A druid/cleric/shaman with 50 in their specialized buffs cannot even buff 4 people with specialized buffs only. This appears to be really bad design that affects both small and eight-man.
Using Albion's cleric for example:
75 d/q - 37 concentration
63 d/q - 28 concentration
A 19% increase for 32% more concentration. In other words, with more specialization, you become less efficient. This is the same design Mythic mistakenly gave healers with their heals--the more you specialize, the worse your heals become. It's nonsensical and makes high enhance, a really tough spec to play anyway, completely nonviable.
To spell out what this effectively means: you would need 3 top-tier buff classes, along with a 4th base-buffer to cover buffs for a typical 8-man. Or in small man, this buffer would only be able to cover 2 people max. It's a design that, in my opinion, needs review.
Using Albion's cleric for example:
75 d/q - 37 concentration
63 d/q - 28 concentration
A 19% increase for 32% more concentration. In other words, with more specialization, you become less efficient. This is the same design Mythic mistakenly gave healers with their heals--the more you specialize, the worse your heals become. It's nonsensical and makes high enhance, a really tough spec to play anyway, completely nonviable.
To spell out what this effectively means: you would need 3 top-tier buff classes, along with a 4th base-buffer to cover buffs for a typical 8-man. Or in small man, this buffer would only be able to cover 2 people max. It's a design that, in my opinion, needs review.