Th VW has one frontal mele move. You can react to your characters parry or evade to forge a chain of attacks.The other attacks are side or back. I'm guessing you get to a side or back position because someone mezzed or stunned or has already engaged a target. Please explain how these side or back chains can be used.I have dueled others to try to get to a players side or back.Early efforts were not successful.
It takes practice. I’m not the best at it, but when I played a Vale back on Gareth I got fairly proficient. It is much easier on Phoenix than it ever was on live from what I’ve experienced.
The key to getting off both back and side styles in a 1v1 type situation is to get into your opponents center point. From here it requires the smallest amount of movement to get to any of the positional arcs. With lag and DAoCs clunky movement if your timing is good enough you can take advantage of small windows where their character hasn’t faced you yet. A typical side style can be pulled off by moving into the opponent’s center point, stepping back and turning your character quickly via mouselook.
If an opponent is stuck to you the back stun can be pulled off easily by again stepping into your opponents center point, but this time you want to cross through it and then step back quickly. What will happen is their character will attempt to face yours as you step through and their back will be available for a brief moment. I haven’t messed around with abusing stick too much here, but I’m assuming it behaves much the same way as on live.
These moves take practice and even the best players won’t be able to land them 100% of the time. Another important thing to learn is defending against these. First rule: never stick. You never want to surrender your center point. If you are stuck to someone it is trivial for them to get inside your character model. If you notice an opponent aggressively pursuing a positional on you you want to start backing up and facing them with mouse look. Unfortunately on this server there is sometimes nothing you can do because the side positional arc registration is, frankly, fucking broken.
Find someone to duel with. Practice with them stuck to you and with them trying to defend manually. Some people prefer to go out of combat so they can time the style a little better, but I prefer learning my swing time and just doing it while actively in combat. Some also like to use sprint to help them get into their spots faster.
Good luck. It’s a lot easier to play a Valewalker once you learn how to abuse the positional arcs.
A lot of dancing around. It's a skill that needs a lot of practice.
Sorry, it is not a skill, it is using of technical impossibility of data exchanging system to provide the current picture just in time.
It’s not easy to do it consistently, and it takes practice to get better. You might not like it because it is basically abusing DAoC’s code, but it is no doubt a learned skill.
The difference is that landing positionals does take skill, regardless of one's feelings about delays in /face or /stick. ESO didn't require any positional or reactionary skill, just a mashing of buttons (animation canceling) and rotation. That's it. DAOC however requires the above in states skills addition to style and spell rotation. That's why after trying PvP on ESO I'm happy to be back on DAOC