Hey guys I just wanted to drop by and see if we could get a fix for this boating bug. Sometimes when players take a boat they lag off the boat and are then unable to attack or be attacked until the boat reaches its destination. So basically if a group wants to jump early they are SOL. This is devastating to especially pick up groups because one bad run could mean the entire group disbands, and if the group is split up because of a bug, they are going to have a bad run. Now let me talk about how long it takes to form a pick up group. Sometimes you might have to spam lfg for an hour to fill up the group if you already have a strong core to your group and just need 1 or 2 ringers. So then if your boat bugs out and your group gets split up, dies, and then disbands, you have to go back to square one and find another couple of ringers for the remnants of your group, and now all of the people that have been so patiently waiting for more people have to wait even longer. So then a fairly daunting task becomes even more difficult due to a bug.
While I am on the topic of boats -- there seems to be a lot of funny people in battlegroups that like to buy the wrong boat. On live you could never buy two boats at once and this somewhat remedies this problem because it is a lot easier to see which boat you are getting on and you aren't going to lose entire groups out of the BG because they took the wrong boat.
So is it possible to fix the boating bug? And can we have a fix for the people who troll BGs by buying the wrong boat?
While I am on the topic of boats -- there seems to be a lot of funny people in battlegroups that like to buy the wrong boat. On live you could never buy two boats at once and this somewhat remedies this problem because it is a lot easier to see which boat you are getting on and you aren't going to lose entire groups out of the BG because they took the wrong boat.
So is it possible to fix the boating bug? And can we have a fix for the people who troll BGs by buying the wrong boat?