wed 5 Sep 2018 5:26 PM by Vkejai
You don't get credit for just being there.

If you are there and die or hit an enemy you have taken part of the defence of that keep . You should be entitled to Rps.
If you are solo and just hang around there you get 0 Rps. More than fair I say.
Wed 5 Sep 2018 6:23 PM by Rayvn11
I dunno, 5k RPs for effectively suiciding on a keep seems a bit out of whack to me.
Wed 5 Sep 2018 7:52 PM by schreon
I think it is important to give the weak a consolation prize, as in the long term, fresh characters will be weaker every month relative to the strongest, because of ongoing progress of the latter.

However, I got RR6 recently and I still get thousands of RPs for tasks by just suiciding. That is too much.

There is already a curve in place, reducing task RPs when you are higher RR. I'd suggest to make this curve much steeper:

RR1 -> 5k
RR2 -> 2.5k
RR3 -> 1.2k
RR4 -> 600
RR5 -> 300
RR6 -> 150
RR7 -> 75
RR8+ -> None

Tasks should be an opportunity to get to RR5 fast, even without equip and even without player skill. It is also the opportunity to get to know other players, bond with others in RvR and not only in PvE, catch up quickly for people joining the server late or switching realms, etc. But above that, RR should be earned by doing well in RvR, not by just participating.

Apart from that, we are now in an extreme situation where RvR is too focussed on prime time and too spread out durin off-times, especially when the "fight in portal keep zones" task is up.

I believe the tasks can stay, because they lead all zergs to certain zones. Everybody not up for zerging can easily avoid them. However, the rest of frontiers is so vast, it is hard to find each other for fighting. Thus, a natural next step could be to add personal tasks promoting non-zerg action apart from the main realm tasks:

- Kill X players while being solo in region A
- Kill X players while being in a group of 3 in region B
- Kill X players while being in a group of 5 in region C
- Kill X players while being in a group of 8 in region D

Keep regions A, B, C and D disjunct from each other and rotate them randomly each real life day.
Wed 5 Sep 2018 7:55 PM by Niix
Only change I would like to make is going back to only 1 of the frontier zones, having to guess which of Odins/emain/hadr is populated with people is annoying (maybe this is only issue on low pop beta server).
Wed 5 Sep 2018 8:03 PM by poisonclover
to zergy? a keep attack or defense was meant to be zergy.

3 zones listed in the tasks, you can pick the one that the BG isn't in. seems like you want to kill what the zerg draws, but don't want the zerg getting any kills.
Wed 5 Sep 2018 10:10 PM by Frigzy
At this point it's just getting a bit ridiculous in all fairness.

We now have an actual taks that tells you to complete x amount of other tasks. Your task is to do the tasks. Well shit, really?

Tone the entire task thing down. Rework it. There are plenty of suggestions out already and if you want more indepth feedback from your playerbase, please just ask for it. People are still here testing your BETA.

The direction in which this is going currently is not really an improvement. I for one don't want to play DAoC where I get a message for every 5 - 10 - 15 mobs I kill. A big part of Classic DAoC was immersion. Let's not forget that on Phoenix please. QoL is essential, but not at the cost of all immersion.
Wed 5 Sep 2018 11:19 PM by Ganaka
Too zergy? The game is 812 years old and people are complaining that too many people are playing? Too zergy!
Thu 6 Sep 2018 12:26 AM by Geek
Frigzy wrote:
Wed 5 Sep 2018 10:10 PM

Yeah immersion is exactly why I've played this game since 2002. Total immersion. Don't need something telling me how many mobs I just killed. It breaks the immersion, just like when I look at the text box on my screen showing me numbers and information for each kill right there on my screen. That breaks the immersion too. When I'm immersed, let me tell you, I forget I'm playing a game. I have to look away from the monitor sometimes to remember I'm not actually a badass assassin dual-wielding deadly daggers of doom.

It's that immersion.
Thu 6 Sep 2018 12:50 AM by Niix
Pve tasks are silly, just increase exp from mobs if it’s a problem.

Pvp tasks are a bit different in that the biggest problem with this type of game is sustaining a sufficient population, with low population it is much more enjoyable to know where everyone is.

With that said Without tasks it just ends up being roam emain, and react to keeps being taken... is that so bad? As long as there is a common place people agree to go the action will stay high.

Tbh I much prefer no tasks so long as population is sufficient to spread action around by itself.
Thu 6 Sep 2018 1:28 AM by phixion
I’m not too impressed with the task system so far, it seems to promote zerging between keeps and drabs of people running at keeps to suicide for the purposes of leeching RPs whilst dead.

The PvE tasks are just way over the top, I see no need for them; if you want to give bonuses for XP just raise the XP.

You’re changing a core mechanic of the game that has existed since day one. I really see no need to promote zerging and suiciding on keeps. Let players drive the action, there’s already enough of a reward system in place.
Thu 6 Sep 2018 4:50 AM by alusnova415
This is extremely odd that a massive pvp game that promotes pvp that some elitist people want the server run their way.

I thank the devs for promoting pvp , rvr tasks funnel the RvR to specific areas , this is not a game that has 5k people playing. Last time I checked daoc was meant to have realms vs realms not 8v8 but the beautiful thing is that rvr tasks allows for all kind of styles of play

BG (zerg)

The only ones complaining are mainly 8v8 that cant run around and wipe a zerg or that their emain has been taken away. Well this is simple avoid active zones and coordinate 8v8 but as a elite 8man you can feed off all pug groups . And some even complain about 3k rp while that's awesome the first 3RR after that it slows down and why does it matter if someone hits rr5 that's more rp per kill.

Let's be honest since RvR tasks opened pvp has been constant at all times even NA times if you remove them only because a few 8man want to rule the server none of the casuals will play the thing is there are arena style daoc shards if 8v8 is all you want why not go there.

Thank you devs for catering to the entire community of daoc.
Thu 6 Sep 2018 6:12 AM by Druth
The task system is great, amazing. But doesn't mean they can't be tweaked to become better.

The main problem is how one sided some of the keep defence/takes become, but it's mainly an issue with underpopulated Midgard it seems.
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